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nesota, conferees. In the House, on the twenty-seventh, Mr. Blair, from the committee of conferend eloquently fallen from his lips. On the twenty-seventh, Mr. Johnson, of Tennessee, addressed the tal and other bands. In the House, on the twenty-seventh, Mr. Blair reported it back from the militrred to the Military Committee; and on the twenty-seventh, it was reported by Mr. Blair, and passed ack with an amendment. The Senate, on the twenty-seventh, proceeded to consider it, the pending queays, thirty-five. In the Senate, on the twenty-seventh, Mr. Wilson moved that the Senate disagreethe Committee on Military Affairs. On the twenty-seventh, Mr. Wilson reported it back without amendhe Committee, were concurred in. On the twenty-seventh, the Senate resumed the consideration of twithout a division. In the Senate, on the twenty-seventh, Mr, Anthony, of Rhode Island, from the Cordered, and the House adjourned. On the twenty-seventh the House resumed the consideration of the[1 more...]
after midnight. On the next day we went to Thoroughfare Gap, where we were kept upon picket duty until the twenty-fifth, when we took up the line of march for the Potomac. The regiment was shelled by the enemy at Haymarket; one man was wounded, and Colonel Colville's horse killed under him. We reached Gum Spring on that night, twenty-two miles, and at noon of the next day arrived at Edwards' Ferry on the Potomac, which we crossed in the night, and bivouacked near our old camp. On the twenty-seventh we marched to Sugar-Loaf Mountain, and on the next day reached the Monocacy, near Frederick City, Md. On the twenty-ninth we made a march of thirty-one miles to Uniontown, near the Pennsylvania line, where we found the pickets of the enemy, and laid over one day for stated muster. On the first of July we marched within two miles of this place, where we found portions of the army who had been in the battle of that day. At three o'clock on the morning of the second instant, we wer
illstown, by the rifle guns of the McDonough and Hale. After firing for a couple of hours orders were given for the vessels to return to the previous anchorage, and for the marines and howitzers to fall back to the place of debarkation. I despatched an armed boat through Mosquito Creek to communicate with the Dai-Ching, being anxious to learn the cause of a large fire observed to the westward, and the whereabouts of General Birney. On her return, at three o'clock in the morning of the twenty-seventh, I received the melancholy news of the disaster to the steamer Boston, and that the General had returned to Port Royal; whereupon the marines and howitzers were ordered on board, and at daylight we proceeded down the river, en route for this place, where we arrived this evening. For the details of the loss of the Boston, and the part taken by the Dai-Ching, in compliance with my orders, are fully set forth in the accompanying report of Lieutenant-Commander Chaplin. Although we did not
re within a few yards of the ram, when Baldwin was discovered, and hailed by a sentry on the wharf. Two shots were then fired, and a volley of musketry, which induced John W. Lloyd, who heard the challenge and reports of small arms, to cut the guiding line, throw away the coil, and swim the river again to join John Laverty, fireman, who was left in charge of his clothes and arms. These two men, with the boat-keeper, Benjamin Lloyd, coal-heaver, returned to the ship the morning of the twenty-seventh, after an absence of thirty-eight hours in the swamps, encountering the additional discomfort of a rainy day and night. Two days unsuccessful search was made for Baldwin and Crawford, both of whom made their appearance on Sunday, the twenty-ninth instant, much fatigued by travel, and somewhat exhausted from the loss of food. No traces of their intended designs were left behind them. I cannot too highly commend this party for their courage, zeal, and unwearied exertion in carrying ou
on their color line, on the side where the Indians made the dash. They promptly advanced to the support of the cavalry, and took a hand in. Thus the Sixth, among the infantry regiments, on this day did the fighting. The cavalry and artillery in this, as in the previous and subsequent engagement, had always their full share of work. The Indians appeared on the south side of the camp, out of range, but made no further attack. The battle of Stony Lake. The march was resumed on the twenty-seventh, and the trail, still marked by robes and other articles, was followed towards the Missouri River. We camped, after a march of nearly twenty miles, on a small lake half a mile long and twenty rods wide. On the morning of the twenty-eighth, just as the rear of the train was filing around the south end of the lake, the advance being nearly to the top of a long hill that we were ascending, the Indians suddenly made their appearance in front and on the flanks, rapidly circling around t
