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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 52 52 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 46 46 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 38 38 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 32 32 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 26 26 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 23 23 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 23 23 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 22 22 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 22 22 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 20 20 Browse Search
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Colonel Taylor, chief of artillery to General McPherson, inflicting a very painful wound, though it is thought he will recover. There have thus occurred, since the opening of the campaign south of the Etowah River, up to the evening of the twenty-eighth, three separate affairs which approached almost to the dignity of battles. On the afternoon of the twenty-fifth the enemy attempted to resist the advance of Hooker in the centre; on the twenty-seventh they attempted to turn the left flank, under General Wood, and on the twenty-eighth, to turn the right, under McPherson. An honest statement of the facts compels the acknowledgment, that in the first they succeeded substantially, though the affair wore a sufficiently brilliant aspect from our having carried the first slight line of works, and carried on the pursuit with so much elan, till we were rudely halted by the artillery and heavier forces of the second. Our losses, too, here, being the attacking party, and encountering a sev
n all bridge structures, and to proceed as far as Jones' Ford, if possible. General Woodbury was employed in preparing bridge structures to be thrown across the White Oak at or before daylight. He was furnished with men and implements, and every facility afforded for the discharge of his duty. A large force was employed during the night clearing the obstructions in the road leading to the bridge. Reports were made to the headquarters Fourth corps at intervals of half hours. On the twenty-eighth, at daylight, I received instructions from headquarters, Fourth corps, to throw my immediate command across the White Oak Swamp, and seize strong positions so as to cover most effectually the passage for other troops. So soon as the bridge was passable I moved General Palmer, (who had joined me with his brigade,) Russell's regiment leading a squadron of cavalry, and Regan's and Fitch's batteries of artillery, forward, to a position of much strategic importance, some four miles in advanc
artillery carriages, and lightening the usual load of an ammunition wagon, it would have been impracticable to get the vehicles along; a vigorous pursuit would have been impossible. These dispositions were reported to the commanding General. He directed me to follow the cavalry and support it. The pursuit was continued, with all possible celerity, to Lexington, Alabama, thirty miles south of Pulaski. Six miles south of Lexington, Brevet Major-General Wilson learned certainly, on the twenty-eighth, that the rear of the enemy had crossed the river on the twenty-seventh, and that his bridge was taken up on the morning of the twenty-eighth. These facts were reported to the commanding General, who ordered that the pursuit be discontinued. To continue it further at that time, besides being useless, even if possible, was really impossible. Of the pursuit it may be truly remarked that it is without a parallel in this war. It was continued for more than a hundred miles, at the most inc
urteenth Corps. The orders were issued for this on the twenty-eighth, but were countermanded by the attack made by the enemyor, by his splendid management of the battle of the twenty-eighth ultimo, and his cordial and unassuming manner, and is winny around the enemy's left toward his rear. Sunday, the twenty-eighth, the West Point railroad was reached. Monday, the twenength in the reports of subordinate commanders. On the twenty-eighth, General McPherson was on the point of closing to his lcame into line on his right early on the morning of the twenty-eighth, his right reaching an old meeting-house called Ezra Ch on the night and morning of the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth instant, and during my advance in line of battle to a more determined attack at half-past 11 o'clock A. M., on the twenty-eighth. My lines were only protected by logs and rails, hast, and was severely punished; and finally again, on the twenty-eighth, he repeated the attempt on our right, and that time mu
ed position, with the loss of four pieces of artillery. On the twenty-eighth our lines were extended from Deep Bottom to New Market road, bu division of the Second corps was withdrawn on the night of the twenty-eighth, and moved during the night to the rear of the Eighteenth corpscounters occurred at this point. The most important was on the twenty-eighth, when the enemy assaulted General McPherson at Dallas, but recendred and ten prisoners and four pieces of artillery. On the twenty-eighth he again attacked and defeated the enemy under the rebel Genera Banks' expedition on Red river, and reached Arkadelphia on the twenty-eighth. On the sixteenth of April, after driving the enemy before himn the north side of the Tennessee river, near Florence. On the twenty-eighth Forrest reached the Tennessee at Fort Heiman, and captured a gu near Hatcher's run on the morning of the twenty-ninth. On the twenty-eighth the following instructions were given to General Sheridan:
