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ar. While they were at work the enemy's cavalry made a charge on them, but the well-directed fire from the steamer repulsed them, and the work was done at our leisure. Returning to the schooner, we towed her afloat, and arrived back at the Pass the next morning. All that day, the sixteenth, we spent in preparing to attack a cavalry encampment situated about five miles back from the town of Sabine, the pickets from which had been a continual annoyance to us. On the morning of the seventeenth, with a party of fifty men and a light boat howitzer, we commenced our march for the encampment, driving in the pickets as we advanced. They retreated before us, gradually increasing in number, until we reached nearly to their encampment, where they made a stand; upon which we started toward them on the double-quick until we came within the range with our howitzer, when we unlimbered and gave it to them. The enemy immediately broke and fled into the chapparal. We immediately burned all
threw out patrols and pickets in the different roads, and a detachment, under Lieutenant Burrows, to Middleburgh, and a detachment, under Capt. Hanley, five miles out on the Winchester turnpike, where they remained until the morning of the seventeenth instant, while I staid with the main force at Aldie. During the night Captain Hanley came upon a small party of the enemy and captured one of them — his horse having been shot under him. On the morning of the seventeenth instant, in accordanceseventeenth instant, in accordance with orders received from yourself, I sent a detachment of the Sixth Ohio cavalry, which had joined me the night before, with orders to go to Gainesville, push on to New-Baltimore, patrol to Thoroughfare Gap, keep up communication with the (White) Plains, where you would be with your command; and having sent out Capt. Hanley on an expedition, I then proceeded through Middleburgh toward Paris, having thrown a detachment, under Lieutenant Dickson, forward through Upperville toward Paris, who suc
rt. Beaufort, S. C., November 22, 1862. General: I have the honor to report that, as directed by you, I proceeded, on the thirteenth instant, on the United States steamer Darlington, with one hundred and sixty of the First South-Carolina volunteers, (colored regiment,) in quest of lumber and other articles needed for the department. The steamer Ben Deford, ordered by you to report to me at Doboy Sound, did not, owing to heavy fogs and adverse winds, reach that point until the seventeenth instant. On the eighteenth, accompanied by the United States gunboat Madgie, I proceeded to the mills located on Doboy River, Georgia. On reaching the mill, I found it necessary to reconnoitre the land adjacent thereto. To do this it was needful to cross a narrow causeway leading from the mill through a swamp to the main land — a distance of about four hundred and fifty yards. This high land was heavily wooded, except on the summit, which was cleared and occupied with houses. My men--thir
and the army of the Potomac. On the sixteenth, I telegraphed to General Pope not to cross the Rapidan, and advised him to take position in rear of the Rappahannock, where he could be more easily reenforced. He commenced this movement on the seventeenth, and by the morning of the eighteenth had most of his forces behind that river, prepared to hold its passes as long as possible. He had been reenforced by King's division and a part of Burnside's corps, under Gen. Reno, from Fredericksburgh. e its mouth, and took a position admirably suited for defence. Our army attacked him on the sixteenth, and a hotly-contested battle was fought on that and the ensuing day, which resulted in the defeat of the Rebel forces. On the night of the seventeenth, our troops slept on the field which they had so bravely won. On the eighteenth, neither party renewed the attack, and on the night of the eighteenth and nineteenth Gen. Lee withdrew his army to the south side of the Potomac. Our loss in the
report of the part taken by the brigade under my command in the several actions of the fourteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth instant. The first brigade, consisting of the Seventeenth, Twenty-third, Forty-third, Forty-fifth, and Fifty-first Masskman, Ninth New-Jersey. The remainder of my brigade took position in the rear of the column. On the morning of the seventeenth, I was further directed to detach a regiment with the battery which was to hold Thompson's Ford, five miles above, whimain camp, where we arrived after midnight, having marched upward of forty miles. At daylight on the morning of the seventeenth, with the force of the previous day, and still under command of Major Garrard of the Third New-York cavalry, we moved e places for a distance of ten miles, including both ways, and returned to the main column during the night. On the seventeenth the Federal army moved on to Goldsboro Railroad bridge. While the main column was moving, a force was sent to Tompkin
