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Your search returned 30 matching entries.

Headword Dictionaries Max. Inst. Min. Inst. # Documents Short Definition
alipilus Lewis & Short 1 1 1 a slave who plucked the hair from the armpits of the bathers
avello Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 403 131 151 to tear away, rend off, pluck, snatch away
avulsio Lewis & Short 4 4 1 a plucking off
carpo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,551 1,209 507 to pick, pluck, pluck off, cull, crop, gather
convello Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 153 153 81 to tear away, pluck up, pull off, wrest, rend
corona Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 5,284 6 485 a garland, chaplet, wreath
decermina Lewis & Short 0 0 0 leaves and boughs plucked off;
decerpo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 201 201 122 to pluck off, tear away, break off, pluck, crop, gather
decerptor Lewis & Short 0 0 0 one who plucks
delibo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 56 56 45 to take, enjoy, pluck, gather
demeto Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 102 52 40 to mow, reap, cut off, gather, crop, harvest
demeto2 Lewis & Short 0 0 0 [unavailable]
depilo Lewis & Short 7 5 6 to pull out the hair, pluck out the feathers
devello Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 7 7 7 v. a., to pluck down, to pull
discerpo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 133 133 93 to tear in pieces, rend, mangle, mutilate
eligo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2,497 1,292 325 to pluck out, root out
eripio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2,250 1,766 486 to tear out, snatch away, wrest, pluck, tear, take away
evello Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 278 278 120 to tear out, pluck out, extract
interlego Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 1 to pluck here and there
pampinator Lewis & Short 3 3 2 one who plucks
pampino Lewis & Short 45 13 12 to pluck
praecerpo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 16 16 15 to pluck beforehand, gather prematurely
rapio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 8,208 2,748 789 to seize and carry off, snatch, tear, pluck, drag, hurry away
revello Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 341 341 191 to pluck away, pull away, tear out, tear off
sagmen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 7 7 7 a tuft of grass gathered in the citadel and borne by the fetiales as a token of inviolability
subvello Lewis & Short 0 0 0 to pluck up
vellicatio Lewis & Short 2 2 2 a plucking
vellico Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 24 24 17 to pluck, twitch, twit, taunt, carp, rail at
vello Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 7,526 312 619 to pluck, pull, tear away, pull out
vulsio Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a plucking
vulsura Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a plucking