Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 9, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January 8th or search for January 8th in all documents.

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Florida Convention. Tallahassee, Fla. Jan. 8.--On Monday the Commissioners of Alabama and South Carolina were introduced to the Convention, and both delivered addresses. The latter also presented documents from his State. Judge McIntosh's preamble and resolutions, the special order, are as follows: Whereas. All hopes of preserving the Union upon terms consistent with the safety and honor of the slaveholding States have been finally dissipated by recent indications of the strength of the anti-slavery sentiment in the free States: Therefore be it. Resolved by the people of Florida in Convention assembled, that it is undoubtedly the right of the several States of the Union to withdraw from the said Union at such time and for such cause as, in the opinion of the people of such State, acting in their sovereign capacity, may be just and proper; and in the opinion of this Convention the existing causes are such as to compel Florida to proceed to exercise that right.
The Daily Dispatch: January 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], The late murder of a policeman in New Orleans. (search)
Mayor Wentworth on the crisis. Chicago, Jan. 7. --Mayor Wentworth has issued a proclamation recommending that business be suspended on the 8th of January, and that the people congregate at such places as may seem best to adopt necessary measures to declare their attachment to the Federal Union. He recommends that the military companies take such steps as they may deem due to the memory of Jackson and the gallantry of Anderson. At sunrise 33 guns will be fired for the Union, at noon 56 in honor of Major Anderson, and at sunset 78 for Andrew Jackson. During this salute the bells will be tolled. A movement is also on foot for a sword for Major Anderson.
The Alabama Convention. Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 8.--Mr. Calhoun, Commissioner from South Carolina, addressed the Convention to-day. His speech was well received. Dispatches to the Governor, from Virginia, Florida, and Mississippi, were read, and created great enthusiasm. A committee of thirteen was appointed, to consider and report the necessity of action by the State. The Convention determined on secret sessions by a large majority. The seats of two secession members, from Shelby county, are contested.
Movement of U. S. Troops. Boston, Jan. 8. --The steamer Jos. Whitney is being chartered to convey troops and munitions of war from Boston to Fort Tortugas. Election of Pennsylvania U. S. Senator. Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 8.--Mr. Cowan (Rep.) has been elected U. S. Senator, in place of Bigler. He is not a radical abolitionist, and was formerly a Clay whig.
Vessel burnt. Mobile, Ala., Jan. 8.--The ship Birmingham, Capt. Johns, was burnt yesterday in Mobile Bay.
Louisiana Convention Election. New Orleans, Jan. 8.--This city has gone for immediate secession candidates.