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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cedar Mountain, battle of (search)
20,000 veteran soldiers in line of battle. Against these Banks moved towards evening, and almost simultaneously fell upon Jackson's right and left. The attacking force was composed of the division of General Auger (the advance led by General Geary) and the division of General Williams, of which Crawford's brigade was a part. The battle now became general, and raged for an hour and a half, during which deeds of great valor were performed on both sides. The Nationals, outnumbered, were pushed back after much loss by both parties. At dusk Ricketts's division of McDowell's corps came upon the field, and checked the pursuit. Artillery firing was kept up until near midnight. Later in the evening Sigel's corps arrived, and these reinforcements kept Jackson in check. On the night of the 11th, informed of the approach of National troops from the Rappahannock, and alarmed for the safety of his communications with Richmond, he fled beyond the Rapidan, leaving a part of his dead unburied.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
of Gen. Robert E. Lee, killed while reconnoitring in western Virginia.—18. Bank of New Orleans suspended specie payments.—21. John C. Breckinridge fled from Frankfort, Ky., and openly joined the Confederates.—24. Count de Paris and Due de Chartres entered the United States service as aides to General McClellan.— Oct. 11. Marshal Kane, of Baltimore, sent to Fort Lafayette.—15. Three steamers despatched from New York after the Confederate steamer Nashville, which escaped from Charleston on the 11th.—23. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus suspended in the District of Columbia.—30. All the state-prisoners (143) in Fort Lafayette transferred to Fort Warren, Boston Harbor.—Nov. 3. Rising of Union men in eastern Tennessee, who destroy railroad bridges.—Dec. 1. Loyal legislature of Virginia meet at Wheeling.—3. Henry C. Burnett, representative from Kentucky, and John W. Reid, representative from Missouri, expelled from the House of Representatives because of alleged t
t on a bill to reorganize the regular army, and increase its strength to 61,919 officers and men, was passed. For a list of the principal operations in and around Cuba during the war, see battles. On Aug. 9, 1898, proposals for peace, at the initiative of Spain, were submitted to the President by M. Jules Martin Cambon (q. v.), the ambassador of France at Washington. On the 10th an agreement was negotiated between M. Cambon and Secretary Day, was accepted by the Spanish government on the 11th, and proclaimed by the President on the 12th. The following articles in the agreement show the terms under which the United States was willing to make peace: Article I: Spain will relinquish all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba. Art. II. Spain will cede to the United States the island of Porto Rico and other islands now under Spanish sovereignty in the West Indies, and also an island in the Ladrones, to be selected by the United States. Art. III. The United States wi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Eastport, capture of. (search)
Eastport, capture of. Early in July, 1814, Sir Thomas M. Hardy sailed secretly from Halifax with a squadron, consisting of the Ramillies (the flag-ship), sloop Martin, brig Borer, the Bream, the bombship Terror, and several transports, with troops under Col. Thomas Pilkington. The squadron entered Passamaquoddy Bay on the 11th, and anchored off Fort Sullivan, at Eastport, Me., then in command of Maj. Perley Putnam with a garrison of fifty men, having six pieces of artillery. Hardy demanded an instant surrender, giving Putnam only five minutes to consider. The latter promptly refused, but at the importunity of the alarmed inhabitants, who were indisposed to resist, he surrendered the post on condition that, while the British should take possession of all public property, private property should be respected. This was agreed to, and 1,000 armed men, with women and children, a battalion of artillery, and fifty or sixty pieces of cannon were landed on the main, when formal poss
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Filibuster, (search)
Filibuster, Originally a freebooter; subsequently applied to one who delayed legislation by dilatory motions or similar artifices. Narcisco Lopez with an expedition of armed men sailed from New Orleans, Aug. 3, 1851, and landed near Havana on the 11th. Unable to bring about a rise of the people he was obliged to surrender and on Sept. 1, 1851, was garroted at Havana. Colonel Crittenden, who was associated with Lopez, was also captured and with fifty others was shot at Havana, Aug. 16, 1851. William Walker led a filibustering expedition into Lower California in 1853, but was obliged to retreat and surrendered to the United States authorities of Santiago. He was tried under the neutrality laws and acquitted May 15, 1854. The next year Walker was invited to Nicaragua by one of the local factions. He landed on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, May 4, 1855, and defeated the Nicaraguans in a battle at Virgin Bay, Sept. 1, 1855. Walker forced his election as President of Nicaragua
