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George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 1,094 1,094 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 47 47 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 36 36 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 36 36 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 35 35 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 32 32 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 27 27 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 26 26 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 20 20 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 19 19 Browse Search
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truggle he was again beaten back upon the high ridge on the opposite side of the bottom, and within a mile of Port Gibson. General Stevenson's brigade of General Logan's division came up in time to assist in consummating this final result. The shades of night soon after closed upon the stricken field which the valor of our men had won and held, and upon which they found the first repose since they had left D'Schron's Landing twenty-four hours before. At day-dawn, on the morning of the second, Smith's division, leading the advance, and followed by the rest of my corps, triumphantly entered Port Gibson, through which place and across the south branch of Bayou Pierre the enemy had hastily fled the night before, burning the bridge across that stream in his rear. This, the battle of Port Gibson or Bayou Pierre, was one of the most admirably and successfully fought battles, in which it has been my lot to participate since the present unhappy war commenced. If not a decisive battle
inster at eleven P. M. first. I broke up my headquarters, which till then had been at Taneytown, and proceeded to the field, arriving there at one A. M. of the second. So soon as it was light I proceeded to inspect the position occupied and to make arrangements for posting several corps as they should reach the ground. By sth his dead and wounded, and numerous prisoners in our hands. Buford's division of cavalry, after its arduous service at Gettysburgh, on the first, was, on the second, sent to Westminster to refit and guard our trains. Kilpatrick's division, that on the twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and first had been successfully engaging the enemision, and McLaws's division, of Longstreet's corps, got up to within a mile or two of the town, and bivouacked for the night. Early next (Thursday) morning, the second, Hood's division also got up, and our line of battle was formed. The enemy during the night had succeeded in getting up his entire force — some one hundred and t
the stream with their Colonel at the head. But they could not cross; the stream was too deep. The men followed their leader till they commenced to swim, when Colonel Williams reluctantly ordered them to fall back. All the time, while the bullets spattered on the water like hail, the negroes preserved the most perfect order, and re-formed on the bank of the creek. The remainder of the day was consumed in skirmishing, with occasional shelling of the rebel position. On the morning of the second, the stream having fallen considerably in the night, it was determined to attempt the crossing. Major Forman assumed command of the party, which consisted of the Indians, five companies of the colored regiment, the mounted men of the Colorado Second, and Captain Stewart's company, Ninth Kansas. They moved down to the creek, and, under cover of the shells and musketry, prepared to cross. Major Forman, followed by Captain Gritz, of the Third Indian, advanced into the stream, with the view o
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 34.-the Mission of A. T. Stephens. (search)
r authority full and ample to make such arrangements as will temper the present cruel character of the contest, and full confidence is placed in your judgment, patriotism, and discretion, that, while carrying out the objects of your mission, you will take care that the equal rights of the Confederacy be always preserved. Very respectfully, Jefferson Davis. Richmond, July 8, 1863. His Excellency Jefferson Davis: sir: Under the authority and instructions of your letter to me on the second instant, I proceeded on the mission therein assigned without delay. The steamer Torpedo, commanded by Lieutenant Hunter Davidson, of the navy, was put in readiness as soon as possible, by order of the Secretary of the Navy, and tendered for the service. At noon, on the third, she started down James River, hoisting and bearing a flag of truce after passing City Point. The next day, (the fourth,) at about one o'clock P. M., when within a few miles of Newport News, we were met by a small boat of
y be interesting. The battalion of the Twenty-fifth Michigan infantry, stationed at or near Green River bridge, occupied a position of much importance — all forces in front were drawn off and no reinforcements within thirty-five miles. For some days before the fight it was currently reported that Duke and Johnson, under the direction of Morgan, were crossing the Cumberland at Berksville and Creelsboro with a force of ten regiments of cavalry and several pieces of artillery. On the second instant, information was received that the enemy was advancing on our position; Colonel Moore mounted his horse, and, riding over the surrounding country, chose his ground and planted his men for a fight, determined that the first opportunity of engaging the enemy should not go untried. Men were that night set at work with spades and axes, and when the morning dawned a fine rifle-pit was to be seen, while in the rear a barricade of fallen trees was thrown to check all cavalry charges. Sevent
