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uthward of those colonies; that is, to the foreign West India islands; 4 Geo. III. c. XXVII. Regulations, &c. 52, 53. so that the broken and mowburnt rice might be sold as food for negroes, and good rice made cheaper for the British market. The boon that was to mollify New England was concerted with Israel Mauduit, acting for his brother; the agent of Massachusetts, and was nothing less than the whale fishery. Jasper Mauduit, the Agent of Massachusetts. Report of Privy Council, 7 March. Order in Council, 9 March, 1764. Great Britain had sought to com- chap. IX.} 1764. April. pete with the Dutch in that branch of industry; had, fostered it by bounties; had relaxed the act of navigation, so as to invite even the Dutch to engage in it from British ports in British shipping. But it was all in vain. Grenville gave up the unsuccessful attempt, and sought a rival for Holland in British America, which had hitherto lain under the double discouragement, of being excluded from
words. For, on Tuesday, the fourth of March, 1766, came on the third reading of the bill declaratory of the absolute power of parliament to bind America, as well as that for the repeal of the Stamp Act. Again Pitt De Guerchy to Praslin, 7 March. moved to leave out the claim of right in all cases whatsoever. The analogy between Ireland and America was much insisted upon, and he renewed his opinion, that the parliament had no right to tax America, while unrepresented. This opinion, saithe next day, Conway, and more than one hundred and fifty members of the House of Commons, carried the bill up to the House of Lords, where Temple and Lyttelton did not suffer it to receive its first reading without debate. On Friday, the seventh of March, the declaratory bill was to have its second reading. It was moved, though no division took place, to postpone it to the bill for the repeal, for if the latter should miscarry, the former would be unnecessary; and if the latter passed, the