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fremont, John Charles 1813-1890 (search)
and assist in military operations against the batteries at Memphis. In the event of this movement being successful, he proposed to push on towards the Gulf of Mexico with his army, and take possession of New Orleans. More than 20,000 soldiers were set in motion (Sept. 27, 1861) southward (5,000 of them cavalry), under the respective commands of Generals Hunter, Pope, Sigel, McKinstry, and Asboth, accompanied by eighty-six heavy guns. These were moving southward early in October; and on the 11th, when his army was 30,000 strong, he wrote to the government: My plan is, New Orleans straight; I would precipitate the war forward, and end it soon victoriously. He was marching with confidence of success, and his troops were winning little victories here and there, when, through the influence of men jealous of him and his political enemies, Fremont's career was suddenly checked. False accusers, public and private, caused General Scott to send an order for him to turn over his command to G
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Greene, George Sears 1801-1899 (search)
Military officer; born in Warwick, R. I., May 6, 1801; graduated at West Point in 1823. He resigned in 1836; became a civil engineer; and was employed in the construction of the High Bridge and Croton reservoir in New York City. In January, 1862, he was appointed colonel of the 60th New York Regiment, and commanded in Auger's division in Banks's corps. Having been appointed brigadier-general, he took command of Auger's division on the latter's promotion, and fought gallantly under Mansfield at Antietam. He was in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. He was wounded at Wauhatchie in 1863; and was in eastern North Carolina early in 1865; was brevetted major-general of volunteers, March 13, 1865; and was mustered out of the service, April 30, 1866. As the oldest graduate of West Point, Congress authorized his reappointment to the regular army as a first lieutenant of artillery, Aug. 2, 1894, and he was retired on the 11th. He died in Morristown, N. J., Jan. 28, 1899.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands, (search)
missioners submitted to the undersigned the proposition of the provisional government, containing the terms upon which that government desired the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States. A copy of this proposition is enclosed. Frequent conferences have since been held at the Department of State, and all questions connected with the subject have been carefully examined and discussed, until a concurrence of views on the part of the negotiating parties was reached on the 11th inst. In drafting and agreeing upon the treaty now transmitted, the undersigned has sought, under your direction, to effect thereby the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States with as few conditions as possible, and with a full reservation to Congress of its legislative prerogatives. An examination of the provisions of this treaty will show that to Congress is reserved the determination of all questions affecting the form of government of the annexed territory, the citizenshi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
left New Orleans, 300 in number, under Colonel Walton, on the evening of Dec. 9, in a steamvessel, and on the following evening arrived at Baton Rouge to seize the arsenal, then in command of Major Haskin. He was compelled to surrender it on the 11th. By this act the Confederates were put in possession of 50,000 small-arms, four howitzers, twenty pieces of heavy ordnance, two field-batteries, 300 barrels of gunpowder, and a large quantity of other munitions of war. A part of this property Governor Moore turned over to Governor Pettus, of Mississippi. The barracks below New Orleans were seized on the 11th. They were used for a marine hospital. The United States collector at New Orleans was required to remove the 216 patients from the barracks immediately, as the State wanted the building for the gathering Confederates. The collector (Hatch) remonstrated, and they were allowed to remain. The authorities of Louisiana also seized the national mint and the custom-house there, with
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mobile, Ala. (search)
Huger and Tracy were also captured, April 11. The key to Mobile was now in the hands of the Nationals. Torpedoes were fished up, and the National squadron approached the city. The Conflagration in Mobile. army moved on Blakely, and on April 9 the works there were attacked and carried. Meanwhile the 13th Corps had been taken across the bay to attack Mobile. But the army found no enemy to fight, for Gen. D. H. Maury, in command there, had ordered the evacuation of the city; and on the 11th, after sinking two powerful rains, he fled up the Alabama River with 9,000 men on gunboats and transports. On the 12th General Granger and Rear-Admiral Thatcher demanded the surrender of the city. This was formally done the same evening by the civil authorities, and on the following day Veatch's division entered the city and hoisted the National flag on the public buildings. Generals Granger and Canby entered the city soon afterwards. A large amount of cotton and several steamboats were b
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