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to make it so. The commander has committed the same act of hostility that Anderson did at Moultrie, but we do believe that he will soon surrender the fort, as the commandant at Baton Rouge did the arsenal, on the grounds of the presence of an overwhelming force, and the plea of avoiding useless blood shedding. He is reported to have said he would not fire on his countrymen. We do not believe that he will. Latest from the Key West fortifications. A letter from Key West, dated the 12th inst., says: The U. S. steamship Crusader, Lt. Com. Moffett, arrived on the morning of the 11th inst., from Mobile, via Havana. She is now at the naval wharf, coaling. The U. S. steamship Mohawk, Lt. Com. Craven, is at the naval wharf, repairing her boilers. Fort Taylor is now garrisoned by a company of U. S. artillery, in command of Capt. J. M. Brannan. Capt. E. B. Hunt, U. S. Corps of Engineers, is still in command of the fort, and is actively engaged in completing the work desig
e on Roads and Internal Navigation. House bill establishing an Ordnance Department, was amended and passed. House bill appropriating one million of dollars for State defence, was considered and amended, but no vote taken thereon. In the House, a bill was reported for changing the names of the three State Lunatic Asylums; also, one incorporating the Richmond and Liverpool Packet Company. The House laid on the table certain coercion resolutions adopted in the Ohio Legislature on the 12th instant, which were transmitted to the Executive of this State, with directions to lay them before the Virginia Legislature. Gov. Letcher's rebuke of the Black Republican Governor of Ohio, and his scathing commentary on the military resources and strength of that State, will be found in the proceedings of the House. A bill was passed allowing the people of Henrico to decide by vote on the question of taxation for arming themselves. A resolution was introduced to amend the Code, so as more effec
dopted on the 12th inst, by the Black Republican Legislature of that State. Being read by the Clerk, they were afterwards, on motion, laid on the table by a vote of 59 to 57. Gov. Letcher's message reads as follows: Executive Department, January 21, 1861. Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates: I have received from His Excellency, Wm. Dennison, Governor of the State of Ohio, a communication enclosing resolutions passed by the General Assembly of that State on the 12th inst. These resolutions express a desire for the preservation of the Union. To give effect to this patriotic desire, they tender to the President of the United States "the entire power and resources of the State of Ohio," to be employed in the coercion and subjugation of the seceding States, as they express it, in "the maintenance of the Constitution and laws of the General Government, by whomsoever administered." Such a policy can never accomplish the object desired. Such resolutions