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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, John, 1735- (search)
States until after the redress of grievances demanded of the American government, and which the French Republic had a right to expect from it. The American minister immediately endeavored to ascertain whether by refusing to receive him it was intended that he should retire from the territories of the French Republic, and verbal answers were given that such was the intention of the Directory. For his own justification he desired a written answer, but obtained none until towards the last of January, when, receiving notice in writing to quit the territories of the republic, he proceeded to Amsterdam, where he proposed to wait for instruction from this government. During his residence at Paris cards of hospitality were refused him. and he was threatened with being subjected to the jurisdiction of the minister of police; but with becoming firmness he insisted on the protection of the law of nations due to him as the known minister of a foreign power. You will derive further information
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arkansas, (search)
Murphy, who was the Union governor of Arkansas in 1864. Meanwhile the State authorities had seized the national property in the State. During almost the whole period of the war, National or Confederate troops occupied the State; and one of the most hotly contested battles of the war was fought on its soil (see Pea Ridge). On Oct. 30, 1863, a meeting of loyal citizens, representing about twenty counties, was held at Fort Smith, to take measures for reorganizing the State government. In January following, a convention, composed of representatives of State seal of Arkansas. forty-two counties, assembled at Little Rock, and framed a loyal constitution, which was ratified by the people in March, 1864. Members of the legislature were elected, and in April a State government was organized. In 1867 military rule was established in Arkansas, which, with Mississippi, constituted a military district. A new constitution was framed by a convention at Little Rock, Jan. 7, 1868, and was r
s many excellent qualities as a soldier, he referred to his (Hooker) having been, with others. to blame for too freely criticising the military conduct of Burnside, and so doing a great wrong to him. He reminded Hooker that he would now be open to such criticism, but that he (Lincoln) would do what he might to suppress it, for little good could be got out of an army in which such a spirit prevailed. The army was then lying, weak and demoralized, at Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg. From January until April (1863) Hooker was engaged in preparing for a vigorous summer campaign. His forces remained in comparative quiet for about tree months, during which time they were reorganized and disciplined, and at the close of April his army numbered 100,000 effective men. General Lee's army, on the other side of the river, had been divided, a large force, under General Longstreet, having been required to watch the movements of the Nationals under General Peck in the vicinity of Norfolk. Lee
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blair, Francis Preston, Jr., 1821-1875 (search)
Blair, Francis Preston, Jr., 1821-1875 Military officer; born in Lexington, Ky., Feb. 19, 1821 ; was educated at the College of New Jersey, and took an active part in politics early in life. The free-soil party (q. v.) at St. Louis elected him to a seat in Congress in 1856, and he acted and voted with the Republicans several years. He joined the Union army in 1861, and rose to the rank of major-general of volunteers. In 1864 he commanded a corps of Sherman's army in the campaign against Atlanta and in his march to the sea. Having joined the Democratic party, he was its unsuccessful candidate for the Vice,--Presidency in 1868. In January. 1871, he was chosen United States Senator. He died in St. Louis, Mo., July 8. 1875.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nuñez 1490-1560 (search)
mounted, by the stakes to which the horses had been tied. From this spot, called the river Petutan, to the river to which Diego de Guzman came, we heard of Christians, may be as many as 80 leagues; thence to the town where the rains overtook us, 12 leagues, and that is 12 leagues from the South sea. Throughout this region, wheresoever the mountains extend, we saw clear traces of gold and lead, iron, copper, and other metals. Where the settled habitations are, the climate is hot; even in January the weather is very warm. Thence toward the meridian, the country unoccupied to the North sea is unhappy and sterile. There we underwent great and incredible hunger. Those who inhabit and wander over it are a race of evil inclination and most cruel customs. The people of the fixed residences and those beyond regard silver and gold with indifference, nor can they conceive of any use for them. When we saw sure signs of Christians, and heard how near we were to them, we gave thanks to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabinet, President's (search)