Fourth corps, was ordered from Atlanta September twenty-sixth, and replaced Steedman's command at Chattanooga on the twenty-eighth. Morgan's division, of the Fourteenth corps, started from Atlanta for the same purpose on the twenty-ninth of Septemelegraphic communication with Atlanta was restored on the twenty-first, and trains commenced running regularly on the twenty-eighth. On the latter date the enemy was at Gadsden, Alabama, while General Sherman's forces were at Gaylesville, both armin, the enemy drove in our pickets and established a line of rifle-pits within five hundred yards of the town. On the twenty-eighth a sortie was made by a part of the garrison, which advanced under cover of the guns of the fort down the river bank aFerry road, and pursuing the same route as the cavalry, reached Lexington, Alabama, thirty miles from Pulaski, on the twenty-eighth; on which date, having definitely ascertained that the enemy had made good his escape across the Tennessee at Bainbri
Thomas, Colonel, Eighth Minnesota Volunteers, Commanding Second Brigade. Captain J. H. pell, A. A. G. headquarters Sixth Iowa Volunteer cavalry, camp No. 34, July 29, 1864. sir: I have the honor to report the operations of eleven companies of the Sixth Iowa volunteer cavalry on the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth of July, 1864 (company K having been left in garrison at Fort Randall, D. T.), in connection with the battle with the Indians at Tah-kah-o-kuty. On the morning of the twenty-eighth instant, the two brigades took up the line of march from their camp (number thirty-four) and Big Knife river, in a direction west of north. The First brigade, consisting of the Sixth Iowa volunteer cavalry, three companies of the Seventh Iowa volunteer cavalry, Brackett's battalion of Minnesota cavalry, two companies of Dakota cavalry, the Prairie battery, and one company of Indian scouts, being in advance. About eleven o'clock, A. M., the guides announced that they had discovered Indians
e enemy had concentrated a considerable force at Okolono, which, upon our approach, fell back to Egypt. Having tapped the wire at Okolono and intercepted despatches from Lieutenant-General Taylor and others, indicating that reinforcements would be sent from Mobile and other points, and learning from deserters who came in on the night of the twenty seventh, that the reinforcements would not be likely to arrive before eleven o'clock A. M. the next day, I accordingly, on the morning of the twenty-eighth, attacked the enemy, variously estimated at from twelve hundred to two thousand strong, consisting of cavalry, infantry, and one battery of four guns on platform cars, at Egypt. While the fight was in progress two trains with reinforcements, said to be under command of General Gardner, came in sight, but I threw a force between them and Egypt, which succeeded in capturing a train of cars, tearing up the track two and a half miles south of that point, and engaged the trains with reinforc
at. General Crook fell back behind the Potomac, saving all his guns and material. On the twenty-seventh his command moved down on the Maryland side of the Potomac, and took position in Pleasant Valley, nearly opposite Harper's Ferry; Averell reported the enemy crossing the Potomac at Williamsport, destroying the railroad and canal, and menacing both Cumberland and Chambersburg; General Wright at Monocacy, with the Sixth corps, and General Emory coming up with the nineteenth. On the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth the whole force crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry and took position in Halltown and vicinity. The combined force amounted to about thirty thousand men, and eighty or ninety guns. It was reported that the enemy was crossing with all arms at Williamsport, and driving Averell back on Chambersburg. This was believed to be only a cavalry force, and Early was supposed to be lying along the turnpike, between Martinsburg and Winchester; his main force at Bunker Hill. It
ordered, by Colonel McLane, chief of Price's staff, to proceed to North Missouri and destroy the railroads, which orders were found on the miscreant when killed by Lieutenant-Colonel Cox, about the twenty-seventh of October ultimo. On the twenty-eighth, when information of Ewing's fight and Price's presence at Pilot Knob came to hand, General Smith, discovering the enemy in his front, moving to west and north, in pursuance of his orders to hold the most advanced position compatible with the cannon, and part of the prisoners, to Warrensburg. The Kansas troops and Benteen's brigade pursued the enemy's flying columns, a part of whom made their last stand at Newtonia, Missouri, where General Blunt overtook and attacked them on the twenty-eighth, but was being worsted when Sanborn, having marched one hundred and two miles in thirty-six hours, arrived in time to save the day. The enemy fled, making no further stand this side of the Arkansas. In a country destitute of food for man and