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n, on February 7th. He was somewhat prostrated with sickness, which partially disabled him through the campaign. The two grand divisions of his army were commanded by the able Generals Bragg and Polk. On March 26th he removed to Corinth. The enemy commenced moving up the Tennessee River March 10th, with the design to mass the forces of Grant and Buell against the Confederate forces under Johnston and Beauregard at Corinth. General Grant assembled his army at Pittsburg Landing on March 17th. The Confederate force at Corinth numbered about forty thousand, divided into four corps commanded respectively by Major-Generals Polk, Bragg, and Hardee, and Brigadier-General Breckinridge. General Beauregard was second in command under General Johnston. The orders for the march and battle of the Confederate army were issued on the afternoon of April 3d, and the movement began with the intention of striking the enemy at Pittsburg Landing on the 5th, but delays, caused by confusio
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 44: the lack of food and the prices in the Confederacy. (search)
ity would join them; they too have no meat-many of them --or bread either. If a frank answer could be elicited from the men who sincerely believe our Government starved the prisoners in our hands, could they, after reading these extracts, reaffirm that opinion? Travelling expenses of an officer of artillery en route from Richmond, Va., to Augusta, Ga., March and April, 1865. Colonel Miller Owen: in camp and battle with the Washington artillery. March 11thMeal on the road$20.00 March 17thCigars and bitters60.00 March 20thHair-cutting and shave10.00 March 20thPair of eye-glasses135.00 March 20thCandles50.00 March 23dCoat, vest, and pants2,700.00 March 27thOne gallon whiskey400.00 March 30thOne pair of pants700.00 March 30thOne pair of cavalry boots450.00 April 12thSix yards of linen1,200.00 April 14thOne ounce sul. quinine1,700.00 April 14thTwo weeks board700.00 April 14thBought $60, gold6,000.00 April 24thOne dozen Catawba wine900.00 April 24thShad and sundries
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Kelleysville, March 17th, 1863-Reports of Generals J. E. B. Stuart and Fitz. Lee. (search)
Headquarters cavalry division, Army of Northern Virginia, March 25, 1863. General R. H. Chilton, A. A. G.: General: I have the honor to enclose herewith the very graphic report of Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee of the battle of Kelleysville, (March 17th), between his brigade and a division of the enemy's cavalry. There is little to be said in addition. The dispositions made for meeting this anticipated raid were sufficient to have prevented or very much retarded the crossing of the Rappahannine, Fourth Virginia cavalry, whose individual prowess attracted my personal attention, and remark, the latter receiving a severe wound; and on the very efficient staff of General Lee, enumerated in his report, and the many others to whom the 17th of March will ever be the proudest of days. Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee exhibited in the operations, antecedent to and consequent upon the enemy's crossing, the sagacity of a successful general, and, under the blessing of Divine Providence, we are in
March 17. No entry for March 17, 1861.
mand. At about ten miles distant from camp they came across three hundred and fifty rebel cavalry pickets stationed at the junction of the Williamsport and Great Bethel roads. When the enemy were discovered, the troops were deployed into line and charged upon them. The latter, after firing a few shots at the Union skirmishers, and setting fire to the houses they had lately occupied, turned and fled. Some provisions, etc., were found, which were distributed among the troops.--N. Y. World, March 17. This afternoon, while twenty-six of the Union cavalry were foraging on the Strasburg road, three miles from Winchester, Va., they came upon a large barn, bearing evidence of having recently been occupied by Ashby's men. While the teams were loading with hay, about two hundred of the latter came near, and threw out two companies as skirmishers. The Union men covered the departure of their teams, and prepared to resist an attack, which was finally commenced. At length six Wisconsin pi
s, some blankets, flour, etc., were found in the house used as Wigfall's headquarters. A large quantity of shells and cartridges were also stowed away in a barn, and seventy-five boxes of ammunition were found near the creek.--N. Y. Commercial, March 17. The United States frigate Cumberland, which was sunk by the attack of the Merrimac, rebel steamer, still keeps her masts above water, and the Stars and Stripes are yet flying at her masthead. A Naval expedition, composed of the gunboa distance. The heavy guns of the Yankee enabled her to lie off out of range, and drop her shells with precision into the batteries. After firing some time the Yankee and Anacostia hauled off, without being struck. Gen. Lew. Wallace's division went to Purdy, McNair County, Tenn., burned the bridge, and took up the track, on the railroad leading from Humboldt to Corinth, Miss., cutting off a train heavily laden with troops, which arrived while the bridge was burning.--N. Y. World, March 17.
