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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 75 75 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 34 34 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 33 33 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 31 31 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 30 30 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 27 27 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 26 26 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 25 25 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 21 21 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 20 20 Browse Search
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ommanding the Twelfth regiment, to camp at Fort Lincoln, and to Major Henning, at Fort Scott. We requested the latter to send what reenforcecnents he could along the south side of the Osage River, to Burnett's Ferry. Our intention was to skirmish with them until these reenforcements arrived, and when Major Henning's force arrived to make an attack on the Island from each side. All day we skirmished with the rebel pickets, at the same time sending out foraging and other parties. On the twenty-ninth the reel pickets, which had occupied the highest mounds to the south-east of us, seemed to have been considerably reenforced. A detachment of about sixty men was sent out, under command of Capt. Armstrong and Adjt. Hinton, with directions to skirmish with the enemy, holding them in play while a foraging party proceeded in search of salt and corn-meal. The rebels were evidently well handled. They designed to draw on some detachment far enough from camp to overwhelm it before assistance
was marching from the direction of Thomasville, on the Pocahontas road, and would be ready to cooperate with me at any time after midnight. This road leads directly across the road to Yellville, by which the enemy retreated, and they had already passed the point of intersection at least thirty-six hours before. Of course, pursuit was now useless, and I directed Lieut. Going to rejoin Col. Lazare with orders to join me, as soon as possible, on the Pocahontas road. On the morning of the twenty-ninth, I crossed the artillery over the river, and leaving Captain Vaughn to guard the ferry and the prisoners, I marched toward Pocahontas and formed a junction with Col. Lazare, at Bolingers's Mill, fifteen miles from the ferry. I immediately ordered a detachment of fifty cavalry, under Major Lippert, to march to Pocahontas and search for horses and contraband goods. Major Jainsch accompanied the detachment. They dispersed a small scouting-party, taking eight or ten horses, and found a n
the enemy advanced his pickets, driving ours over the mountains. Both armies then commenced strengthening their pickets. During the night severe skirmishing was going on in the mountains, our pickets slowly retiring toward Boonsboro, and the enemy approaching within two miles of our main lines. During Saturday, the sixth, the enemy continued to hold his position at the foot and upon the north side of Boston Mountains, upon the same ground where we had fought and whipped them on the twenty-ninth ultimo. We had learned positively that Hindman had reenforced Marmaduke with about twenty thousand men and fourteen pieces of artillery. This was evidence conclusive that the enemy was planning to overwhelm our small force, knowing that they would have nothing but the division of Blunt to oppose them. But General Blunt, upon the first intimation of Hindman's reenforcement, ordered the command of General Schofield forward upon forced marches. At ten o'clock on the morning of the seventh
lashing upon their rear the rout must have been pushed to a panic. On the twenty-ninth I was ordered across to the Murfreesboro and Nashville pike, and joining theozen shells, when it also skedaddled, leaving the bridge unharmed. On the twenty-ninth the brigade rejoined the division on the Murfreesboro pike and marched to thhe brigade and were placed as reserve to the Eighty-fourth Illinois. On the twenty-ninth we moved forward, crossed Stewart's Creek, waist deep, and followed the Eighady stated, moved down the Nolinsville pike. So that, on the morning of the twenty-ninth, the left and centre were united at Stewart's Creek, while the right was mov leading into Nashville, into a solid mass in front of Murfreesboro. On the twenty-ninth, the enemy, in considerable force, disputed the ground with the head of our eming his junction with the left of great importance at that time. On the twenty-ninth, General McCook moved to Wilkinson's cross-roads, within seven miles of Murf
y, as indicated in my early reports from this quarter, it was our policy to await attack. The position was selected and line developed with this intention, owing to the convergence upon our depot of so many fine roads by which the enemy could approach, as will appear from the inclosed map marked I. We were confined in our selection to a line near enough the point of junction to enable us to successfully cover them all until the real point of attack should be developed. On Monday, the twenty-ninth, it was reported that heavy columns moved on both direct roads from La Vergne and the one leading into the Lebanon road by way of Jefferson. But the Jefferson pike was abandoned by a counter-march, and the whole force of the enemy were concentrated on and near the direct road on the west of Stone River. The disposition made for the unequal contest will appear from the inclosed map marked two, and a copy of memoranda to General and statffofficers marked three. These arrangements were al
