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capture of a battery, which the enemy had been forced to abandon at the point of the bayonet. (See Negley's report.) January 3. Soon after daylight, the Forty-second Indiana, on picket in a clump of woods about eight hundred yards in front of brigade marched this day to Nashville, to protect our trains. Colonel Zahn's report is inclosed. The second and third of January the cavalry was engaged in watching the flanks of our position. On the fourth it became evident that the enemy had was done, and morning found us well prepared for any emergency, either offensive or defensive. The following day (third of January), considerable skirmishing was kept up without abatement, from early in the morning until dark. During the night, Iiled to dig riflepits in the front, near the pike, and on the extreme right. They labored all night in the rain. On January third, the Third battalion relieved the First, then on duty in the trenches; on the fourth, the Second and Third battalions