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y-fifth to the twenty-ninth of July, inclusive. 9. Report of the Seventh South Carolina in their engagement of the fifth instant. 10. Report of the Third South Carolina regiment of the operations on the first of July. 11. Report of Colonel The remainder of the fourth and fifth July were spent in reconnoitring and watching the river. On the morning of the fifth, Colonel S. D. Lee, of the artillery, reported to me with a battery of rifle guns, (Squiers's Washington artillery,) to wOn the fourth of July we occupied, with Brigadier-General Early's command, the woods in front of Westover Church. On the fifth there was some sharp skirmishing, but no loss, except that Lieutenant Bond, A. A. General, Maryland line, had his horse ky in this field in line of battle till the evening, and then encamped in a neighboring body of woods. On Saturday, the fifth, and Sunday, the sixth of July, we laid in camp. On Monday, the seventh of July, the brigade, along with other troops,
anal banks. The aqueduct could not be destroyed for want of powder and tools. The night of the fifth, my division followed General Jackson to within a few miles of Frederick. The General being dis the engagement at Ox Hill we marched through Leesburg, crossed the Potomac into Maryland on the fifth, and moved in the direction of Frederick, where we remained several days. Then recrossed the Poching through Dranesville and Leesburg, crossed the Potomac into Maryland at White's Ford on the fifth. They rested at Monocacy Junction, near Frederick City, until the tenth, when, in order to perf to ascertain his force again. Captain Siler's officers and men behaved very gallantly. On the fifth and sixth, thirty-three prisoners were captured by Captains Barringer's and Houston's squadrons.he following report as to the operations of the enemy in front of our lines on Tuesday last, fifth instant: At one o'clock A. M. I received a verbal message from Colonel Baker, through his courier