lace. A battalion of artillery which had made a successful retreat from the works of the obstructions below Kinston, after the enemy occupied the latter point in force, was stationed on this side of the river, at the railroad bridge, and about a half a mile above, at the county bridge. On the sixteenth a regiment arrived from Wilmington, and one from Petersburgh, both of which were sent to the river, and under Gen. Clingman's command, to protect the two bridges. On the morning of the seventeenth, having no cavalry, and being unable to obtain information by other means, I directed Lieut.-Colonel Stevens, of the engineers, with two brigades and five pieces of artillery, to make a reconnaissance, for the purpose of ascertaining the position and numbers of the enemy. General Evans's brigade had then reached Goldsboro by rail, and remaining on board, only awaiting the clearing of the track and watering of the engines, to move by rail to the position already occupied by Gen. Clingman
ook after the enemy, and to watch his movements. I also prepared this place for defence, by throwing up earthworks and digging rifle-pits, on an elevation completely commanding the depot and other public property. These were completed on the seventeenth, in a most secure manner, of sufficient capacity to hold one thousand five hundred men, and I was confident that with my force I could hold it against Forrest's entire command. On the fifteenth, news was received that Forrest was crossing td Colonel Hawkins, of the Second West-Tennessee cavalry, with all his effective men, to join his force — the Eleventh Illinois and three hundred of the Fifth Ohio cavalry--at Lexington. The order was promptly obeyed by Col. Hawkins. On the seventeenth, Colonel Ingersoll met the enemy near Lexington, and, after a very sharp engagement, was repulsed, with a loss of some men and two pieces of artillery. The same day, General Sullivan telegraphed to know what my available force was at Trento
seventeen--in all in killed, wounded, and missing, nine hundred and seventy-seven; while that of the enemy, notwithstanding the protection afforded by his defences, proportionably to his numbers, was much larger. The prisoners of war I forwarded to the Commissioner for the exchange of prisoners at St. Louis, and utterly destroying all of the enemy's defences, together with all buildings used by him for military purposes, I reembarked my command and sailed for Milliken's Bend on the seventeenth instant, in obedience to Major-Gen. Grant's orders. Noticing the conduct of the officers and men who took part in the battle of the Arkansas, I must refer to the reports of corps, division, brigade and regimental commanders for particular mention of those who specially signalized their merit; but in doing so, I cannot forbear, in justice, to add my tribute to the general zeal and capability of the former, and valor and constancy of the latter. Gen. Sherman exhibited his usual activity a
the army of Northern Virginia, replete as it is with scenes of conflicts and constant danger, showing a boldness on the part of individuals and masses that has commanded the admiration and fear of our enemies as well as the commendation of our own people, will probably to the end of the war furnish no scene to be so vividly remembered by those who participated in it, or more worthy to be recorded to the honor of our arm of the service and the State of Virginia, than the battle of the seventeenth instant at Kelly's Ford, on the Upper Rappahannock. Early on that morning the enemy attempted the crossing in the face of the sharp-shooters of the Second Virginia cavalry, commanded by Captain Breckenridge. From the rifle-pits this gallant officer resisted their advance, emptying saddle after saddle, and repulsing them three times with heavy loss, until, having expended all his ammunition, and emptying even his pistols, he was compelled to retire, not being properly supported by a detachme
ent — the Eighth Missouri--and the pioneer corps, to clear the bayou of obstructions — there was no delay. The reconnoissance was made on the fifteenth, Gen. Grant's tug returning the morning of the six-teenth. Before night, the advance of the land force and gunboats were at Muddy Bayou. Despatches were received by Gen. Grant that evening of the progress of the expedition, and Gen. Stuart was ordered to follow with the rest of the division in the morning. Arriving at Eagle Bend on the seventeenth, a reconnoissance in small boats, made by Gen. Stuart and his brigade commanders, and another made twenty miles above, at Tullahola, by Colonel Giles A. Smith, demonstrated that the troops could not be marched across, a crevasse having swollen the Muddy Bayou to a rapid, deep stream. The construction of two long flooded bridges occupied the eighteenth and the forenoon of the nineteenth. The division marched to Steele's Bayou at once. Arriving there we found only one transport, the Silv