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ttacked the negro regiment at Milliken's Bend, a week before, and was repulsed. Our entire loss was three men wounded, one only dangerously. Gen. Mowry's command participated throughout most vigorously, and I feel indebted to the General for his prompt cooperation and advice, and his skilful manner of handling his forces. A. W. Ellet, Brigadier-General Commanding M. B. Brigade. A National account. Chickasaw Bayou, Thursday, June 18, via Cairo, Wednesday, June 24. On the sixteenth, the rebel General Anderson, with a division belonging to the command of Major-General Dick Taylor, marched from Richmond toward Lake Providence, where Gen. Reid was stationed with a small Federal force, consisting of the First Kansas and Sixteenth Wisconsin regiments, with some negro troops, less than one thousand five hundred in all. Richmond is eight miles from Young's Point, on the Louisiana side, at a point where the Shrevesport road crosses the Tensas. It is about twelve miles fr
te what has already been intimated. Hence, on the night of the fifteenth, orders were issued by me to commanders of divisions, to move forward on the following morning. General Smith advanced on the southern road at five o'clock A. M., on the sixteenth, followed and supported by General Blair. General Osterhaus, on the middle road at six o'clock, followed and supported by General Carr and General Hovey, at the same hour on the northern road. The starting of the different divisions at differedivision also needed support, I sent a despatch on the fifteenth to Major-General Grant, requesting that General McPherson's corps, then arrived in rear of General Hovey's division, should also move more forward, and early on the morning of the sixteenth, I rode over to General McPherson's Headquarters and suggested the same thing to him-urging among other things, that if his corps should not be needed as a support, it might, in the event I should beat the enemy, fall upon his flank and rear, a
he movement against Winchester, and prevent the enemy at that place from being reenforced by the troops on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Both of these officers were in position when General Ewell left Culpeper Court-House on the sixteenth. Crossing the Shenandoah near Front Royal, he detached Rodes's division to Berryville, with instructions, after dislodging the force stationed there, to cut off the communication between Winchester and the Potomac. With the divisions of Earurgh and Mercersburgh in the evening. The alarm caused by this raid was unnecessarily great, for the main army of Lee had not yet reached the south side of the Potomac. The Union garrison at Frederick, Md., fell back to the Relay House on the sixteenth. A detachment of the enemy attacked Harper's Ferry the same day, but was shelled back by General Tyler from Maryland Heights. Ten thousand rebel infantry crossed the Potomac at Williamsburgh in the night, beginning in earnest the great invasio
sion of McClernand's corps, which had moved that day on the same road to within one and a half miles of Bolton. On reaching Clinton, at forty-five minutes past four P. M., I ordered McClernand to move his command early the next morning toward Edward's Depot, marching so as to feel the enemy, if he encountered him, but not to bring on a general engagement unless he was confident he was able to defeat him; and also to order Blair to move with him. About five o'clock on the morning of the sixteenth, two men, employes on the Jackson and Vicksburgh Railroad, who had passed through Pemberton's army the night before, were brought to my headquarters. They stated Pemberton's force to consist of about eighty regiments, with ten batteries of artillery, and that the whole force was estimated by the enemy at about twenty-five thousand men. From them I also learned the positions being taken up by the enemy, and his intention of attacking our rear. I had determined to leave one division of She
es on White Oak River, and Dick Morgan separated from the main body of the rebels with his regiment four miles from Williamsburgh and went to Georgetown, plundering that town. We encamped that night at Sardinia at eleven o'clock. On the sixteenth instant, we broke camp at four o'clock in the morning and arrived at Winchester at eight. The rebels had entered the town at two P. M. of the previous day, had robbed the mail, and stolen thirty-five thousand dollars' worth of property and fifty horce took the old stage-ron;d to Pomeroy, and pushed for Buffington Island, or rather the shore opposite, which it reached, it is supposed, at two o'clock on Sunday morning. When General Judah started from Portsmouth on Thursday evening, the sixteenth, it was expected that an engagement would take place; for reliable information had been received at the headquarters of Colonel P. Kinney, commander of the post, during the afternoon, that the rebels were at Miamiville, about eleven miles out.
