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ith their wagons and baggage. Gen. Curtis reports having taken more prisoners than he knows what to do with. Particulars of the Retaking of Springfield. St. Louis, Feb. 16. --A special dispatch to the Democrat, dated Springfield, 15th, says:--Our army under Gen. Curtis marched from Lebanon on the 10th and formed in three divisions, the right under Colonel Jeff. C. Davis, the left under Colonel Carr, and the centre under General Siegel. Six miles from Springfield, on the 12th, a skirmish took place between our advance and a party of rebels, in which nine of the latter were killed, and one or our men was slightly wounded. At sunset on the same day 300 of the enemy attacked our pickets, but were driven back with a loss of three. This was regarded as the commencement of the battle, and two hundred cavalry and infantry, with a battery of artillery, were sent forward. The battery was placed on an eminence commanding the supposed approach of the rebels, and three