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ain Ballen was wounded in the shoulder, slightly. In the action of the second of January, the Seventy-fourth regiment occupied its position in the brigade, and ailar mention, with the exception of the part taken by it on the night of Friday, January second, when, under the command of Capt. Williams, myself being unable to takeore we charged we had killed twenty-seven, including many officers. January 1, 2, and 3.--Had the brigade under arms all day, with two regiments on picket and skirivate Snow, of L company, orderly to Gen. Rosecrans, was ordered, on the second of January, to pick up fifteen stragglers, which he did, and was then ordered to takon in front, west of the railroad, which we occupied till Friday afternoon, January second, about four o'clock, when we were taken on double-quick to the left of the was ordered to recross the river and go into camp for a night's rest. On January second, I was again ordered, with the brigade, to cross the river, when Col. Grose
riety, attacked our advance. A brisk skirmish was kept up for half an hour, without any loss on our side. On the first instant, we recrossed Clinch Mountain through Moccasin Gap. Here, again the bushwhackers commenced, and kept up the fire, until we reached Jonesville, county-seat of Lee County, Va., where we had another brisk skirmish for an hour or so, in which the rebels lost several in killed and wounded; we none. We recrossed Cumberland Mountain, at Hauk's Gap, at three o'clock, January second, safe and sound out of Dixie. The expedition was arranged by the Carter family, exiles from East-Tennessee, consisting of General Carter, Colonel Carter, Second Tennessee regiment of volunteers, and the Rev. Mr. Carter, who intended accompanying the expedition, but was unable to join us on account of ill-health. It was managed with great secrecy, and an eye to saving the lives of the men of the command, and they deserve well of their country. The hardships endured by the command m