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ntitled to the attention and sympathy of all interested in this useful, but neglected class of society. The matter, by neglect of the committee, has been left to my discretion, and though there is still a considerable amount due me personally on the bell, it affords me pleasure to give it the direction indicated by the committee. It has done good service in an honorable cause, and we regard this as a worthy destination for it. Thos. E. Ballard, Chm'n of Bell Com. Richmond, Jan. 25th. Thos. E. Ballard, Esq.-- Dear Sir: I have just received your kind note presenting me, for the use of the Seamen's Bethel, the very excellent bell used by the Bell and Everett Club of this city, and expressing in flattering terms your high appreciation of the noble cause in which I am engaged. Your present is a most useful and desirable one, and I have no doubt the direction you have given it will be gratifying to most of our citizens; and while it will scarcely ever assemble such c
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.a Clergyman's testimony in regard to theSouth Carolinians — Mistake Corrected, &c. Henrico Co., Va., Jan,25 I send you an extract of a private letter from a Baptist Minister, who is well known in Richmond, and has been sojourning in South Carolina for five months. After mingling with all classes, and studying their character, this gentleman forms the following deliberate and impartial judgment of a noble, though much slandered people:"The South Carolinians are a singular race of people.--Like Virginians, they have much State pride, and though, perhaps, on first acquaintance not quite so cordial, are hospitable, chivalrous and warm- hearted. Their unanimity of feeling on the one question is truly wonderful.--No matter where you see them they all talk and think alike. Secessionism is not a sudden ebullition of feeling, not an angry outburst, but a principle to which they calmly, persistently, and doggedly adhere. The people everywhere,
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], Citizens' State-rights ticket.-- Peachy R. Grattan, P. H. Aylett, Geo. W. Randolph. (search)
e Governor, for his prompt seizure of the forts, which concludes "we will defend them here and elsewhere, with all the means in our power. " Mr. Roselin asked, before the question was put, what was the authority for the acts done. The Governor was the highest conservator of the peace, and while such a disregard of law might become necessary for our rights, the speaker asked to know what was the exigency which rendered such action necessary in this case. He was not prepared to censure or thank. A warm debate ensued; and when the Governor's annual Message was received, it was proposed to read that portion having reference to the taking of the forts. Much debate for and against this proposition ensued, and ran with confusion, which the President was forced to rebuke. The resolution was passed — yeas 118, nays 5. [Third Dispatch.] Baton Rouge, La., Jan. 25. --The prospects this morning are decidedly in favor of adjourning the Convention to New Orleans.
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], To J. M. Estes. W. M. Caldwell, J. B. Ferguson, and others. (search)
The Georgia Convention. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 25. --The credentials of the Commissioner were offered. A report was offered that no State be admitted into the Southern Union without she be a slaveholding State, and that if she subsequently abolished slavery she shall be excluded from the Union. The report was tabled for the present. A resolution was introduced about Southern direct trade. Objections were made to including Delaware among the slaveholding States to whom Commissioners are to be sent. An ordinance was offered abolishing the Federal Courts, and substituting them by State Courts. An ordinance was adopted relative to the oaths of lawyers. The Secretary of the Convention was empowered to have the ordinance signers' names lithographed. The Convention will probably take a recess after Tuesday. A large portion of to-day was spent in secret session. An ordinance was passed resuming the State authority over all territory her
Congressional. Washington Jan. 25. --Senate.--The Chair laid before the Senate a communication relative to Fort Abercrombie. Private bills were then considered until adjournment. Adjourned till Monday. House.--The House considered private bills. The Select Committee's report was then taken up. Mr. Nelson, of Tennessee, made an anti-secession speech, causing much pleasure to the Republican side of the House. He said almost everything should be sacrificed to the Union. Mr. Leake, of Virginia, defended the South. He said the Republicans offered a premium for perjury. Mr. Bohle vindicated the Republicans. He said that at could not be expected that they or the dominant party should modify their views. No compromise which did not look to the protection of the rights of the people of all parts of the country could receive his support. Mr. Grow, of Pennsylvania, endeavored to introduce a resolution inquiring whether there exists, in the Dis
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], James Lyons, Esq., a candidate for the Convention for Henrico County. (search)
Abolitionists Mobbed in Boston. Boston Jan. 25. --A meeting of the Anti-Slavery Society, held last night, was dispersed by order of the Mayor, on account of the disturbance among the audience. Afterwards a crowd of about 5,000 persons assembled in front of Tremont Temple, but dispersed without any action. Another large crowd appeared in front of Wendell Phillips' house, threatening violence, but none was committed. The negroes are alarmed by apprehensions of an attack on their houses. This morning a crowd gathered in front of the Temple, but the Mayor had forbidden the re- assembling of the Convention. There were some riotous proceedings, but nothing serious. A large police force was present.
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], To James M. Estes, Wm. M. Caldwell, and others. (search)
From Washington. Washington Jan. 25. --It is currently reported here that Goddard Bailey has been presented to the Grand-Jury, for the larceny of the Indian Trust Fund, and that Ex-Secretary Floyd, and Russell and Bailey have been presented for a conspiracy to defraud the Government in the same. The House Committee on Military Affairs has prepared a bill for the benefit of the troops at Fort Sumter, appropriating $1,150 to indemnify them for the clothing, furniture, musical instruments, &c., lost in leaving Fort Moultrie.
Another attempt at Seizing arms in New York, &c. New York Jan. 25. --The police yesterday attempted to detain a lot of arms, &c., found on board the steamer Montgomery, but the captain ordered the hawsers to be cut, and left the wharf, thus frustrating their design. The arms seized on the schooner Caspian, yesterday, were directed to Savanilla, and have been returned by the police to the vessel. Those seized on the steamer Monticello were still at the arsenal.
The Mississippi Convention--eight Regiments to be raised. St. Louis Jan. 25. --A special dispatch from Jackson, Miss., Wednesday, says the Mississippi Convention has elected seven delegates to the Southern Congress at Montgomery. It also passed an ordinance to raise eight regiments of troops. Hon. Jeff. Davis had been elected Major General.
Appointment of Maryland Commissioners. Baltimore Jan. 25. --Gov. Hicks has appointed Hon. Reverdy Johnson, Augustus W. Bradford,Wm. Goldsboro, Jno. M. Crisfield, and J. Dixon Roman, all Union men, Commissioners, to meet the Commissioners from other States, in Washington, on the 4th of February. They represent every portion of the State.