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ough the winter. Yet no mines of Peru were discovered; no ornaments of gold Chap. II.} 1541. adorned the rude savages; their wealth was the harvest of corn, and wigwams were their only palaces they were poor and independent; they were hardy and Mar. loved freedom. When spring Vega says January. L. III. c. XXXVI. opened, Soto, as he Mar. had usually done with other tribes, demanded of the chieftain of the Chickasaws two hundred men to carry the burdens of his company. The Indians hesitMar. had usually done with other tribes, demanded of the chieftain of the Chickasaws two hundred men to carry the burdens of his company. The Indians hesitated Human nature is the same in every age and in every climate. Like the inhabitants of Athens in the days of Themistocles, or those of Moscow of a recent day, the Chickasaws, unwilling to see strangers and enemies occupy their homes, in the dead of night, deceiving the sentinels, set fire to their own village, in which the Castilians were encamped. Vega, l. III. c. XXXVI., XXXVII. and XXXVIII. Port. Account, c. XX. XXI. On a sudden, half the houses were in flames; and the loudest notes
e, by the Canaries and West Indies, conceiving the idea of a direct voyage to America, with the concurrence of Raleigh, had well nigh secured to New England the honor of the first permanent English colony. Steering, in a small bark, directly 602 Mar. across the Atlantic, in seven weeks he reached the continent of America in the Bay of Massachusetts, not Chap. III.} 1602. May 14. far to the north of Nahant. Belknap's Biog II. 103. Williamson's Maine, i. 184, 185. He failed to observe a go5. moted by the Earl of Southampton and Lord Arundel, of Wardour, and commanded by George Weymouth, who, in attempting a north-west passage, had already explored the coast of Labrador, now discovered the Penobscot River. Weymouth left England in March, and, in about six weeks, came in sight of the American continent near Cape Cod. Turning to the north, he approached the coast of Maine, and ascended the western branch of the Penobscot beyond Belfast Bay; where the deep channel of the broad str
ymen. As he looked toward James River and Jamestown, his splendid prophecy, by the mouth of the Protestant Cranmer, promised the English nation the possession of a hemisphere, through King James as the patron of colonies: Wherever the bright sun of heaven shall shine, His honor and the greatness of his name Shall be, and make new nations. He shall flourish, And like a mountain cedar, reach his branches To all the plains about him. Sir Thomas Gates, leaving the government with 1614. Mar. Dale, embarked for England, where he employed himself in reviving the courage of the London company. May 17. Commons Journal, II. 481. Chalmers, 34, 35. In May, 1614, a petition for aid was presented to the house of commons, and was received with unusual solemnity. It was supported by Lord Delaware, whose affection for Virginia ceased only with life. All it requires, said he, is but a few honest laborers, burdened with children; and he moved for a committee to consider of relief. But di
met his first assembly 1630 Mar 24. of burgesses in the following March. Hening, i. 4, and 147. He had for several years been a member o statutes, of course, call the year 1641, as the year then began in March. He found the American planters in possession of a large share of tercised. The condition of contending parties in England had 1643 Mar. now given to Virginia an opportunity of legislation Chap. VI.} 164arliament, which, in the moment of its power, voluntarily pro- 1652 Mar. posed a virtual independence? No sooner had the Guinea frigate anch See the names of the members, in Hening, v. i. p. 506, 507. 1659. Mar. It has pleased some English historians to ascribe to Virginia a precgenerations. On the death of Matthews, the Virginians were 1660. Mar. without a chief magistrate, just at the time when the resignation ofit was not refused; for, some months before Cromwell's death, 1658. Mar. the Virginians invited the Dutch and all foreigners to trade with th
they were welcomed by Harvey with courtesy and humanity. Clayborne also appeared, but it was as a prophet of ill omen, to terrify the company by predicting the fixed hostility of the natives. Leaving Point Comfort, Calvert sailed into the Po- Mar. tomac; Winthrop, i. 134. and with the pinnace ascended the stream. A cross was planted on an island, and the country claimed for Christ and for England. At about fortyseven leagues above the mouth of the river, he found the village of Piscatasent that the English should immediately occupy one half of their town, and, after the harvest, should become the exclusive tenants of the whole. Mutual promises of friendship and peace were made; so that, upon the twenty-seventh Mar 27. day of March, the Catholics took quiet possession of the little place; and religious liberty obtained a home, its only home in the wide world, at the humble village which bore the name of St. Mary's. Three days after the landing of Calvert, the Ark and the
hich the Puritans interpreted in their favor. The house of commons often displayed an earnest zeal for a further reformation; Prince, 300. and its active 1565 Mar. interference was prevented only by the authority of the queen. When rigorous orders for enforcing conformity were first issued, Strype's Annals, i. 460, 461.d or any thing else but a cup of fair spring water, was the best dish which the hospitality of the whole colony could offer. Neat cattle were not introduced 1624 Mar. till the fourth year of the settlement. Yet, during all this season of self-denial and suffering, the cheerful confidence of the Pilgrims in the mercies of Provid be shed, grew out of a quarrel, in which the inhabitants of Plymouth were involved by another colony. For who will define the limits to the graspings of 1623. Mar. avarice? The opportunity of gain by the fur-trade had been envied the planters of New Plymouth; and Weston, who had been active among the London adventurers in es
t to Massachusetts, and after thus breaking down the distinction between the colony and the corporation, by a daring construction of their powers under the charter erect an independent representative government? The charter had been granted in March; in April, Chap. IX.} 1629. the new embarkation was far advanced. The local government temporarily established for Massachusetts was to consist of a governor and counsellors, of whom eight out of thirteen were appointed by the corporation in Ene clergy, except Cotton, in whose house Vane was an inmate, Suffolk Prob. Records, i. 72 clustered together Winthrop, i. 215. in defence of their influence, and in opposition to Vane; and Wheelwright, who, in a fast-day's sermon, had 1637. Mar. strenuously maintained the truth of his opinions, and <*>ad never been confuted, Henry Vane, in Hutch. Coll. 82. in spite of the remonstrance Chap IX.} 1637 May 17. of the governor, was censured by the general court for sedition. Comp S.