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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Philippine Islands, (search)
d thirty-two prisoners; the Americans lose eight men. Dec. 11. General Tierona, the Filipino insurgent commander in Cagayan, surrenders the entire province to Captain McCalla, of the Newark. Dec. 11. The President directed General Otis to open the ports of the Philippines to commerce. Dec. 19. General Lawton was killed in attacking San Mateo. Jan. 22, 1901. Treaty with Spain for the purchase of the island of Cibutu and Cagayan for $100,000 ratified by United States Senate. Jan. 28. Petition from Filipino federal party praying for civil government presented to the Senate. March 1. Twenty-one officers and 120 bolomen surrender. March 23. Aguinaldo captured by General Funston. April 2. Aguinaldo takes oath of allegiance. April 20. General Tinio surrendered. June 15. United States Philippine Commission appoints Arellano, chief-justice, and six other Supreme Court judges. June 21. Promulgation of President McKinley's order establishing civil governme
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Revolutionary War, (search)
ommission, which accedes to their demandJan. 1, 1781 Benedict Arnold plunders Richmond, Va. Jan. 5-6, 1781 Robert R. Livingston appointed secretary of foreign affairs by CongressJan., 1781 Battle of Cowpens, S. C.; American victory Jan. 17, 1781 Mutiny of New Jersey troops quelled by Gen. Robert Howe Jan. 23-27, 1781 Young's house, near White Plains, surprised by British Feb. 2, 1781 Skilful retreat of Americans under General Greene from Cowpens to the River Dan, pursued by Cornwallis,Jan. 28-Feb. 13, 1781 Final ratification of Articles of Confederation announced by order of Congress March 1, 1781 Battle of Guildford Court-house, N. C.March 15, 1781 British under Generals Phillips and Benedict Arnold occupy PetersburgApril 24, 1781 Battle of Hobkirk's Hill, S. C. April 25, 1781 Union of Vermont with the British proposed to Col. Ira Allen at Isles aux Noix, Canada May, 1781 Cornwallis joins Arnold at Petersburg, Va. May 20, 1781 Augusta, Ga., taken by Colonel Clark, Sept.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
Joseph, Mo., 11 days and 12 hours from Sacramento......April, 1860 Breaking ground for the Santa Fe Railroad at Atchison occurred......June 13, 1860 George M. Beebe, secretary, becomes acting governor on Governor Medary's resignation......Dec. 17, 1860 Population of the Territory, 107,204......1860 Last territorial legislature meets at Lecompton, Jan. 7, and adjourns to Lawrence......Jan. 8, 1861 Act to admit Kansas under Wyandotte constitution passes Senate, Jan. 21; House, Jan. 28; approved......Jan. 29, 1861 Governor Robinson assumes office......Feb. 9, 1861 Meeting of the first State legislature at Topeka......March 26, 1861 James H. Lane and Samuel C. Pomeroy elected United States Senators......April 4, 1861 Steamboat New Sam Gaty arrives at Leavenworth from St. Louis, under Confederate flag. The captain is compelled by the people to substitute the stars and stripes......April 18, 1861 First Confederate flag captured by Kansas troops at Iatan, Mo.,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
the lands of Madame de Chaumonot, arrive at Pascagoula......Jan. 3, 1721 Seat of government of Louisiana removed from Biloxi to New Orleans......1723 Chopart, commander of Fort Rosalie, demands that Great Sun, head of the Natchez tribe of Indians, should vacate White Apple village, about 6 miles from the fort, and surrender it to the French: a conspiracy of Indians and the massacre of the garrison follow......Nov. 29, 1729 Destruction of the Natchez by the French and Choctaws......Jan. 28–Feb. 8, 1730 Mississippi Company surrenders its charter; the King proclaims all Louisiana free to all his subjects......1732 Mississippi included in the proprietary charter of Georgia......1732 Unsuccessful expedition of Bienville against the Chickasaws in the northern part of Mississippi......May, 1736 Capt. George Johnstone appointed governor of west Florida, including portion of Mississippi south of 31st parallel acquired by treaty of Paris......Nov. 21, 1763 A second de