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Your search returned 23 matching entries.

Headword Dictionaries Max. Inst. Min. Inst. # Documents Short Definition
Doto2 Lewis & Short 22 0 11 a sea-nymph
Marcomani Lewis & Short 10 10 6 a Germanic people, a portion of the tribe of the Suevi, who, after their defeat by Drusus, removed from the Rhine and the Main to the country of the Boii
Philistaea Lewis & Short 0 0 0 the southwestern portion of Canaan
Triphylia Lewis & Short 17 17 7 a name of the southern portion of Elis
accepta Lewis & Short 3,566 0 219 a portion of land granted to an individual by the state
ambulatiuncula Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2 2 2 a short walk, little promenade.—A portico
basilica Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 268 0 48 a portico, basilica; in Rome, a public building used for a merchants' exchange and for the courts, basilica:
corticatus Lewis & Short 1 1 1 resin taken from a tree with a portion of the bark
dos Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,079 389 243 a marriage portion, dowry
dotalis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 62 62 39 of a dowry, given as a portion, dotal
doto Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 467 59 149 to endow, portion
indotatus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 25 25 13 unportioned, portionless
lanipendius Lewis & Short 113 0 39 that weighs out wool, portions it out for spinning
libamen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 98 98 41 a portion offered to the gods, first-fruits, libation
libamenta Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 a portion offered to the gods, libation
pars Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 39,334 11,667 899 a part, piece, portion, share, division, section
porticus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 451 451 142 a covered walk between columns, colonnade, piazza, arcade, gallery, porch, portico
portio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 366 366 84 a share, part, portion, lot
pulmentum Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 29 29 13 a relish of flesh
rejectus2 Lewis & Short 21 21 15 an unknown portion of the hinder part of a ship
tempestas Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,588 1,588 332 a portion of time, point of time, time, season, period
tempus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 34,542 0 1,041 a portion of time, time, period, season, interval
tempus2 Elem. Lewis 34,542 0 1,041 the vital spot, side of the head near the eye, temple
trientabulum Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 6 6 5 land assigned in commutation of one third of a public debt
xystus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 76 10 23 a covered colonnade for winter exercise; hence, an open colonnade, garden-terrace, shaded walk