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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
tion of Johnston's army, soon swept from us every hope of a Southern Confederacy. But one course remained, viz: swear allegiance to the Government in whose power we were. Upon doing this, I was released on the 13th of June, 1865. We next give the following extract from a private letter, written August 4th, 1865, from Great Barrington, Massachusetts, by a Confederate officer, to a lady of Richmond, the full truth of which can be abundantly attested: I was captured on Tuesday, the 4th of April, near evening. Some four hundred or more, that had been collected during the day, were marched a few miles and stowed away for the night in a small tobacco barn. The next morning we were told that if we could find any meat on the remains of three slaughtered cattle (that had already been closely cut from) we were welcome. No bread or salt was offered, yet it could be had for money. From Tuesday till Friday all that I had given me to eat was two ears of musty corn and four crackers! D
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 4 (search)
to Albany was very unpleasant, the sun scorching hot, the glare of the sand blinding, and Mrs. Meals with a headache. Mr. George Hull writes that the Georgia R. R. will be open for travel by the last of this month, and so our visits to Cuthbert and Macon will just fill in the interval for Mett and me. We can then go home by way of Atlanta. It is something to think we will be able to go all the way by rail and won't have to undergo that troublesome wagon ride again across the country. April 4, Cuthbert, Ga., Tuesday Up early and at the depot. Jim Chiles accompanied us as far as Smithville. We had to wait five hours there for the train to Cuthbert. The hotel was so uninviting that we stayed in the car, putting down the blinds and making ourselves as comfortable as we could. Capt. Warwick, who is stationed there, was very kind and attentive. He paid us a call in our impromptu parlor, and made some of his hands bring in buckets of water and sprinkle the floor to cool it off
to state that there is no evidence of such a feeling during this period. The President's letters on public affairs are full and frank. Occasionally, his language is imperious; and he conveys rudimentary instruction in the military art after a fashion that might have wounded the self-love of a trained soldier less tolerant of human foibles than General Johnston; but he accepted all proper suggestions with cheerfulness, and responded to others with calmness and dignity. In a letter of April 4th General Johnston, in view of the possibility of a forced retreat, says: I agree with you that the Colorado is the proper line of defense, having more strength than any other, and affording more facility of cooperation with the militia, and of supply. To a rebuke from the President for writing to him in general terms, and an order requiring him to conform to the regulations in making returns, etc., he replies that all that the President conceives to have been omitted has been done
re resolved to maintain their own rights, as they understood them, and to resist the coercion of the seceding States. The voice of Virginia had all along been for conciliation, but without sacrifice of principle. Her traditions, her moderation, and her unwavering courage, gave her the right to be heard, but her counsels were drowned in the tumult of passion. The Virginia Convention, in spite of the failure of many well-meant efforts to save the Union by compromise, as late as the 4th of April, rejected, by a vote of eighty-nine to forty-five, a motion to submit an ordinance of secession to the popular vote. Fort Sumter surrendered on April 13th, after thirty-four hours resistance; and on the 15th of April President Lincoln issued a proclamation, under the pretended authority of an act of Congress of 1795, calling on the Governors of the several States for militia-75,000 in the aggregate — to suppress certain combinations in the seceding States. Governor Letcher, a sturdy pat
vernment to pay their value as agreed upon, if, on any account, they were not returned. It was adopted, but we got less than fifty negroes, the men sent out saying, Those people have given their sons freely enough, but it is folly to talk to them about a negro or a mule. The general said: I regret this disappointment; a single brigade may determine the fate of a battle. These people do not seem to be aware how valueless would be their negroes were we beaten. And on the morning of the 4th of April, our horses already waiting under saddle, I will ever remember his pause on the door-step, lost in thought, and how, looking up, he muttered, half aloud, Yes, I believe I have overlooked nothing. General Beauregard informs the writer: I prepared the order of march and of battle, which were submitted by me to Generals Johnston and Bragg, in presence of Colonel Jordan, chief of staff of the whole army, and they were accepted without one word of alteration. They were then put in pr
