Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for March 13th or search for March 13th in all documents.

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Sailed, Schr. Danville, Chester, New York, mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Samaria, Todd, Petersburg, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr Beverly, (Br.) Blanch, Halifax, flour, Bacon & Baskervill. Schr. Oneida, Warren, down the river, light. Schr. Virginia, Resple, down the river, light. Schr. Elate, Faceman, down the river, light. Schr. Magnolia, Nickerson, down the river, light. Schr. William and John, --, down the river, light. Brig Fred. Eugenia, Hawes, down the river, light. Memoranda. Schr. Marshall, from New York, below City Point. Charleston, March 11.--Ar'd. schr. Sprightling Sea, Norfolk. Cl'd, schr. Minnesota, Richmond. Baltimore, March 12.--Ar'd, Flying Arrow, Norfolk, Cl'd, sloop Stafford, Fredericksburg. New York, March 12.--Cl'd, schr. Horizon, Norfolk. Norfolk, March 13.--Ar'd, bark Callorny, coal from Scotland.
Extra session of the U. S. Senate. Washington,March 13.--Mr. Douglas offered a resolution asking information as to what forts, arsenals, navy-yards, and other public property in the limits of the seceded States, are now in actual possession of the United States; the number of men of each garrison; whether reinforcements are necessary to retain them; if the Government has the power and means, under existing laws, within the necessary time, whether it is necessary and wise to reinforce them, with the exception of Tortugas and Key West, and to recapture those seized by the seceding States, except with a view to the subjugation and occupation of those States; and if such be the motive for recapture, what force, regular and volunteer, is necessary to reduce them to subjection, and protect the Federal States.--The resolution lies over. Mr. Fessenden moved a resolution to strike from the roll of the Senate the names of Messrs. Benjamin, Brown, Davis, Mallory, Clay and Toombs--lies
From the Southern Capital. Montgomery, Ala.,March 13.--The Congress will, it is believed, take a recess during this week. Speaker Cobb has sent to the different States of the Confederation copies of the permanent Constitution. The Alabama Convention received it to-day, and will, it is expected, ratify it to-morrow. [second Dispatch.] The Tariff act is published. It goes into operation on the 1st of May. Compared with the United States tariff, most of the 30 per cent. duties are reduced to 25 per cent., a greater portion to 24 per cent., and the 19 per cent. duties are reduced to 15. There is a large 10 per cent. schedule, and a very small free list. The Alabama Convention ratified the permanent Constitution by a vote of 87 to 5.-- Gen. Jamison, a leading co-operationist, took a bold position in favor of the ratification. Jere Clemens is appointed Major General of the Alabama army.
From Washington. Washington,March 13.--The object of Senator Douglas' resolution in the Senate, was to officially disclose the fact that there is no adequate power to retake and hold the forts in the seceded States, and that more would be required, and the attempt therefore must be postponed until the meeting of Congress. Col. Sumner has been nominated to the Senate Brigadier General vice Twiggs. The order is not yet issued to evacuate Fort Sumter. Mr. Douglas will address the Senate on his resolution to-morrow. He will lay down three propositions, comprising only one which will present any complications. The first proposition offers such amendments to the Constitution as will guarantee the seceded States their rights and bring them back; the second, recognizing their independence and forming a commercial treaty with them; third, a war of subjugation, to be followed by military occupation. These he considers the three horns of the dilemma. He considers the fir
From Georgia.Augusta, Ga.,March 13. --The reported seizure by Gov. Brown, of stock held by Northern citizens in the Georgia Railroad, is incorrect. The President of the road denies its truth. Savannah,March 13.--The State Convention has transferred the forts, arsenals, arms, &c., in Georgia, to the Confederate States. An ordinance was passed appropriating $500,000 to the support of the General Government, and authorizing the Governor of Georgia to issue bonds to that amount. From Georgia.Augusta, Ga.,March 13. --The reported seizure by Gov. Brown, of stock held by Northern citizens in the Georgia Railroad, is incorrect. The President of the road denies its truth. Savannah,March 13.--The State Convention has transferred the forts, arsenals, arms, &c., in Georgia, to the Confederate States. An ordinance was passed appropriating $500,000 to the support of the General Government, and authorizing the Governor of Georgia to issue bonds to that amount.
The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Ordinance of transfer passed by Alabama. (search)
New Hampshire election. Concord, N. H.,March 12.--The annual election for State officers and members of Congress is in progress to-day. The returns do not show a large vote, and there is very little excitement. As far as heard from, the Republicans maintain about the same majority as last year. In Concord, the vote in four wards at 1 o'clock stood — Republican 631, Opposition 375. About the same as last year. [second Dispatch.] Concord,March 13.--Berry, Rep., is elected Governor by a majority of 4,000. All the Republican candidates are elected to Congress.
The vote in Petersburg. Petersburg,March 13.-- 2 P. M. --The vote on the Secession Resolutions, submitted at the meeting on Monday night, is progressing.--Secession is 110 ahead, and the Union strength is nearly exhausted. [second Dispatch.] Petersburg,March 13.--The vote to- night at dark showed the secessionists 51 ahead, and this majority is expected to be increased during the following to-morrow. The secession men are parading the streets with a band. A great crowd is , submitted at the meeting on Monday night, is progressing.--Secession is 110 ahead, and the Union strength is nearly exhausted. [second Dispatch.] Petersburg,March 13.--The vote to- night at dark showed the secessionists 51 ahead, and this majority is expected to be increased during the following to-morrow. The secession men are parading the streets with a band. A great crowd is out and will be addressed by Messrs. Pryor, String fellow and others, onPoplar Lawn, at 8 o'clock.
Naval. Norfolk,March 13.--The U. S. steamer Pocahontas, from Vera Cruz, arrived in Hampton Roads last evening. The Cumberland is hourly expected. New York,March 13.--A steam frigate is coming up — probably the Powhatan, from Vera Cruz. Naval. Norfolk,March 13.--The U. S. steamer Pocahontas, from Vera Cruz, arrived in Hampton Roads last evening. The Cumberland is hourly expected. New York,March 13.--A steam frigate is coming up — probably the Powhatan, from Vera Cru
Fire in Lynchburg. Lynchburg, Va.,March 13. --A fire took place here last night, destroying Williams & Peters' brokers' office, and several other buildings.
The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Richmond Supplying the South with arms. (search)
Northern Markets. New York,March 13.--Cotton firm — uplands middling 11¼@11½. Flour firm. Wheat has a declining tendency. Corn has a declining tendency — mixed 59@67; Southern white. 70@ 71; yellow 63@68 Pork heavy — mess $16.87@18; prime steady at $12.50 @13. Lard heavy at 9@9½c Whiskey steady. Sugar heavy — Muscovado 4½ @5--Coffee steady. Molasses unchanged. Turpentine steady at 36½c. Rosin heavy at $1.23. Rice steady. Stocks heavy — New York Centrals 78½; Virginia 6's 78¼; Misssouri 6's 66¼. Sales in New York,March 12th, of $6, 000 Tennessee 6's at $75½; $8,000 do. at $75¼; $5,000 do. at $75½; $23,000 do. at $75; $1,000 North Carolina 6's at $32, and $1,000 do, at $81½. Baltimore,March 13.--Flour dull and heavy — Howard and Ohio $5; City Mills $5; no buyers.--Wheat active — Red $1.23 @1.27; White $1.45@1.65 Corn has a declining tendency and is 2 cent 2 lower — Mixed 63@65. Provisions dull and unchanged. Coffee firm at 12¼@13.