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The Commissioners of the Confederated States--a proclamation. New Orleans March 23. --The Confederate States Commissioners to Europe leave here on the 31st. A proclamation has been issued by General Bragg, prohibiting vessels from furnishing supplies to Federal war vessels off the coast of the Confederate States, on penalty of confiscation.
Arrival of the steamer Bienville. New York March 23. --The steamship Bienville, from Havana, has arrived, with dates to the 18th, but they contain no news of importance. Sugar was dull and freights lower.
Death of Hon. E. Williams. Stonington, Conn., March 23. --The Hon. Ephraim Williams died here this morning, after a brief illness.
Opening of the Welland Canal. St. Catherines, March 23. --The Welland Canal will be open on the 8th of April.
Northern Markets. New York March 23. --Flour is firm. Sales of 10,000 bbls.--State $5.10@5.15; Ohio $5.55 @5.65; Southern $5.35@5.70. Wheat has advanced 1@2 cents--sales of 2,000 bushels: Chicago Spring $1.10. Corn is firm — sales of 10,000 bush; Mixed at 64 @65 cts. Whiskey closed steady at 17¾cts. Sales in New York, March 23, of $3,500 Va. 6's at 79 ; $2,000 do. at 79½ $6,000 Tenn. 6's at 75¾, and $68,000 Mo. 6's at 66½@66¼. Philadelphia. March 23. --Flour is quiet.--Sales at $5. Wheat is quiet — Red $1.25@1.30; White $1.35@1.45. Corn is firm — sales of 16,000 bushels — New Yellow 58@58 ½cts. Rio Coffee 11¼@14 cents PMarch 23. --Flour is quiet.--Sales at $5. Wheat is quiet — Red $1.25@1.30; White $1.35@1.45. Corn is firm — sales of 16,000 bushels — New Yellow 58@58 ½cts. Rio Coffee 11¼@14 cents Pork — Mess $17.21. Whiskey closed steady at 18@18½cts. Baltimore Cattle market. Baltimore, March 22. --The offerings at the State scales yesterday were 750 head, being 200 more than last market day. The market was rather dull, and prices were a shade lower. Of the above offerings 200 head were driv
New York, March 23. -- Cicared, schr. Wythe, Richmond. Baltimore. March 24. --Arrived, bark Ann E. Grant, (of Richmond,) from Rio, Feb. 7. Left the Clara Haxail waiting. Belfast, March 4. -- Arrived, ship Volant, Norfolk. Coxahaven, Feb. 28. -- Arrived, ship Polynesia, Norfolk Norfolk, March 25. -- The schr. Golden Gate, from Newport, R. I., arrived to-day, with hull and rigging damaged in a storm.
Proceedings of the BaltimoreAnnual Conference.Tenth day. Staunton, Va., March 23. After singing and prayer, and the reading of the Journal, N. Wilson moved the adoption of his proposition. It was taken up section by section, and, after amendments, was carried, the Secretary putting the question. The vote was taken by yeas and nays on the first of the concluding resolutions. It stood thus: In the affirmative, 84, in the negative, 3; declining to vote, 45; absent, 39. A rising vote was taken on the other parts of the proposition, and it was afterwards carried as a whole. The following were elected a committee to issue a Pastoral Address to the people, concerning this action: S. Register, S. S. Roezel, E. R. Vietch, J. S. Martin, N. Wilson, T. H. W. Monroe, and Wm. Eggleston. The Bishop rising, after this action had been consummated, read the following, and requested its insertion in the Journal: "The whole action just had, on what is called Rev. N
Important News from Charleston. Charleston,March 23. --Capt. Fergnson, of the steamer Planter, who returned this morning from Fort Sumter, reports no preparations for evacuation. Major Anderson was rather increasing the defences by pouring molten lead in the crevices of the sally ports, strengthening the weak stone work, &c. Capt. F. carried the furniture of Capt. Foster from Sullivan's Island to Fort Sumter--indicating no present prospect of breaking up housekeeping. The policy about Major Anderson being allowed to leave with the honors of war, is under consideration. The Columbia sailed to-day without taking his men. The works on Morris' Island have advanced with such rapidity that no fleet with reinforcements can pass the batteries. There is the utmost vigilance night and day, and all suspicious vessels are obliged to come to. It is reported that the twenty million Government loan has been subscribed from one of the Southern cities alone. People of
Shipwrecks. Boston,March 23. --The brig H. Estee, from New York for Dublin, is ashore at Plymouth, Mass. Part of her cargo has been thrown overboard. She is leaking badly, and may be got off after discharging. Crew saved. The brig Lauretta. from Matanzas for Portland, is ashore at Wood Island, Saco. She will get off.
Fire at Galesburg, Ill, Galesburg, Ill.,March 23. --A fire, this morning, did considerable damage to the banking house of A. D. Reed, and destroyed seven adjoining buildings. Loss from $10,000 to $12,000; insurance $5,000