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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 3 (search)
overseer, took himself off and only returned late this evening. Harriet, Mrs. Green Butler's maid, is the most trifling of the lot, but I can stand anything from her because she refused to go off with the Yankees when Mrs. Butler had her in Marietta last summer. Her mother went, and tried to persuade Harriet to go, too, but she said: I loves Miss Julia a heap better'n I do you, and remained faithful. Sister keeps her here because Mrs. Butler is a refugee and without a home herself. Jan. 16, Monday Sister has come back, bringing dear little Mrs. Sims with her. Metta and I are to spend next week in Albany with Mrs. Sims, if we are not all water-bound in the meantime, at Pine Bluff. The floods are subsiding up the country, but the waters are raging down here. Flint River is out of its banks, the low grounds are overflowed, and the backwater has formed a lake between the negro quarter and the house, that reaches to within a few yards of the door. So much the better for us,
John D. Billings, Hardtack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life, I. The tocsin of war. (search)
d residence, and that companies not full should be recruited to the limit fixed by law, which was then one hundred and one for infantry. Shortly afterwards John A. Andrew, now known in history as the Great War Governor of Massachusetts, assumed the duties of his office. He was not only a leading Republican before the war, but an Abolitionist as well. He seemed to clearly foresee that the time for threats and arguments had gone by, and that the time for action was at hand. So on the 16th of January he issued an order (No. 4) which had for its object to ascertain exactly how many of the officers and men in the militia would hold themselves ready to respond immediately to any call which might be made upon their services by the President. All who were not ready to do so were discharged at once, and their places filled by others. Thus it was that Massachusetts for the second time in her history prepared her Minute men to take the field at a minute's notice. This general order of
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 8: winter campaign in the Valley. 1861-62. (search)
d with these words:--I do not feel at liberty to close this report without alluding to the conduct of the reprobate Federal commanders, who, in Hampshire county, have not only burned valuable mill-property, but also many private houses. Their track from Romney to Hanging Rock, a distance of fifteen miles, was one of desolation. The number of dead animals lying along the roadside, where they had been shot by the enemy, exemplified the spirit of that part of the Northern army. On the 16th of January, the whole Confederate army was again assembled near Romney. It was ascertained that the retreating force had gone to the neighborhood of Cumberland, in Maryland, a town on the north side of the Potomac, and opposite to the northwestern border of Hampshire county. Three important railroad bridges required their oversight in that region. One of these crossed Patterson's Creek, near its entrance into the river. A little west of this spot, the railroad, which pursues the southern bank f
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, X. January, 1862 (search)
us, a thing not at all probable, for I believe there are those who are constantly on the watch for such dangerous characters, and they may possess the power to nip all embryo emperors in the bud. Some of our functionaries are not justly entitled to the great positions they occupy. They attained them by a species of snapjudgment, from which there may be an appeal hereafter. It is very certain that many of our best men have no adequate positions, and revolutions are mutable things. January 16 To-day, Mr. Benjamin, whom I met in the hall of the department, said, I don't grant any passports to leave the country, except to a few men on business for the government. I have ceased to grant any for some time past. I merely remarked that I was glad to hear it. Immediately on returning to my office I referred to my book, and counted the names of fifty persons to whom the Secretary had granted passports within thirty days; and these were not all agents of the government. Mr. Be
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXII. January, 1863 (search)
t we may capture, handed over to the States to be dealt with as John Brown was dealt with. The Emancipation Proclamation, if not revoked, may convert the war into a most barbarous conflict. Mr. Foote, yesterday, introduced a resolution requesting the recall of our diplomatic agents; and, after a certain time, to notify the foreign consuls to leave the country, no longer recognizing them in an official capacity. A bill was introduced making Marylanders subject to conscription. January 16 Gen. Lee is in the city, doubtless to see about the pressure upon him for reinforcements in North Carolina. Gen. Smith still writes from Goldsborough for more men, with doleful forebodings if they be refused. From Eastern Tennessee, we have bad accounts of outrages by the disloyal inhabitants, who have fled, to escape conscription, to the mountains and caves, many of them taking their families. At night they emerge from their hiding-places, and commit depredations on the secessioni
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 35 (search)
guard for a chew of tobacco, and he received the bayonet in his breast without a word. January 15 We have no news. But there is a feverish anxiety in the city on the question of subsistence, and there is fear of an outbreak. Congress is in secret session on the subject of the currency, and the new Conscription bill. The press generally is opposed to calling out all men of fighting age, which they say would interfere with the freedom of the press, and would be unconstitutional. January 16 General good spirits prevail since Northern arrivals show that the House of Representatives at Washington has passed a resolution that 1,000,000 men, including members of Congress under 50, volunteer to deliver the prisoners of war out of our hands. This produces a general smile, as indicative of the exhaustion of the available military force of the United States and all believe it to be the merest bravado and unmitigated humbug. Every preparation will be made by the Confederate Stat
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXV. February, 1864 (search)
rising in price. In Lowell not a spindle is turning, and 30,000 operatives are thrown out of employment! From England we learn that the mass of the population are memorializing government to put an end to the war! I saw a ham sell to-day for $350; it weighed fifty pounds, at $t per pound. February 21 Cold, clear, and calm, but moderating. Mr. Benjamin sent over, this morning, extracts from dispatches received from his commercial agent in London, dated December 26th and January 16th, recommending, what had already been suggested by Mr. McRae, in Paris, a government monopoly in the export of cotton, and in the importation of necessaries, etc. This measure has already been adopted by Congress, which clearly shows that the President can have any measure passed he pleases; and this is a good one. So complete is the Executive master of the situation, that, in advance of the action of Congress on the Currency bill, the Secretary of the Treasury had prepared plates,
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 47 (search)
of impressment. They need not fear. I have enough flour, meal, and beans (black) to subsist my family two weeks. After that, I look to the kind Providence which has hitherto always fed us. It is now rumored that Mr. Blair came to negotiate terms for the capitulation of Richmond, and that none were listened to. Better that, if it must fall, than be given up to pillage and the flames. If burning our cities had been the order in 1862, it might have been well; it is too late now! January 16 Clear and frosty. We learn vaguely that the attack on the defenses of Wilmington has been progressing since Friday, and that the enemy's land forces have effected a lodgment between Fort Fisher and the town. Another peace visitor has arrived-Hon. Mr. Singleton, of the United States Congress. It is said that the President (Confederate States) has pledged himself to appoint commissioners to fix terms of peace. This is but a forlorn-hope. No terms of peace are contemplated by an
Jan. 16. The names of William L. Yancey of Alabama, and James H. Hammond of South Carolina, appear in the Apalachicola Times of this day, as candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency of the Southern Confederacy.
set forth the intentions of his fellows, and expressed the greatest desire to aid in the suppression of the rebellion.--(Doc. 12.) The First Kansas regiment, which was sent from Sedalia, Mo., arrived at Lexington and arrested several of the most prominent and active rebels of the town, captured and destroyed about fifteen hundred hogs, which were being packed for the use of General Price's rebels, and took possession of a good deal of other valuable property.--National Intelligencer, January 16. In the United States Senate, the reports of the Judiciary Committee, in favor of the expulsion of Waldo P. Johnson and Trusten Polk, Senators from Missouri, were taken up and unanimously adopted. A copy of the resolutions for their expulsion was ordered to be sent to the Governor of Missouri.--New York Times, January 11. The first auction sale of confiscated cotton from Port Royal occurred in New York, under orders of the Government. There were seventy-nine bales in all, and t
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