Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 26, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for March 25th or search for March 25th in all documents.

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New York, March 23. -- Cicared, schr. Wythe, Richmond. Baltimore. March 24. --Arrived, bark Ann E. Grant, (of Richmond,) from Rio, Feb. 7. Left the Clara Haxail waiting. Belfast, March 4. -- Arrived, ship Volant, Norfolk. Coxahaven, Feb. 28. -- Arrived, ship Polynesia, Norfolk Norfolk, March 25. -- The schr. Golden Gate, from Newport, R. I., arrived to-day, with hull and rigging damaged in a storm.
From Washington. Washington,March 25. --Benj. F. Disherwood has been appointed Engineer-in-Chief of the Navy. A large number of business men from Baltimore are here to-day, to press the nomination of Corkoran for Collector. New York merchants are writing here that unless Congress holds an extra session to repeal the M.rrill tariff bill they will import goods via Charleston. Confirmations by the Senate.--William Gilpin, Governor of Colorado; Joshua R. Giddings, Consul to the British American Provinces; Mark N. Donnell, of Me., Consul to Vera Cruz; John Britton, of N. York, Consul to Southampton; W. O. Williams, District of Columbia, Second Lieutenant U. S. A.; Milena Tilton, of Maryland, Second Lieutenant Marine corps. Hiram Barney has been nominated Collector of New York. Also, Richard C. Parsons, of Ohio, Consul to Rio Janeiro; Robert W. Scheldt, Consul to Havana, and T. Bigelow Lawrence, Consul to Florence.
h the honors of war, is under consideration. The Columbia sailed to-day without taking his men. The works on Morris' Island have advanced with such rapidity that no fleet with reinforcements can pass the batteries. There is the utmost vigilance night and day, and all suspicious vessels are obliged to come to. It is reported that the twenty million Government loan has been subscribed from one of the Southern cities alone. People of large and small means are subscribing here. Major Anderson declines receiving verbal orders to evacuate Fort Sumter. [Second Dispatch.] Charleston, S. C., March 25. --Col. Lamon, from Washington, had an interview with Gov. Pickens and Gen. Beauregard, in company with Messrs. Duryear and Santos, this morning. The prevailing opinion is that Fort Sumter will be evacuated Wednesday, but time alone will determine. Col. Lamon also visited Fort Sumter. He leaves for Washington to-night. He says he hopes shortly to return.
Extra session U. S. Senate, Washington,March 25. --On motion of Mr. Powell, a resolution calling on the President to transmit to the Senate Major Anderson's dispatches to the War Department, was adopted. Mr. Howe continued his speech in opposition to the Douglas resolutions. Mr. Douglas rejoined, reiterating that the forts were designed for local, not national purposes, and should be surrendered to those States who possess the harbors. After an Executive session, adjourned.
Attempted burglary of a Bank. New YorkMarch 25. --An attempt was made to rob the New York Exchange Bank, and was discovered this morning. The burglars had excavated seventy feet of the bank, but daylight surprised them before reaching the safe. The sum of $1,000 was all they got. An arrest on suspicion has been made.
Seizure of a steamer at New York. New York,March 25. --The steamer Bienville, from New Orleans, is under surveillance of the Custom-House authorities, for not having a proper clearance under the coastwise trade act. She and her cargo are liable to forfeiture.
Violation of the Virginia inspection laws. Norfolk, Va.,March 25. --The schr. Thos. A. Barkalow, of Staten Island, N. Y., has been seized here for violating the inspection laws.
New York Market. New York,March 25. --Cotton quiet and steady — Uplands Middling 12Ȃ. Flour buoyant — Southern $5.40@$5.70. Wheat 1 higher. Corn 1 higher — mixed 63@69. Southern yellow 67@68. Pork firmer but heavy — Mess $16.50@$16.62; Prime 12½ @12 2/4. Whiskey steady at 17½. Groceries unchanged. Turpentine steady at 35@36½. Rosin firm at $1.22½@$1.25. Stocks active and higher-- N. Y. Central's 79¼;