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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, (search)
ed, and on the day when the President's call for troops was issued, Senator Wilson telegraphed to Governor Andrew to despatch twenty companies to Washington immediately. The formal requisition of the Secretary of War arrived an hour later, calling for two regiments from Massachusetts, and before sunset the same day an order went out for four regiments to muster forthwith on Boston Common. Benjamin F. Butler was commissioned brigadier-general, and these regiments formed his brigade. On the 16th Senator Wilson telegraphed for four regiments. They were ready, and the 6th Regiment, Colonel Jones, was sent forward immediately, to go by way of New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. The regiment consisted of eleven companies, and to these were added two more. News had reached Baltimore of the approach of these troops, and there was much excitement there on the morning of April 19, for they had heard of the destruction of the armory and arsenal at Harper's Ferry the night before. At ne
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baylis's Creek, battle at. (search)
n. W. S. Hancock proceeded to attack the Confederates in front of Deep Bottom on the James River, Aug. 12, 1864. His whole force was placed on transports at City Point, and its destination reported to be Washington. This was to deceive the Confederates. That night it went up the James River; but so tardy was the debarkation that the intended surprise of the Confederates was not effected. Hancock pushed some of his troops by Malvern Hill to flank the Confederates' defence behind Baylis's Creek, while 10,000 men were sent, under Gen. F. C. Barlow, to assail their flank and rear. There were other dispositions for attack; but the delay had allowed Lee to send reinforcements, for the movement seemed to threaten Richmond. On the morning of the 16th, General Birney, with General Terry's division, attacked and carried the Confederate lines, and captured 300 men. The Confederates soon rallied and drove him back. Another part of the attacking force was driven back, and the attempt failed.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bentonville, battle of. (search)
nder cover of night, was hovering near in full force. he found the Nationals in a favorable position for him to attack them. Gen. J. C. Davis's corps was encamped (March 18, 1865) on the Goldsboro road, at a point where it was crossed by one from Clinton to Smithfield. Two divisions of Williams's were encamped 10 or 12 miles in the rear of this, in charge of Slocum's wagon-trains. The remainder of the forces were scattered to the south and east, in fancied security. On the morning of the 16th, Sherman left Slocum, nearest the Confederates, to join Howard's troops, which were scattered and moving on over the wretched, muddy road. On March 19, Sherman, while on his way to Howard, heard cannonading on his left wing, but did not think there was anything serious in it. It proved, however, to be a complete surprise. The Confederates, in overwhelming numbers, were found pressing Slocum. A very severe battle ensued, in a densely wooded swamp, dark and wet and dismal. In this encounter
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bunker Hill, battle of. (search)
troops were in the vicinity. It was made known to the committee of safety that General Gage had fixed upon the night of the 18th of June to sally out and take possession of and fortify Bunker Hill (an elevation not far from Charlestown) ; also Dorchester Heights, south of Boston. Both of these points would command the town. The eager provincials determined to anticipate this movement, and the Massachusetts committee of safety ordered Col. William Prescott to march, on the evening of the 16th, with 1,000 men, including a company of artillery, with two field-pieces, to take possession of and fortify Bunker Hill. This force, after a prayer by President Langdon, of Harvard, passed over Charlestown Neck; but, going by Bunker Hill, they ascended Breed's Hill (much nearer Boston), where they had a better command of the town and the shipping. They had been joined on the way by Major Brooks and General Putnam, and by wagons laden with intrenching tools. The patriot troops worked incess
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1818-1893 (search)
House of Representatives in conducting the impeachment of President Johnson. He was a Republican Congressman until 1875, and again in 1877-79. In 1883 he was Democratic governor of Massachusetts, and in 1884 the People's party candidate for President. He died in Washington, D. C., Jan. 11, 1893. Farewell address in New Orleans. As before stated, General Butler was superseded by General Banks in December, 1862. The latter assumed command of the army and department of the Gulf on the 16th, and the same day, after having formally relinquished the command, General Butler issued the following public address: Citizens of New Orleans,--It may not be inappropriate, as it is not inopportune in occasion, that there should be addressed to you a few words at parting, by one whose name is to be hereafter indissolubly connected with your city. I shall speak in no bitterness, because I am not conscious of a single personal animosity. Commanding the Army of the Gulf, I found you captur