March 17. The United States gunboat Cimerone, was launched at Bordentown, N. J., this day. She was built by Capt. D. S. Mershon.--N. Y. Tribune. The United States Senate confirmed the following nominations for brigadier-generals of volunteers: Major William F. Barry, chief of artillery, attached to Gen. McClellan's staff; Willis A. Gorman of Minnesota; Col. Schuyler Hamilton; Thomas L. Price, member of Congress from Missouri; Major James N. Palmer, Fifth cavalry; Lieut.-Col. Wm. H. Emory, Sixth cavalry; Major Andrew J. Smith, Fifth cavalry; Marcena L. Patrick of New York; Isaac F. Quinby of New York; Orris S. Ferry of Connecticut; Hiram G. Berry of Maine. The following brigade-surgeons, all of Pennsylvania, were confirmed: James D. Shawbridge, R. B. McKay, George L. Kemble, J. H. Taylor, George L. Pancoast, C. F. H. Campbell, F. H. Gross, Washington J. Dufee.--A petition was presented from citizens of New York, asking Congress to stop the agitation of the slavery q
March 17. A detachment of National troops under the command of Colonel Spear, attacked the rebel breastworks on the Black Water, near Franklin, Va., but without being able to carry them. The fight lasted for more than an hour, in which Colonel Spear had one man killed, and sixteen men wounded.--Baltimore American. A spirited cavalry engagement occurred at Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock River, Va., between a strong reconnoitring force of Union troops under the command of Gen. Averill, and a body of rebel cavalry under Gen. Fitz-Hugh Lee, in which the latter, after a most desperate struggle, of four hours duration, were repulsed, and finally routed and pursued for a distance of six miles.--(Doc. 139.) By order of the War Department, Colonel James B. Fry was detailed as Provost-Marshal General of the United States, in pursuance of section five of the act approved March 3, 1863, for enrolling and calling out the National forces, and for other purposes.--The British ste
March 17. Colonel William Stokes, in command of the Fifth Tennessee cavalry, surprised a party of rebel guerrillas under Champ Ferguson, at a point near Manchester, Tenn., and after a severe fight routed them, compelling them to leave behind twenty-one in killed and wounded.--this morning, at a little before three o'clock, an attempt was made on Seabrook Island by a large force of rebels, who came down the Chickhassee River in boats. They approached in two large flats, filled with men, evidently sent forward to reconnoitre, with a numerous reserve force further back, to cooperate in case any points were found to be exposed. One of the boats came down to the mouth of Skull Creek, where they attacked a picket-boat containing a corporal and four men of the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania. They first fired three shots and then a whole volley, and succeeded in capturing the boat and those in it, after a severe hand-to-hand fight. Whether there were any casualties could not be ascertai
the river. Nor is it certainly known whether the fortunate result was achieved by the cavalry alone or with the assistance of confederate infantry in the neighborhood. As the Southern troops remained masters of the field, and as they are believed to have taken at least as many prisoners toward the close of the day as they lost in the morning, they may be considered victors. But it is a victory over which few will exult. It resembles that other victory won at Kelly's Ford on the seventeenth of March. Both would have been well merited defeats if valor had not paid the price of conceit and carelessness. The ease with which the enemy outwitted the guard of the river on the first occasion was the prompter of Stoneman's incursion at the head of ten thousand horse into the heart of the State, which he accomplished without the slightest interference from the confederate cavalry. It is with pain that these reflections are made. They occur at this moment, not only to the present write