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istant Adjutant-General: Major: I inclose herewith report of Brigadier-General Burbridge, in regard to the battle of Grand Coteau, on the third instant. Also of Lieutenant-Colonel Robinson, commanding Seconds Louisiana cavalry, and statements of Captain Simms, Sixty-seventh Indiana, and Lieutenant Gorman, Second Louisiana cavalry, who were wounded and taken prisoners, but who were supposed to be privates, and were delivered over, under a flag of truce, with other wounded. On the twenty-seventh instant, the First division of this corps, under Brigadier-General Lawler, moved from Opelousas back to New-Iberia, with a view of being where they could be moved rapidly to Brashear City, should circumstances require it. That left at Opelousas the Third division, under General McKinnis, and one brigade of the Fourth division, under General Burbridge, at Barras Landing, eight miles east of Opelousas, and east of the Bayou Teche, near its juncture with the Bayou Cutableau. On the morning of
in the immediate command of the department of the Cumberland, and Major-General Sherman of that of the Tennessee. As the supply of the army at Chattanooga demanded prompt attention, he immediately repaired to that place. By bringing up from Bridgeport the Eleventh and Twelfth corps, under Hooker, and throwing a force from Chattanooga, under General W. F. Smith, on the south side of the river, at Burns's Ferry, the points of Lookout Mountain commanding the river were recaptured on the twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, and twenty-ninth of October. This important success restored his communications with his depots of supplies. It is not my province, even if I had the means of doing so, to speak of the brilliant exploits of our navy in the western waters. It may be proper, however, to remark, that General Grant and his department commanders report that Admirals Farragut, Porter, and their officers, have rendered most valuable assistance in all their operations. General remarks and r
s under Hooker and Palmer moved on the Rossville road toward Grapeville and Ringgold. The advance of Thomas's forces reached Ringgold on the morning of the twenty-seventh, where they found the enemy in strong position in the gorge and on the crest of Taylor's Ridge, from which they dislodged him after a severe fight, in which wtion of their rear-guard near Greysville, after nightfall, capturing three pieces of artillery and several hundred prisoners. The pursuit was continued on the twenty-seventh, capturing an additional piece of artillery at Greysville. Hooker's advance encountered the enemy, posted in the pass through Taylor's Ridge, who, after an oridges and swollen streams. That night we bivouacked on the ridge beyond Pea Vine, which divides the waters of East and West-Chickamauga. At day-dawn, the twenty-seventh, the pursuit was continued, and the rear of the enemy overtaken at Ringgold; here the battle of Ringgold (most gallantly maintained by General Osterhaus and G
ity the safe crossing of our entire army was indebted. As soon as the infantry and artillery crossed the river, they were marched out on the plankroad, about two and a half miles, and encamped for the night on Flat Run. At daybreak on the twenty-seventh, the Second corps moved out on the plank-road, and marched to the old macadamized turnpike. From this point, the Second corps, with General Terry's division of the Sixth corps, marched rapidly toward Old Verdiersville, which was the point toantry and artillery crossing at Culpeper and Germania Fords, and the principal part of the cavalry at Ely's Ford. The Second corps, General Warren, lost in killed, wounded, and missing, two hundred and eighty-nine men, being engaged on the twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, and twenty-ninth of November. General H. D. Terry, Third division, Sixth corps, lost about twenty men. It was most unfortunate that General French, of the Third corps, lost his road on the twenty-seventh of November, thereb
subsided, the force commenced to cross, and by midnight were all over, and the rear went into camp about eight miles up the coast, at three A. M. On the twenty-sixth, marched over twenty miles, and encamped ten miles from the fort; and on the twenty-seventh, at eleven A. M., came within range of the guns of the fort. Spent the rest of the day reconnoitring the position, the gunboats, which were to cooperate, not having come up. I soon discovered that the fort was a large and complete work, moun Matagorda Island, where I was joined by Colonel Washburn's brigade about midnight. On the twenty-sixth, I marched my command about twenty miles up the island, and encamped at a ranch about ten miles from this point. On the morning of the twenty-seventh, I advanced my brigade, under the direction of General Washburn, up the middle of the island, while Colonel Washburn moved his brigade in a parallel line up the gulf beach. About eleven A. M., we met the advanced pickets of the enemy, and dr