patch from the northwest announcing that 1.200 white men and several hundred Indians were coming down to assist in the defence of Canada.. General Brock was approaching from the east, with a force gathered on his way. These events, and other causes, impelled Hull to recross the river to Detroit with his army, and take shelter in the fort there (Aug. 8, 1812). The British congregated in force at Sandwich, and from that point opened a cannonade upon the fort at Detroit. On Sunday morning, the 16th, the British crossed the river to a point below Detroit, and moved upon the fort. Very little effort was made to defend it, and, on that day, Hull surrendered the fort, army, and Territory of Michigan into the hands of the British. See Detroit; Hull, William. On Oct. 17, 1813, General Harrison, of the United States army, and Commodore Perry, commander of the fleet on Lake Erie, issued a proclamation, stating that, by the combined operations of the land and naval forces of the United Stat
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Charlestown, (search)
Charlestown, A town in West Virginia, where on Dec. 2, 1859, John Brown was hung, and on the 16th, Green, Copeland, Cook, and Coppoc, and on March 16, 1860, Stephens and Hazlett. See Brown, John.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Food adulteration. (search)
otects the consumer, and at the same time gives us a reputation for manufacturing honest goods, and its influence has already been felt in our export trade to all the countries that buy our flour. The committee on manufactures of the United States Senate has had presented to it letters that come from at least twelve or fifteen of the large cities of the world, all of the same tenor and general effect as the following: London, October 12, 1899. Dear Sirs, Replying to yours of the 16th ultimo, with regard to the pure food law now in operation in your country, since this act was passed by Congress it has certainly restored confidence on this side, and in my opinion will materially assist your export trade. Yours faithfully, W. M. Meeson, Per John Stanmore. The modern Miller, St. Louis. It is a well-known fact that our meat products have had a greater demand and better sale since the government undertook their inspection, and it is safe to say that nothing will more enco
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kearny, Stephen Watts 1794-1847 (search)
. Kearny, Commanding, etc. To this request Colonel Fremont received the following reply: General Kearny to Colonel Fremont. Camp near New Helvetia, California, June 14, 1847. Sir,—The request contained in your communication to me of this date, to be relieved from all connection with the topographical party (nineteen men), and be permitted to return to the United States with a small party made up by your private means, cannot be granted. I shall leave here on Wednesday, the 16th instant, and I require of you to be with your topographical party in my camp (which will probably be about 15 miles from here) on the evening of that day, and to continue with me to Missouri. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. W. Kearny, Brigadier-General. Lieutenant-Colonel Fremont, Regiment Mounted Riflemen, New Helvetia. General Kearny broke up his camp near Sutter's fort on the day after issuing this order, and set out for the United States, attended by Colonel Fremont, who w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Manila, (search)
that their own people were fighting in the outside trenches, was an act which only the law-abiding, temperate, resolute American soldier, well and skilfully handled by his regimental and brigade commander, could accomplish. It will be observed that the trophies of Map of the battle of Manila. Manila were nearly $900,000, 13,000 prisoners, and 22,000 arms. [General Merritt then details the inauguration of the military movement of Manila by the Americans. Further he says: ] On the 16th a cablegram containing the text of the President's proclamation directing a cessation of hostilities was received by me, and at the same time an order to make the fact known to the Spanish authorities, which was done at once. This resulted in a formal protest from the governor-general in regard to the transfer of public funds then taking place, on the ground that the proclamation was dated prior to the surrender. To this I replied that that status quo in which we were left with the cessatio