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diately to City Point, for exchange. Among them is General Churchill, who will be exchanged for General Willich as soon as the prisoners reach Richmond. It is expected, also, that Gen. Stoughton's release will be effected at the same time. Thirty five of our exchanged officers arrived at City Point yesterday from Richmond. The rank and file have all been exchanged. A correspondent of the New York Times gives an account of the "feeler," which the Yankees put in at Port Royal on the 24th ult. He says: The forces consisted of two regiments, the 24th Michigan, Col. Morrow, and the 14th Brooklyn, Col. Fowler, the entire force being under command of the former officer. One section of battery B, 4th U. S. artillery, under Lieut. Stewart. The force left camp at 2 P. M. of Wednesday, the 22d, and marched to Port Conway, distant 18 miles, by 10 P. M.--They bivouacked behind the village, and, by direction, built no fires, and kept very quiet. --The approach of our forces was con
ents act at Liverpool. The Mayor of Liverpool had consequently been requested to make inquiries; but no suggestion had been made as to the manner in which such inquiries should be made. He was afterwards informed that the head constable of Liverpool had made inquiries, and that neither the Mayor nor the Watch Committee had raised any objection. In the House of Commons on the 17th inst., Mr. Cobden gave notice of the following motion, to follow Mr. Horsfall's, which is to come up on the 24th, in reference to the seizure of the Alexandria: "To invite the attention of the House, from motives of national self-interest and obligations of implied international engagements, by which the British Government is called upon for a vigilant and rigid enforcement of the provisions of the foreign enlistment act, which forbids the furnishing of ships of war to a belligerent power, to be employed against another power with which this country is at peace." The Daily News says there is