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ircumstances, and other property captured with it would be subject to the same disposition. It could not be recovered from a person not holding a commission from the United States Government. Peter Von Ostern, a bicker in the city, having become tired of greenbacks, made a contract to exchange the same for gold. It had deposited the greenbacks, and was receiving the gold, when a police officer seized the glittering rebel, and born it in triumph to the office of Sheriff Drishamifer "safe keeping." The Marhets--The Era, of the 13th, notes the sale of miscellaneous articles in that city on the 12th, thus: Thirty kegs and firkins lost, at 16@ 30 casks bacon shoulders, at according to quality; 10 fierces hams at 26 barrels order, $350 @ 375; 50 boxes candles, at 23; 10 boxes castile soap at 15 firkins butter, at 6 barrels lard all 90, 106 barrels extra flour, at $11 10@ 12.15, for new, good, and choice extra; 4 barrels whiskey, at and casks of brandy, at 30, and $1.40.