e twenty-eighth, and forced Jackson to retreat across Bull Run by the Centreville turnpike. McDowell had succeeded in checking Lee at Thoroughfare Gap, but the latter took the road from Hopeville to Newmarket and hastened to the relief of Jackson, who was already in rapid retreat. A portion of McDowell's corps encountered the retreating column on the afternoon of the twenty-eighth, near Warrenton turnpike, and a severe but successful engagement ensued. Jackson was again attacked on the twenty-ninth, near the old battle-ground of July, 1861. Knowing that Longstreet was not distant, he made a most desperate stand. The fight continued nearly all day, and was terminated only by darkness. We had gained considerable ground, but nothing was decided when the battle closed. It was renewed the next morning, and after another day's hard fighting, our forces fell back behind Bull Run, the enemy not attempting any pursuit. Two days later, however, he threw a considerable force between Chant
those who had been so long away from navigable rivers, and every body interested took a survey through town toward the river, concluding that every thing was well done. On the levee we found many hogsheads of superior sugar, which was no longer confederate property. In fact, we found ourselves in possession of a large amount of contraband property, such as sugar, corn, cattle, mules, horses, wagons, and almost every thing necessary and useful for man and beast. On the forenoon of the twenty-ninth, our whole infantry force and two batteries marched en parade through the principal streets of Van Buren, the respective field-bands in front, the whole of the streets lined with spectators — even the rebel hospitals nearly emptied to look at the Lincolnites, who went shouting and hurrahing with an enthusiasm that awakened in many a rebel heart the feeling of Oh! Could I be among them! All around you could hear, What a difference in appearance between these and our troops, or How far su
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 91.-General Sherman's expedition. (search)
upplement. headquarters Fourth Iowa infantry, battle-field near Vicksburgh, Miss., December 30, 1862. Captain: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken in the battle before Vicksburgh, on the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth inst. by the Fourth Iowa infantry. Early on the morning of the twenty-eighth, I took the position assigned me on the right of the brigade. In obedience to the orders of the General commanding the brigade, I detailed thirty men from my regimenof the enemy's artillery, without becoming generally engaged. Late in the evening the regiment fell back with the brigade to the transports, and reembarked during the night, and moved down the river two or three miles. At daylight on the twenty-ninth, the regiment again debarked, and took the advance of the brigade, marching about two miles to a point near where General Morgan's division was engaging the enemy. At this point, the regiment was commanded to halt, where it remained until a
deeply grateful. Very respectfully your obedient servant, J. P. Bankhead, Commander. Acting Rear-Admiral S. P. Lee, Commanding North-Atlantic Blockading Squadron. Official report of Commander Trenchard. United States steamer Rhode Island, Hampton roads, January 3, 1868. sir: I have the honor to report, in conformity with your orders of the twenty-fourth ultimo, that the Rhode Island proceeded to sea with the iron-clad steamer Monitor in tow, at half-past 2 P. M. of the twenty-ninth ultimo, the wind being light from the southward and westward, with a smooth sea. The weather continued favorable during the night, and the Monitor towed easily; speed ranging between five and six miles per hour. At one P. M. of the thirtieth, made Cape Hatteras lighthouse, bearing west-south-west, fourteen miles distant. The weather during the day continued the same. At sunset, when seventeen miles south-east of Cape Hatteras, made the steamer State of Georgia with the Passaic in tow, to
Doc. 112.-capture of the Princess Royal. Rear-Admiral Du Pont's report. flag-ship Wabash, Port Royal, S. C., January 31, 1863. sir: I have the honor to report the capture, on the morning of the twenty-ninth instant, of the screw-steamer Princess Royal, while attempting to run the blockade into Charleston. The following are the circumstances connected with her capture: After standing in a mile and a half, Lieut. Commander Quackenbush observed a steamer standing along the land, in the direction of Charleston. He fired two shots toward her, when her course was altered toward the beach, and she was run ashore. Two officers, and an armed boat's crew, were immediately sent to take possession. She proved to be the iron steam propeller Princess Royal, last from Bermuda, four days out, and laden, as far as he could learn, with rifled guns, arms, ammunition, steam-engines for the iron-clads, and an assorted cargo. On taking possession, it was ascertained that the Captain,