the fact that, under cover of the night, General Johnston had evacuated the place, taking with him his sick and wounded, his artillery, and almost every thing else of value. The work of evacuation was commenced about dark on the evening of the sixteenth, and conducted noiselessly and rapidly until about three o'clock this morning, when Johnston's rear-guard withdrew across the river, and set the three floating bridges on fire. The stand of Johnston at this place was probably made to give tiom the first investment of the place, General Sherman was short of ammunition. Only a limited number of guns were at first placed in position, and all pieces were limited to one shot every five minutes. The ammunition train was expected on the sixteenth, and on the night of the fifteenth our lines were moved about a half a mile nearer the front, and almost double the number of guns were placed in position. In anticipation of the arrival of the train, a vigorous bombardment was to have commenc
Doc. 100.-battle of Elk Creek, Kansas. Letter of General James G. Blunt. This letter was addressed to Mr. Frank J. Bramhall. headquarters District of the Frontier, in the field, Fort Blunt, Creek nation, July 20, 1863. dear sir: Yours of the twenty-eighth of Jun, came to hand by expressman, late on the eve os the sixteenth instant, while on the march to the battle-field of Honey Springs, Creek Nation, which took place the following morning. On learning that this place, which had been beleaguered for months by an overwhelming force, was in imminent danger, and being unable to get any reenforcements to send to their relief, I determined to play a bold game. On the night of the fifth instant, with a portion of my staff and a small escort, I left Fort Scott and made this place in five days, (one hundred and seventy-five miles,) without any transportation, and only the baggage we could carry on our backs and on our horses, On arriving here I found the Arkansas River too
position in the vicinity of Alpine, and that he was moving up McLemore's Cove in the direction of Chattanooga. General Cheatham's division was ordered to proceed toward Crawfish Springs, about half-way between Lafayette and Chattanooga, to reconnoitre the enemy, which he did, and returned on Tuesday, the fifteenth. A council of war was then held at Lafayette, Georgia, on that day, and it was resolved to advance toward Chattanooga and attack the enemy wherever he could be found. On the sixteenth, General Bragg issued a spirited address to his troops, and preliminary orders directing the troops to be held in readiness to march that night. These orders were subsequently countermanded, and renewed at seven A. M. on the seventeenth, and Buckner's corps accordingly marched north from Lafayette at nine A. M. on that day, and encamped on Pea Vine Creek, ten miles from Lafayette; Walker camping a mile further on, and Polk's corps camping at Rock Spring. General Bragg made his headquarter
Doc. 126.-the Indian campaign. Official report of Colonel William Crooks. headquarters Sixth Minnesota infantry, camp Williston, D. T., August 5, 186. Captain R. C. Olin, Assist. Adjutant-General: sir: Pursuant to order of Brigadier-General H. H. Sibley, this regiment reported at Camp Pope, Minnesota, for services in the expedition directed against the Sioux Indians. The march was taken up early on the morning of the sixteenth, and on the twenty-sixth day of June, the forces encamped at the foot of Lake Traverse, a distance of one hundred and nineteen miles from Camp Pope. From this point a train was despatched to Fort Abercrombie for supplies; the guard consisting of three companies of infantry, including company H of the Sixth regiment, Captain Tattersall commanding one battalion of cavalry, Major Parker commanding, and one section of artillery, the whole under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Averill, of this regiment. The brigade left Lake Traverse on the thirtie
Doc. 138.-Colonel Bussy's expedition. Jackson, Miss., July 20, 1863. On the sixteenth instant, Colonel Bussy, Chief of Cavalry of General Sherman's army, with one thousand of his cavalry, and Wood's brigade of Steele's division, started for Canton, Miss. It was known that Jackson's cavalry division, numbering about four thousand men, had crossed the river, and was supposed to be in the neighborhood of Canton. Our forces reached Grant's Mill, ten miles north of Jackson, at nine o'clock A. M., where the enemy made his appearance and fired on our advance. Colonel Wood sent forward a party of infantry, drove the enemy from their position on the bank of the river, and destroyed the ferry-boat. Our forces proceeded on to Calhoun Station, on the New-Orleans and Jackson Railroad, where Colonel Bussy burned two locomotives, twenty-five cars, the depot building, and a large quantity of cotton, while Colonel Wood's forces tore up and burned two miles of the railroad track. Thi