ches. field-map. distribution of arms. bad roads. skirmish on April 4th. explanation of orders. providential storm. under arms. recklry of the first Kentucky brigade, p. 87. moved from Burnsville on April 4th, at 3 A. M., by way of Farmington, toward Monterey, fourteen miles. There is a letter from General Bragg, written at 10 A. M., April 4th, addressed to General Johnston or General Beauregard, from Monterour guns, and fire low. During the intervals of the march on the 4th and 5th of April, while the men stood on their arms, the following a our front was getting bolder and more saucy; and on Friday, the 4th of April, it dashed down and carried off one of our picket-guards, compos, and I supposed the guns that opened on us on the evening of Friday, April 4th, belonged to the cavalry that was hovering along our whole frary is incontrovertible. The preliminary fighting of the 3d and 4th of April necessarily put division and army commanders on the alert. T
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Western flotilla at Fort Donelson, Island number10, Fort Pillow and — Memphis. (search)
led guns of the St. Louis exploded, killing and wounding several of the gunners,--another proof of the truth of the saying that the guns furnished the Western flotilla were less destructive to the enemy than to ourselves. From March 17th to April 4th but little progress was made in the reduction of the Confederate works — the gun-boats firing a few shot now and then at long range, but doing little damage. The mortar-boats, however, were daily throwing 13-inch bombs, and so effectively at td as perilous and of very doubtful success. Having received written orders from the flag-officer, under date of March 30th, I at once began to prepare the Carondelet for the ordeal. All the loose material at hand was collected, and on the 4th of April the decks were covered with it, to protect them against plunging shot. Hawsers and chain cables were placed around the pilot-house and other vulnerable parts of the vessel, and every precaution was adopted to prevent disaster. A coal-barge l
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The skirmishing in Sherman's front. (search)
The skirmishing in Sherman's front. Robert W. Medkirk, of Co. E, 72d Ohio Vols. Robert W. Medkirk, of Co. E, 72d Ohio Vols., wrote, March 22d, 1886, from Indianapolis, Ind.: On Friday afternoon, April 4th, two days before the battle of Shiloh, while our regiment of Buckland's brigade was drilling on the west side of Rea Creek [see map, page 502], about a mile from our camp, rapid firing was heard from the direction. of our brigade. pickets, from the 70th Ohio, Colonel Cockerill. Oril 5th, building two bridges in front of Buckland's brigade, one over the east branch of Oak Creek and one over the west branch of Rea Creek, which bridges were used by the enemy to cross their artillery on Sunday, after our brigade fell back from its first line. General Sherman's report of the affair of April 4th to Grant's headquarters, written on the 5th, says: I infer that the enemy is in some considerable force at Pea Ridge, or Monterey, about eight miles from Shiloh Church.-editors.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Shiloh. (search)
Gustavus A. Wood; 40th Ind., Col. John W. Blake; 57th Ind., Col. Cyrus C. Hines; 24th Ky., Col. Lewis B. Grigsby. Brigade loss: w, 4. The total loss of the Army of the Ohio was 241 killed, 1807 wounded, and 55 captured or missing = 2103. The grand total of Union loss was 1754 killed, 8408 wounded, and 2885 captured or missing= 13,047. The only official statement of Grant's strength at Shiloh is on page 112, Vol. X., Official Records, which is compiled from division returns of April 4th and 5th, and shows (exclusive of two regiments and one battery not reported), an aggregate, present for duty, of 44,895. Included, however, in these figures are such non-combatants as medical officers, quartermasters, chaplains, musicians, hospital stewards, buglers, etc., etc. Deducting from the total above given the present for duty of Lew Wallace's division (7564), leaves 37,331 as the present for duty (combatant and non-combatant) in Grant's army on the morning of April 6th. The actu
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 12.46 (search)
Mr. Davis's clear and positive statement made many years ago, and often repeated since, is confirmed by contemporary documentary evidence. On April 5th he sent a telegram to General Johnston, in which he acknowledges his telegram of yesterday April 4th. this telegram of yesterday was plainly the lost dispatch, for yesterday was April 4th, not April 3d. If, as I have sought to show, important changes had occurred in the plan of battle, nothing could be more natural and proper for the commandApril 4th, not April 3d. If, as I have sought to show, important changes had occurred in the plan of battle, nothing could be more natural and proper for the commanding General than instantly to inform his friend and commander-in-chief; and even if no change had occurred, still it would have been right for him to keep his chief fully advised of the progress of the movement. I have always said that General Johnston's original plan was probably to attack by columns of corps, as indicated in his telegram of April 3d. Special orders, no. 8 directed an attack in three lines parallel to the enemy's front. Jordan tells us General Johnston did not see these ord