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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 25th or search for 25th in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1860., [Electronic resource], The interview between Victor Emanuel and Garibaldi . (search)
The interview between Victor Emanuel and Garibaldi.
--A letter from Naples, dated the 29th of October, gives the following account of the interview between Victor Emanuel and Garibaldi:
Garibaldi had taken up his quarters at a small inn about four miles and a half between Teano and Speranzano, on the 25th.
He ordered his column to advance and take up position, and sent Count Trecchi to see the King.
On the following morning Count Trecchi and Missouri came to inform him that Cialdini was within an hour's march, and the King not far behind.
Garibaldi left immediately with his staff, and three quarters of an hour afterwards he came in sight of the head of the Piedmontese column.
He put spurs to his horse.
The Piedmontese advanced as follows:
The Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth regiments of the Como brigade, the Twenty-sixth and Twenty seventh of Pinerolo's brigade, then a battery of rifled cannon.
The columns presented arms to Garibaldi, and opened to allow him t