ows: Estis's regiment, of Wharton's division, picketing Tennessee River from Bridgeport to Guntersville; Wade's regiment, Martin's division, from Guntersville to Decatur, and detachments from Roddy's brigade from Decatur to the mouth of Bear Creek. The main body of Wharton's division was stationed near Rome, Ga.; of Martin's division, near Alexandria, Alabama, and of Roddy's brigade, near Tuscumbia, Alabama. Two regiments of the corps were on detached duty with General Pillow. On the twenty-seventh, General Martin's command, numbering about twelve hundred men, was ordered to Trenton, and General Wharton's to the vicinity of Chattanooga. On the twenty-ninth, the enemy crossed the Tennessee River in force, driving back the pickets of Colonel Estis's regiment. About five hundred men of General Martin's division, under Lieutenant Colonel Malden, moved up Wills' Valley, and were placed on picket duty below Chattanooga. It now became evident that the enemy were moving two division
h that Rousseau reached Nolensville with his troops and train. Negley remained at Nolensville until ten A. M. on the twenty-seventh, when, having brought his train across from Wilson's pike, he moved to the east, over an exceedingly rough by-road, ters and men, gave ample assurance of what could be expected of them in the coming struggle at Murfreesboro. On the twenty-seventh, in accordance with the General's instructions, the division took position at the junction of the Balle Jack road witlfully done. The brigades of Cruft and Grose reached the west bank of Stewart's Creek late in the afternoon of the twenty-seventh, and bivouacked there until the morning of the twenty-ninth. During all the day, Sunday, the twenty-eighth, the enthe right wing was not so far advanced as the left, the latter did not move forward until eleven o'clock A. M. on the twenty-seventh. At this hour the advance was ordered, and my division was directed to take the lead. The entire cavalry on duty wi
n the rear, and he therefore determined, if possible, to attempt to silence our upper battery, and then, by the aid of his gunboats, to effect a lodgment in the trenches immediately above and beyond it. With this design, on the morning of the twenty-seventh, at about nine o'clock, four of his boats engaged our lower batteries; at the same time, the Cincinnati, a turreted iron-clad of the largest class, and carrying fourteen guns, pushed boldly down the river, rounded the peninsula, and was soon (the last afloat). Enemy has made several assaults. My men are in good spirits, awaiting your arrival. Since investment we have lost about one thousand men, many officers. You may depend on my holding the place as long as possible. On the twenty-seventh we sunk one of their best iron-clad gunboats. On the thirtieth, I again dispatched as follows: Scouts report the enemy to have withdrawn most of his forces from our right yesterday, leaving Hall's Ferry road open I apprehend, for a movemen
, Your obedient servant, Earl Van Dorn, Major-General. Report of Major-General Price. headquarters army of the West, Holly Springs, October 20, 1862. Major: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this army, connected with the several engagements at Corinth and Davis' bridge, of the third, fourth, and fifth instants. Having arranged with Major-General Van Dorn to unite my forces with his for active operations, I joined him at Ripley on the twenty-seventh ultimo. My force at this time consisted of effective infantry, 10,498; effective cavalry, 2,437; effective artillery, 928 men and forty-four guns, including two twenty-four-pounder howitzers and four rifled pieces of three and five-eighths calibre. The infantry was divided into two divisions, commanded by Brigadier-Generals Maury and Hebert. Maury's division consisted of three brigades, commanded by Brigadier-General Moore and Acting Brigadier-Generals Cabell and Phifer. Hebert's division
ag or hoist the Federal, until the officers should get away from the forts. The officers of Fort Jackson and the St. Mary's cannoniers left about four o'clock P. M., for the city, on board of the United States gunboat Kennebeck, and arrived on the morning of the twenty-ninth in New Orleans. The officers of Fort St. Philip were sent up the next day, and all the men subsequently, within a few days, as transportation could be furnished, excepting the men who revolted on the night of the twenty-seventh, many of whom enlisted with the enemy. Upon my arrival in the city I found the enemy's vessels were lying off the town, and that no flag, excepting that of the State of Louisiana, on the City Hall, was visible upon the shore. I also learned that Flag-officer Farragut had directed it to be hauled down and the United States flag hoisted in its stead, upon the penalty of shelling the city within forty-eight hours if the demand was not complied with, and that he had warned the city authori