Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for March 23rd or search for March 23rd in all documents.

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s, we think it nothing amiss to give another description of our famous struggle at Kernstown. We will, therefore, mention briefly a few incidents of this remarkable occurrence, and leave the seat to the experienced historian. On the morning of the 23d of March, we were ordered from camp at a very early hour. After traveling a distance of 18 miles, and about midday, we heard a loud and repeated cannonading in our front. A closer approach assured us that it was our pickets contending withtion at their next arrival. Mills. Twenty-Third Virginia Regiment. Newmarket, Shenandoah, Va., April 3, 1862. Having seen in your issue of the 1st a statement that a list of those killed, wounded, and missing in the battle of the 23d of March had not been furnished for publication, I send you below a list of those from our regiment, (23d Va:) Capt. J. E. Parkinson's company (B)--Wounded — J. E. Foster. Missing — Geo. L. Sanderson, Thomas B. Hall, W. A. Dearing. Capt. A
favorable, the markets for goods and yarns being firm and quiet. Liverpool Breadstuffs market. The Breadstuffs market is dull. Wheat has a downward tendency, with a slight decline on all qualities. The various circulars report. Flour downward, at 26s 6da29s. Wheat dull, and declined 2d per cental; red Western, 10s 6d alla 6d; red Southern, 11s 8d alla 10d, white Western, 12s 6d; white Southern, 12s 8d 12s 10d. Cora, quick and steady; mixed, 28s 9d; 29s. Liverpool, Sunday,March 23. Cotton.--The sales yesterday (Saturday) amounted to 8,000 bales; the market closing steady, but dull, at unchanged quotations. Breadstuffs.--The market is very dull, with a downward tendency Provisions--The provision market closed quite. Lard and Bacon were firm at previous quotations. London--Consols, closed on Saturday at 84½ 24½ for money. Haver market. Conca.--The sales of the week have been 3.500 bales. The market is quiet and steady Orleans. tree ordi