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om running out should she get off before the boats could reach her. When the boats got alongside it was discovered that the captain, an old offender, named Libby, with a gentleman and a lady, (passengers,) had left the steamer in an open boat; the crew were in a state of intoxication, so that they became almost unmanageable, and Lieut. Conroy ordered them to be transferred on board the Restless, and put in irons. Lieut. Conroy did not succeed in getting her off until the morning of the twenty-sixth, during which time he was compelled to anchor with the Restless within gunshot of the prize, to protect her, and at low-tide his own vessel touched bottom several times, but without sustaining any any material injury. He reports the loss, by drowning, of John Martin, (seaman,) of the Restless, and a fireman of the Scotia, in consequence of the swamping of a boat in trying to get out a hawser. In getting off the Scotia, and afterward in bringing her to Port Royal, the engineers of that v
pt. A. G. Crew, company A, and J. Armstrong, company H, (the latter was formerly in company B, Third Kansas,) and Lieuts. Dickerson, company C, Huddleton, company E, Gardner, company F, and Minor, company D. This made in all two hundred and forty men, with the addition of half a dozen white scouts. The men were armed with the Prussian and Austrian rifled muskets, the former of which is an excellent weapon, and the latter a poor one, from constant liability to get out of order. On the twenty-sixth the command marched twenty miles, and on the twenty-seventh reached Dickies Ford, on the Osage, at about two P. M. Our destination was the house of a notorious rebel, named Toothman's, three miles from this ford. As we came in sight of it, we discovered at the same time a number of horsemen on the Osage bottoms, a mile to the south-east. The scouts and mounted officers galloped forward to reconnoitre, and soon discovered them to be rebel guerrillas. A citizen with a lead of wood, on in
ng heavily on his front over a rough country, intersected by forests and cedar-brakes, with but slight loss. On the twenty-sixth, Gen. McCook advanced on Triune, but his movement was retarded by a dense fog. Crittenden had orders to delay his m infantry, during the late engagement: Pursuant to orders we left our camp near Nashville on the morning of the twenty-sixth ultimo, and proceeded toward Murfreesboro on the direct route. Arriving within one mile of La Vergne about four o'clock including the battle before Murfreesboro. I marched from Camp Rosecrans, near Nashville, on the morning of the twenty-sixth ultimo, with the Third Kentucky, Fourth Michigan, Seventh Pennsylvania, and one company of the Second Indiana, and reporthe honor to report that the Seventy-fourth Illinois volunteers, under my command, left camp, near Nashville, on the twenty-sixth ult., early in the morning, for Murfreesboro in the advance brigade, coming up in the afternoon near Nolinsville with th
, but on being repulsed at Waterloo Bridge, had moved further up the river and entered the valley which lies between the Blue Ridge and Bull Run Mountains. The object of this movement was evidently to get in Pope's rear, and cut off his supplies from Washington. Anticipating this danger, I had telegraphed to Gen. Pope on the twenty-third: By no means expose your railroad communication with Alexandria. It is of the utmost importance in sending your supplies and reenforcements. On the twenty-sixth I telegraphed: If possible to attack the enemy in flank do so, but the main object now is to ascertain his position. From this time till the thirtieth I had no communication with General Pope, the telegraph-lines being cut at Kettle Run by a part of Jackson's corps under Ewell, which had marched around Pope's right and attacked his rear. Finding it doubtful whether we could hold Rappahannock long enough to effect this junction of the two armies, I had directed a part of the Peninsula
back to Bacon Creek. During this skirmish our loss was twenty-one men and two officers taken prisoner. Loss of the enemy not known. During the night of the twenty-sixth, believing that Morgan would make an attack on this place from the other side of the river, I made arrangements for ferrying from the south side the only two fition by way of the bridge on a hand-car. I kept the Twelfth Kentucky cavalry in line of battle between Bacon Creek and Munfordville until after dark on the twenty-sixth, and, believing that if an attack was made in the morning, the depot would be burned, I doubled my line of pickets, and removed the stores within the fortificased by every citizen of the town, without distinction of party. On Thursday, the twenty-fifth, rumors became rife that Morgan was advancing. On Friday, the twenty-sixth, it was reduced to a certainty. On the morning of Saturday, the twenty-seventh, Morgan's pickets were discovered on the Nashville turnpike road, at about one
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 91.-General Sherman's expedition. (search)