. Brigadier-General Howe's report. see volume VI. rebellion record. headquarters Second division, Sixth corps, May 10, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel McMahon, Assistant Adjutant-General Sixth Corps: sir: I have the honor to report the operations of the Second division, Sixth corps, from the time it crossed the Rappahannock on the evening of the second of May, until it recrossed on the night of the fourth and fifth of May. The division crossed the river early in the evening of the second, and about twelve that night I received notice to march in rear of General Newton's division to Fredericksburgh. About three A. M., the rear of General Newton's division marched, and the head of my column reached Hazel Run some time after daylight, uninterrupted except by the troops in front. About eleven o'clock A. M. on the third, I received notice from the commanding officer of the Sixth corps that he was about to attack the enemy's position between Hazel Run and Fredericksburgh, and wi
g pushed into the Shenandoah Valley, no sooner found that Meade was at his heels than he made a feint as if he would turn and recross the Potomac. So soon, however, as Meade ascertained to his own satisfaction that Lee had not turned back in force, but only as a feint, he again put his columns in motion, and by the most rapid and fatiguing marches got possession of all the passes in the Blue Ridge Mountains down to Manassas Gap, thus hemming the enemy into the Shenandoah Valley. On the second instant his scouts reported to him that one corps of the enemy was at or below Front Royal, just through Manassas Gap, and that the other two corps were behind and rapidly approaching that point. Buford's division of cavalry were alone in occupation of this important mountain-pass, through which it seemed probable the enemy intended to force his way, and they were calling loudly for reinforcements, representing that the entire rebel army was menacing them. In this emergency the Third army co
y sent a party to construct a bridge across Rock Roe Bayou, and a ferry-boat to cross the troops over White River. True crossed on the thirty-first, and on the first of September moved up to Deadman's Lake. The advance from Duvall's Bluff also commenced on the first, the place having been put in such a state of defence that the convalescents, and a small detail left there, were deemed sufficient to hold it against any force the enemy would be likely to send in that direction. On the second instant all my available force was concentrated at Brownsville. It had been ascertained that the military road on the south side of Bayou Metou passed through a section impracticable for any military operations-swamp, timber, and entanglement of vines and undergrowth-and was commanded by the enemy's works. I therefore directed Davidson to make a reconnoissance in force around to the enemy's left, by way of Austin, and, if practicable, t( penetrate his lines and ascertain both his strength and
Doc. 149.-reconnoissance from Lagrange. Lieutenant Smith's report. Lagrange, Tenn., August 9. Colonel Hurst: I beg leave to make the following report of a scout of which I had command, by order of Colonel Hatch: On the second instant Colonel Hatch ordered me, with sixteen men, to take a despatch to General Dodge at Corinth. Leaving Colonel Hatch at Lexington, I started to Corinth, and on the morning of the third I met the First Alabama (Federal) cavalry on the waters of White Oak Creek, when the Major commanding requested me to let him send the message to General Dodge, and that I would go with him as a guide; to which I assented, being well acquainted with that portion, of country. We then proceeded in the direction of Swallow Bluff, on the Tennessee River, meeting with no opposition. Near Swallow Bluff we separated, the Alabama cavalry moving up the river. After we parted I had a fight with some of Colonel Biffle's men across the river, but do not know the amount
y stores on Waldon's Ridge, and as the enemy threatened to cross his cavalry in heavy force, made preparations to receive him, and failing to destroy him, to drive him up the valley beyond Pikeville, where he could be met by General Burnside. A battery and two regiments of infantry were placed opposite Chattanooga, and the enemy at that.point annoyed, and two of his boats disabled. I also established communication by signal between all the crossings near me and my headquarters. On the second the enemy burned the Loudon Bridge, and Buckner's corps commenced moving slowly down the river, making strong demonstration upon its banks as if to cross at several places. They moved on Tyner's Station, reaching that point on the sixth and seventh, followed by a heavy cavalry force, that took the place of the infantry on the river as they were relieved, and from their numbers, Colonel Minty reportedthat indication made it pretty certain that a crossing was about to be attempted. At the