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Headword Dictionaries Max. Inst. Min. Inst. # Documents Short Definition
Arcitenens Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 44 26 26 holding a bow, bow-bearing
Buris2 Lewis & Short 40 0 6 a city of Achaia; acc.
abstentio Lewis & Short 0 0 0 the holding back
abstineo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,275 991 239 to keep back, keep off, hold back
acinarius Lewis & Short 0 0 0 vessels for holding grapes
adhibeo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,616 1,616 272 to hold toward, turn to, apply, add to
aerarius2 Elem. Lewis 1,763 0 95 a resident who pays a polltax, but cannot vote nor hold office.
ampulla Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 28 28 21 a vessel for liquids, with two handles, a flask, bottle, jar
anguitenens Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 8 8 3 serpent-holder, the constellation Serpent-bearer
ansa Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 62 62 43 a handle, haft:
apprehendo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 93 93 39 to seize, take hold of:
auctionor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 8 8 3 to hold a public sale, sell by auction
bascauda Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 a woven mat, dish holder of basket-work
buris Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 44 4 7 a plough-beam, crooked timber holding the ploughshare, V.
capacitas Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 9 9 5 space for holding, capacity
capesso Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 456 456 190 to seize eagerly, snatch at, lay hold of
capio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 41,620 0 925 to take in hand, take hold of, lay hold of, take, seize, grasp
capio2 Lewis & Short 41,623 3 925 A taking
capto Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 7,017 558 466 to strive to seize, lay hold of, catch at, snatch, chase, hunt, capture
capulus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 211 58 62 that which is grasped, a handle, holder
caverna Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 375 181 134 a hollow, cavity, cave, cavern, grotto, hole
coerceo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 591 591 208 to enclose on all sides, hold together, surround, encompass
cohibeo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 513 513 225 to hold together, hold, contain, confine, embrace, comprise
comissabundus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 7 7 6 revelling, riotously
comissator Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 24 22 11 a reveller, rioter
comissor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 46 44 21 to revel, make merry, hold carnival:
compesco Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 361 361 212 to confine, hold in check, repress, curb, restrain
comprehensio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 52 52 16 a seizing, laying hold of
concipio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3,090 564 422 to take hold of, take up, take in, take, receive
congialis Lewis & Short 2 2 2 holding a
conloquor Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 to talk, converse, confer, parley, hold a conversation:
continentia Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 753 88 78 a restraint, abstemiousness, continence, temperance, moderation
continentia2 Lewis & Short 665 0 65 [unavailable]
contineo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 7,083 2,230 542 to hold together, bound, limit, comprise, enclose, surround, environ
contingo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3,605 963 528 to touch, reach, take hold of, seize
contingo2 Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2,438 0 363 to wet, moisten
contio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,630 1,630 130 a meeting, assembly, convocation, gathering, audience
conventus2 Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 720 8 125 a meeting, assembly, throng
correptio Lewis & Short 43 43 10 A laying hold of, seizing
corripio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,052 876 304 to seize, snatch up, grasp, collect, take hold of, arrest
detentator Lewis & Short 0 0 0 one who holds
detentor Lewis & Short 37 1 11 one who holds
detentus2 Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a holding
detineo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 510 410 230 to hold off, keep back, detain, check
dignor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,324 0 284 to deem worthy, honor, deign, condescend
discapedino Lewis & Short 1 1 1 to hold the hands apart
distineo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 328 94 107 to keep asunder, separate, part, hold back
epulor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 231 183 91 to feast, banquet, dine
exhibeo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 618 618 177 to hold forth, tender, present, deliver, give up, produce
falcifer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 38 38 32 sickle-bearing, holding a scythe
fero Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 52,593 12,176 1,169 to bear, carry, support, lift, hold, take up
frigidarius Lewis & Short 10 10 5 to hold cold water
gemellar Lewis & Short 2 0 1 a vessel for holding oil
gero Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 13,209 6,356 831 to bear about, bear, carry, wear, have, hold, sustain
gero2 Lewis & Short 119 1 46 that carry off
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