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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
a Regiment, Oct. 31, ‘63, Nov. 31, ‘63, 46th Georgia, Dec. 31, ‘63, Jan. 31, ‘64, 46th Georgia, March 30, ‘64, April 30, ‘64, 46th Georgia. Bryan, T. N., Assistant Surgeon, Richmond, Jan. 3, ‘64, orom same. Dec. 24, ‘62, Medical-Inspector, Cleburne's Division. A. and I. G. O., Richmond, March 30, ‘63, ordered to report to Surgeon Flewellen, Headquarters A. T. Oct. 6, ‘63, assigned as Medicctor. May I, ‘63, ordered to report to Major-General Wheeler, July 30, ‘63, 3d Alabama Cavalry, March 30, ‘64, 3d Alabama Cavalry. Court-martialed in Tennessee and released. farmer, S. J., Surgeon on duty 5th Georgia Regiment by Senior-Surgeon Hunt, Feb. 29, ‘64, 5th Georgia Regiment. Died March 30, ‘64. Foster, Thos. C., Assistant Surgeon. July 31, ‘63, 6th, 10th, 15th Texas Regiment, A.made by E. J. Bryan. June 20, ‘62, Hospital in Murfreesboro, Feb. 28, ‘63, 10th Texas Regiment, March 30, ‘63, 2d Arkansas. April 7, ‘63, Douglas' Battalion. Scott,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.26 (search)
he event disclosed, most of his command and his artillery were captured, he and General Wharton barely escaping. Sheridan now rode rough-shod through Virginia, destroying as he went, and joining Grant at Richmond. Early, after several narrow escapes, reached Richmond, after passing twice between the enemy's camps and his pickets, and, consulting with General Lee, was sent to Southwest Virginia to organize with General Echols what force might be collected in that section. There, on the 30th of March, he received a telegram from General Lee relieving him from duty. Notwithstanding the gloomy close of a great career, it cannot be denied that Early demonstrated the qualities of a great commander. No one whose mind is open to light can fail to see in him quick divination of his enemy's plans, prompt and unhesitating decision, indefatigable energy and industry, cool, discerning judgment — the quickness of the eagle's flight in movement, the fearlessness of the lion's heart in action.