services in terms which shall convey, in some measure, his warm appreciation of their valor, their patriotism, and their noble endurance of severe hardships, while engaged in the arduous campaign. With heartfelt pride he reverts to their prowess in the assaults which made them the heroes of Lookout Mountain on the twenty-fourth ult., and to their gallant conduct upon Missionary Ridge on the twenty-fifth. Pea Vine Creek on the twenty-sixth, and at Ringgold, upon Taylor's Ridge, on the twenty-seventh. The conquest of Lookout Mountain will, associated with the emblematic White Star of the conquerors, stand out as prominently in history as do the beetling cliffs of that Titanic eminence upon the horizon. For these services he tenders them his heartfelt thanks; for their endurance, his sympathy; for their bereavement in the loss of so many gallant officers, and so many brave and noble men, his condolence. In all the division death could not have selected braver spirits, nobler he
veland, also reports that he was attacked early this morning, December twenty-eighth, by a force of one hundred rebels. He drove them off, however. Geo. H. Thomas, Major-General Commanding. Colonel Laibold's report. camp near Calhoun, December 28, 1863. sir: It affords me great pleasure to report to you that I have given the rebel General Wheeler a sound thrashing this morning. I had succeeded, in spite of the most abominable roads, to reach Charlestown on the night of the twenty-seventh, and this morning, shortly after daylight, I was moving my train across the Hiawassee River bridge, when Wheeler's cavalry — reported one thousand five hundred men strong, with four pieces of artillery, which, however, they had no time to bring into action — appeared on my rear. I placed my infantry in line of battle, then got my train over the bridge safely, and asked Colonel Long to place a regiment of cavalry at my disposal. These arrangements made, I charged with my infantry, on th
mand of Acting Master E. C. Weeks, and the other in charge of Acting Ensign J. G. Koehler. The salt-works being some seven miles in extent, the first detachment commenced at one end of the line, the other at the other. A day and a night of unremitting labor was spent in the work of destruction, when the expedition returned safely to the vessel, having marched through swamps and dense woods a distance of forty miles, and successfully accomplished the object of the undertaking. On the twenty-seventh, a week later, a second expedition was planned, and carried through with equal success, the object being to destroy some government works at Goose Creek, some ten miles distant. The party was, in this case also, in charge of Acting Master Weeks, and the works to be destroyed were under the protection of a rebel cavalry company, whose pickets the expedition succeeded in eluding. Twelve prisoners were brought off, one the captain of an infantry company raised for coast service. The wor
idian. At Enterprise, a large amount of public stores, and several large supply depots and hospital buildings were destroyed. At Meridian, we found a large arms manufactory in successful operation, and it, with a large number of guns, was consumed by fire. The army marched, on the twentieth, for Canton, coming on a route north of the one going out; arrived at Canton on the twenty-sixth, where it remained several days. Colonel Winslow had a severe skirmish with Adams's forces on the twenty-seventh, and on the twenty-ninth the same rebel force attacked and captured a forage-train of sixteen wagons, sent out by the Sixteenth corps. At Canton, twenty-one locomotives were captured and destroyed, together with a large number of cars and other public property. When we reached this point, we heard a great many rumors from General Smith's cavalry force, in most of which they claimed to have defeated Smith and driven him back. General Sherman left his command at Canton, and came on wi
r o'clock A. M., when we again resumed our march; passed through town of Pontotoc just at daylight, and moved on rapidly during the day. The rebels followed us, and several times during the day made furious attacks on our rear, but were as often repulsed. Just at night, we crossed the Tallahatchie at New-Albany, destroying the bridge behind us, and we were safe. From here we marched on rapidly, night and day, without further interruption, and reached Colliersville on the evening of the twenty-seventh, and again went into camp. The expedition accomplished all that was intended, and inflicted great damage to the most fertile and productive portion of the Confederacy. We, however, sustained a good deal of loss. It is estimated that we lost in killed and missing about two hundred and fifty, but I think it larger. There was too much of a disposition to get away, and too little to fight. Whenever we did fight, it was done to protect our rear rather than to whip the rebels. A little m