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explanation of the entire affair: To the people of Texas. Galveston, May 6, 1842. my name having been used in a proclamation issued by the President on the 27th ult., which I conceived might be interpreted as a charge against me of the commission of illegal acts against the Government, I addressed a communication to the Presied, there was no foundation for it in fact. A. Sidney Johnston. City of Galveston, May 1, 1842. sir: your proclamation, which appeared in the Civitian of the 27th ult., alleges that it has been represented, to the President that certain individuals are passing through various parts of the United States, and claiming to be agentented to the Executive, are offering to grant commissions in an army to be commanded by yourself, has just been handed to me. Although my proclamation of the 27th ult. did not implicate you as being concerned in the illegal and disorganizing acts of the agents spoken of, and was intended as a rebuke to such persons alone as wer
ed by timber that we could find for so large a body of troops, but not good. This bright, clear, beautiful day was the coldest of all; the ground was covered with snow, and the small quantity of water to be found was nearly all congealed, so that with great difficulty an insufficient supply was obtained for our horses. On the 26th we were compelled to take the route again and go on to our depot of corn, and there encamped without water for our horses and with very little for our men. On the 27th we reached Belknap, and encamped near the post until the 2d of January, when we marched for this place. We are now comfortable, and begin to forget the past. During their march from Belknap they encountered hail, snow, and sleet; and both men and animals suffered severely. A train on its way from the coast to meet them lost 113 oxen. At Fort Mason, as the accommodations were insufficient for the comfort of the officers' families, General Johnston reserved only one small room for his o
e forces of the enemy which had passed down to Manassas through Gainesville, and his main body moving down from White Plains through Thoroughfare Gap. This was completely accomplished, Longstreet, who had passed through the Gap, being driven back to the west side (!!!) The forces to Greenwich were designed to support McDowell in case he met too large a force of the enemy. The division of Hooker, marching towards Manassas, came upon the enemy near Kettle Run, on the afternoon of the twenty-seventh, and after a sharp action, routed them completely, killing and wounding three hundred, capturing camps, baggage, and many stand of arms (!) This morning (twenty-eighth) the command pushed rapidly to Manassas Junction, which Jackson had evacuated three hours before. He retreated by Centreville, and took the turnpike towards Warrenton. He was met six miles west of Centreville by McDowell and Sigel late this afternoon. A severe fight took place, which was terminated by darkness. Th
t that we were on the north and they on the south side of the Run. Very little notice seems to have been taken of this engagement in official circles. I learned, however, that the true object of the Federal attack was to extricate their left somewhat, and to push their right into Centreville, so as to keep open communication with Washington and Alexandria for the receipt of reenforcements and supplies; of which they stood greatly in need, since Jackson's visit to the Junction on the twenty-seventh. Reconnoitring parties were sent out during the night, who reported that the enemy had drawn in their left wing considerably, thus shortening, but perhaps strengthening, their line. Be that as it may, preparations were busily going on among us to open the battle on the morrow; and the determination of all seemed to be to push Pope harder on this occasion than ever before, and to give him a clear, unclouded view of men whose faces he pretended never to have seen. Couriers, orderlies
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McClellan in West Virginia. (search)
of the Great Kanawha at a moment's notice. Two Union regiments were also organizing in West Virginia itself, at Wheeling and Parkersburg, of which the first was commanded by Colonel (afterward General) B. F. Kelley. West Virginia was in McClellan's department, and the formal authority to act had come from Washington on the 24th, in the shape of an inquiry from General Scott whether the enemy's force at Grafton could be counteracted. The dispatch directed McClellan to act promptly. On the 27th Colonel Kelley was sent by rail from Wheeling to drive off the enemy and protect the railroad. The hostile parties withdrew at Kelley's approach, and the bridges were quickly rebuilt. At the same time several of the Ohio regiments were ordered across the river, and a brigade of Indiana volunteers under Brigadier-General Thomas A. Morris was sent forward by rail from Indianapolis. Morris reached Grafton on the 1st of June, and was intrusted with the command of all the troops in West Virgini
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