. Thomas JeffersonSept.26,1789 Edmund RandolphJan.2,1794 Timothy Pickering Dec.10,1795 John Mars57 Philip F. Thomas Dec. 12, 1860 John A. Dix Jan. 11, 1861 Name.Appointed. Salmon P. Chase M William Eustis March 7, 1809 John Armstrong Jan. 13, 1813 James Monroe Sept.27, 1814 William H Simon Cameron March 5, 1861 Edwin M. Stanton Jan. 15, 1862 Ulysses S. Grant, ad interimAug.12, 1805 Paul Hamilton March 7, 1809 William Jones Jan. 12, 1813 B. W. Crowninshield Dec. 19, 1814 Smchard W. Thompson March12, 1877 Nathan Goff, JrJan. 6, 1881 William H. Hunt March 5, 1881 William Edmund Randolph Sept.26,1789 William BradfordJan.27,1794 Charles Lee Dec. 10,1795 Theophilus Pa John Breckinridge Aug. 7,1805 Caesar A. RodneyJan. 28,1807 William Pinkney Dec. 11,1811 Richard ,1833 Felix Grundy July 5,1838 Henry D. GilpinJan. 11,1840 John J. Crittenden March 5,1841 Hugh 5 Joseph McKenna March 5, 1897 John W. Griggs Jan. 25, 1898 March 5,1901 Philander C. KnoxApri[7 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Clayton-Bulwer treaty, the (search)
binding on both parties until November, 1881, when Mr. Blaine wrote to Mr. Lowell, the American minister to Great Britain, urging the abrogation of the treaty on the ground that it was formed thirty years before under circumstances that no longer existed; that the development of the Pacific coast had enormously increased the interest of the United States in the canal, and that the well-being of this country demanded a modification of the treaty. To this letter Lord Granville made reply in January, stating Great Britain's reasons for regarding the treaty as still in force; but as meanwhile Mr. Blaine had left the State Department there was no further diplomatic discussion on the subject until the publication of a proposed treaty with Nicaragua. This treaty was in direct violation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, for its object was to provide for the construction of a canal across Central America, at the expense of the United States, and to be controlled when completed by this country.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Columbian Exposition. (search)
he United States, particularly from the West. The visit of Columbus's descendant, the Duke of Veragua, excited much popular interest, as did that of the Princess Eulalie of the Spanish royal family. Restorations of the caravels of Columbus followed his track across the Atlantic, and were conducted to Chicago by way of New York; another noteworthy restoration was the viking ship, which also made the journey to the fair. The question of the Sunday opening of the fair called forth considerable controversy, and reached the courts. As to the general character of the exposition proper, opinions have varied. No mention of the fair would be complete without a reference to several popular features—the gigantic Ferris wheel and the Midway Plaisance, with its various villages, Cairo street, etc. Two great fires-one in January, the other in June, 1894—swept away the great buildings, excepting the Fine Arts Building, which has been converted into the Field Columbian Museum, now amply endo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Congress, Continental (search)
Congress adjourned in the afternoon of Oct. 26, 1774, and the next day the members started for home, impressed with the belief that war was inevitable. The actual sessions of the Congress occupied only thirty-one days. Their proceedings produced a profound sensation in both hemispheres. The state papers they put forth commanded the admiration of Room in which Congress met in Carpenters' Hall. the leading statesmen of Europe. The King and his ministers were highly offended, and early in January Lord Dartmouth issued a circular letter to all the royal governors in America signifying his Majesty's pleasure that they should prevent the appointment of deputies to another Continental Congress within their respective governments, and exhort all persons to desist from such proceedings. The members of the first Continental Congress were cautious concerning the assumption of direct political authority. They had met as a continental committee of conference. Even the American Association
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Congress, National (search)
the ordinance of secession by South Carolina, her two remaining Representatives (Boyce and Ashmun) left the House of Representatives and returned home. Early in January the proceedings of a secret caucus of Southern members of Congress was revealed, which showed that they should remain in Congress until its close to prevent meansess became more and more bold and defiant, Senator Toombs, of Georgia, declared himself a rebel. The two great committees labored in vain. Towards the middle of January, Hunter, of Virginia, and Seward, of New York, in able speeches, foreshadowed the determination of the Secession party and the Unionists. During January the extrJanuary the extreme Southern members of Congress began to withdraw, and early in February, 1861, the national Congress had heard the last unfriendly word spoken, for the Secession party had left. Thenceforward, to the end of the session (March 4, 1861), Union men were left free to act in Congress in the preparation of measures for the salvation o