Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 9, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January 19th or search for January 19th in all documents.

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An Imperial skating party. Paris, Jan. 19. --Last night I had the luck to be present at a grand Court skating match by torchlight. In Paris the streets were muddy; it was supposed a decided thaw had set in, the ice on the lake in the Bois de Boulonge was pronounced unsafe — it was, as I ascertained myself, watery on the surface, and not a soul was to be seen upon it. But beyond the Longchamps race course, and on the banks of the Seine, dear M. de Roths-child's splendid villa, and just opposite Suresne, there is a meadow studded with pretty clumps of high trees, which was overflowed during the late floods, and which, although the thermometer had risen to a shade above zero, still presented a smooth coating of solid ice, there being scarcely any water underneath. At this spot the Emperor, with as much secrecy as possible, had made a rendezvous for 10 o'clock at night. The great Godwit, undertaker of public rejoicings, hung the branches of the trees with hundreds of Chinese lant
American Shipping at Liverpool. --The following is an extract from a letter dated Liverpool, Jan. 19: "As regards outward business there is very little doing. There are seventy disengaged American ships in port, at present, and but little inclination to charter American ships, on account of the state of affairs in the United States, as the underwriters are fearful of insuring their cargoes, fearing civil war and losses by privateers."
dry goods jobbers, have suspended, with liabilities amounting to a million dollars each. It is expected that large dividends will be derived by the creditors, if not full payment. Appointment of a New York Commissioner to Virginia. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 8. --Thurlow Weed has been appointed Commissioner to the Virginia Convention, in place of Gardner, declined. Heavy snow in Canada. Montreal, Fed 7.--Another heavy snow has blocked the railroads, and caused a general suspension of trade and travel. No mails are leaving. The ship Leila in Distress. New York,Feb. 7.--St. Thomas dates of January 19th, say the ship Leila from Rotterdam, of and for Baltimore, put in there leaky, and would have to discharge. Northern markets. Baltimore,Feb. 8.--Flour dull. Wheat dull — red $1.26#0040;1.30; white $1.46#0040;1.60. Corn dull — new yellow 59#0040;62. Provisions steady — mess-pork $18. Lard 10 ¼. Coffee steady at 12 ½#0040;13 ½. Whiskey firm a
The ship Leila in Distress. New York,Feb. 7.--St. Thomas dates of January 19th, say the ship Leila from Rotterdam, of and for Baltimore, put in there leaky, and would have to discharge.