Northern forces had hastened to Washington upon the call of President Lincoln, but prior to May 24th they had been held rigidly on the north side of the Potomac. On the night of May 23d-24th, the Confederate pickets being then in sight of the Capitol, three columns were thrown across the river by General J. K. F. Mansfield, then commanding the Department of Washington, and a line from Alexandria below to chain-bridge above Washington was intrenched under guidance of able engineers. On the 27th Brigadier-General Irvin McDowell was placed in command south of the Potomac. The aspect of affairs was so threatening after President Lincoln's call of April 15th for 75,000 three-months militia, and General Scott was so averse to undertaking any active operations with such short-term troops, that, as early as May 3d, and without waiting for the meeting of Congress, the President entered upon the creation of an additional volunteer army to be composed of 42,034 three-years men, together wi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Pea Ridge campaign. (search)
ber, 1861, when not fully restored from a severe illness, I was directed by General Halleck (who, on November 9th, had succeeded General Hunter, the command now being called the Department of the Missouri) to proceed to Rolla, to take command of the troops encamped there, including my own division (the Third, afterward the First) and General Asboth's (the Fourth, afterward the Second), and to prepare them for active service in the field. I arrived at Rolla on the 23d of December, and on the 27th, when the organization was completed, I was superseded by General Samuel R. Curtis, who had been appointed by Halleck to the command of the District of South-west Missouri, including the troops at Rolla. The campaign was opened by the advance of a brigade of cavalry under Colonel E. A. Carr on the 29th of December from Rolla to Lebanon, for the purpose of initiating a concentration of forces, and to secure a point of support for the scouting parties to be pushed forward in the direction of S
ning of the war, they probably managed to move north long before we arrived. We bid good-bye to Van Buren, but not without thoughts of returning again to stay until this contest shall have been decided. Our return march was conducted leisurely; the weather was pleasant and warm, and Cove Creek, the winding mountain stream, had fallen almost to its ordinary dimensions and volume, so that the infantry were much less inconvenienced in crossing and re-crossing it than when we came out on the 27th. They were nearly three days on the march to Rhea's Mills. Most of the cavalry, however, got in on the evening of the 30th. Thus ended the expedition to Van Buren, and in fact the campaign of the Army of the Frontier in northwestern Arkansas. An expedition of nearly two thousand men, mostly Indians, and a section of light artillery, were sent out under Col. W. A. Phillips, about the time we left Rhea's Mills, in the direction of Fort Gibson. After a short engagement, Col. Phillips
en the forces of General Rosecrans, about sixty thousand strong, and the combined rebel forces of Generals Bragg, Longstreet and Hill, estimated at upwards of a hundred thousand men. It is reported that the losses in killed and wounded on both sides, will foot up twenty-five thousand men. Our troops have suffered a temporary check in their forward movement. It is the intention, however, to renew the contest as soon as reinforcements come up. Our scouts brought in a report on Sunday, the 27th, that a band of guerrillas near Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri, have had under consideration a scheme to kill or capture our pickets between Fort Scott and the State line, and then make a raid on this place. Colonel Blair, however, had found out their intentions from his scouts, and has thwarted their contemplated movement by sending a detachment of cavalry to look after them. He has had the picket guards very skillfully posted between this post and Missouri, so that if the enemy should ki
ossible. In the next place, had the line been III operation, he probably never would have made the raid. Even if the Government had not taken the matter up, it would have been a good investment for the citizens of Kansas to have taken hold of and completed at an early day. The business which the people of this section will wish to transact over the line, will, perhaps, fully pay the expense of operating it. A battalion of the Twelfth Kansas infantry came down from Kansas City on the 27th instant. After remaining here a few weeks it will march to Fort Smith to join the Army of the Frontier. This regiment, since its organization, has been on duty along the border. Colonel Adams, its commanding officer, is General Lane's son-in-law, and has perhaps been able to keep it from going to the front until now. It is a fine regiment; the men are well drilled, and do not wish to be regarded as vain carpet knights. It seems that Lieutenant Colonel Hayes has attended to drilling it and mai
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