at a place known as Mrs. Lake's plantation, and the rebels had a force there in possession of field and house. Owing to the mud and other difficulties, the landing of this portion of Gen. Steele's division occupied the whole of the day of the twenty-sixth, and it did not reach the scene of operations until the morning of the twenty-seventh. While Gen. M. L. Smith's division was skirmishing with the enemy on the right centre, General Blair's brigade and Gen. Morgan's division had advanced on thof the following regiments, namely, Sixteenth Ohio, Lieut.-Col. P. Kershner; Twenty-second Kentucky, Lieut-Col. G. W. Monroe; Forty-second Ohio, Lieut-Col. Don A. Pardee; Fifty-fourth Indiana, Colonel Mansfield. The brigade disembarked on the twenty-sixth, on the south bank of the Yazoo River, and made a reconnoissance through a belt of woods to Mrs. Lake's plantation, to discover a practicable road to Chickasaw Bluffs; exchanged a few shots with the rebel pickets, neither side doing any damage
ned until the twenty-sixth Here they were joined by the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois, two hundred and fifty-seven men, and Seventh Tennessee, one hundred and forty-eight men. The repairs being ready, and General Haynie having been further reinforced by the One Hundred and Twenty-second Illinois, Col. Ranaker, about six hundred men, and leaving Col. Beardsley with the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois at Humboldt, he moved forward to Trenton, where he arrived at noon on the twenty-sixth, and reported by telegraph to General Sullivan. There had been no opposition to Gen. Haynie's march to Trenton; but upon sending out scouts for the purpose, he found that Forrest had changed front also, and had a portion of his force at Middleburgh, four miles from the road, and the remainder at Dresden, about twenty miles from the road — in fact, that the rebel pickets were not over ten miles distant from his own outposts. The rebel force he could not learn, but had an idea that combin
eck. Bulwarks of cotton-bales were built on her sides, and a force of one hundred men put on board of her, and on Tuesday she left here to await orders at the head of Galveston Bay. Captain Weir, of company B, Cook's regiment, commanded the gun, and it was manned by a portion of his men and Captain Schneider's, Captain Schneider being second in command. Colonel Green commanded the sharp-shooters, who were detailed from his regiment. The Neptune, another bayou packet, was taken on the twenty-sixth, and, under direction of Major Leon Smith, fitted up as a gunboat as well as it could be done in the brief time. Bulwarks of cotton-bales were built up also on her guards, and she had much the appearance, when she left here, of a well-loaded cotton-boat, taking her cargo down to Galveston for shipment. She was armed with two howitzer guns, and commander by Captain W. H. Sangster. Captain Herby, of the C. S. Navy, commanded her guns; Lieutenant Harvey Clark being second in command, and C
t-guard, with orders to fall back on the main body in case of attack. I here erected a small battery of railroad iron, and mounted one of the field-pieces in charge of the detachment of the Ninth Connecticut volunteers. On the evening of the twenty-sixth, the enemy appeared in strong force, and attacked our pickets at Ponchatoula, the pickets immediately retiring to the main body, at the point spoken of. No firing took place after the skirmishers retreated. As far as we can learn, they havh the trestle-work. The skirmish on the twenty-fourth, was conducted by Capts. Griffin, company A ; Montgomery, company H; and Lieutenant Dickey, company E, Sixth Michigan volunteers, who bore themselves admirably; and on the afternoon of the twenty-sixth, by company D, Sixth Michigan volunteers, under Lieut. McIlvaine, and company K, under Capt. Chapman, and company F, One Hundred and Sixty-fifth New-York volunteers, Captain Thorpe; the whole under command of Major Clarke, Sixth Michigan volun
, where they disembarked, and exchanged their fire-arms for the new Austrian rifle. This work occupied nearly the entire day, and it was nearly dark before the regiment reembarked. The Expounder transport then returned to her anchorage off St. Helena Island, where she remained for the night. On Tuesday, the twenty-fifth instant, a southeast gale, accompanied by rain and fog, prevailed, so that it was injudicious to move on that day. At daylight on the morning of Wednesday, the twenty-sixth instant, the Expounder weighed anchor and started for her destination. The sky was clear, with a fresh north-east wind blowing. Leaving the anchorage off St. Helena, we steamed down Port Royal harbor seaward, passing en route the old line-of-battle ship Vemont, the frigate and flag-ship Wabash, the iron-clad fleet of gunboats, a half-a-dozen wooden ones, and hundreds of ammunition, store, and transport steam and sailing vessels. The scene, relieved by the rising sun crimsoning the sky, was