Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January 11th or search for January 11th in all documents.

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Ran away --From my premises, on the 11th January, my negro boy Galahan. I will pay a liberal reward to any person who will bring him to me at the Second Market. He is of black complexion, about 6 feet high, and 19 years of age. John Kaiser. ja 13--3t*
Loss of a Steamer — a Yankee Steamer reported to be blown up. Information has been received here that the Steamer Dare, owned by the Richmond Importing and Exporting Company, in attempting to make Wilmington harbor was beached near Georgetown, S. C., and the vessel and cargo entirely lost. The crew and passengers escaped to the shore. The following official dispatch from General Whiting gives the particulars of the loss of the Dare: Wilmington, Jan. 11th. To Gen. S. Cooper: The steamer Dare ran ashore near Georgetown. After landing the navy officers near Lockwood's Folly she was chased off by the enemy and broke down. The crew landed safe, and report the capture of twenty-four Yankees. There was heavy firing all day at Lockwood's Folly be eight steamers of the enemy. One Yankee steamer is reported blown up. The explosion was heard in town. Details not yet received. (Signed,) W. H. G. Whiting, Major General.
From Charleston. Charleston, Jan. 11. --Three shells this morning and six this afternoon were fired at the city. Nobody hurt. Some firing was heard in the direction of Lighthouse Inlet, believed to be our batteries opening on the enemy on Block Island. Nine shots were fired yesterday, from a 30-pounder, on Sumter, of which seven struck. The fleet quiet.
From East Tennessee. Russellville, Jan. 11. --Nothing whatever transpiring in this department. Weather clear and cold.