Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for April 15th or search for April 15th in all documents.

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Reaction in Alexandria. Alexandria, Va., April 15. --The publication of Lincoln's proclamation has greatly increased the secession feeling here. Business of all kinds is completely suspended, and merchants are engaged in discussing the probability of a prolonged and sanguinary civil war. The impression is that the Virginia Convention will instantaneously pass an Ordinance of Secession or call a Border State Conference.
New York Appropriates $3,000,000 for raising volunteers. Albany, N. Y., April 15. --The Legislature of New York to-day passed the bill appropriating $3,000,000 to equip thirty thousand volunteers in addition to the present State force. Gov. Morgan has issued his proclamation accordingly.
Lincoln's answer to Virginia. Mobile, April 15. --Lincoln's answer to the Virginia Commissioners was regarded here as a declaration of war. It is hoped that Virginia will no longer be humbugged by a treacherous, piratical Administration.
The feeling in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, O., April 15. --The people are thoroughly aroused here. Flags are waving from every point. A Home Guard will be immediately formed.
Indiana Tenders 30,000 troops to the U. S. Government. Indianapolis, Ia., April 15. --Gov. Morton has received an offer of volunteers, indicating that 30,000 could be raised.
Later from Europe.arrival of the steamer Fulton. New York, April 15. --The steamer Fulton, from Southampton, April 2d, has arrived. The revolutions and war feeling throughout Eastern Europe is on the increase. The reported rising in Portugal on account of oppressive taxation, caused a further reduction in rates on the Bank of England. Victoria has received the new Italian Ministers. Commercial. Liverpool. April 2. --Cotton — Small sales at unchanged rates; prices rather easier. Other articles steady. Market generally dull, but easier.
Later from California. St. Louis, April 15. --California dates to the 3d inst. have been received here. McDougal was elected U. S. Senator on the third ballot.
Northern Markets. Baltimore, April 15. --Flour dull and heavy, but no sales. Wheat dull — red $1.35; white $1.40 @1.60. Corn 2 higher — yellow 61; white, 63@66. Pork quiet — mess $17.25@$17.50. Coffee firm at 13¼ Whiskey dull at 17½. New York,April 15.--Cotton firm — Upland Middling 12 . Flour dull — Southern $5.30@ $5.60. Wheat dull. Corn firm — mixed 67@68; white Southern 73; yellow 67@68. Lard quiet at 9@10 Whiskey firm at 18¼@18¼. Sugar dull — Muscovado 4¼@5. Coffee firml 15. --Flour dull and heavy, but no sales. Wheat dull — red $1.35; white $1.40 @1.60. Corn 2 higher — yellow 61; white, 63@66. Pork quiet — mess $17.25@$17.50. Coffee firm at 13¼ Whiskey dull at 17½. New York,April 15.--Cotton firm — Upland Middling 12 . Flour dull — Southern $5.30@ $5.60. Wheat dull. Corn firm — mixed 67@68; white Southern 73; yellow 67@68. Lard quiet at 9@10 Whiskey firm at 18¼@18¼. Sugar dull — Muscovado 4¼@5. Coffee fi
The Daily Dispatch: April 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Richmond vessel hoists the Confederate flag. (search)
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.rejoicing in Lynchburg — confusion among the mail bags, &c. Lynchburg, Va., April 15, The events of the past week have caused the greatest excitement here. On the reception of the news of the surrender of Sumter, on Saturday last, cheer after cheer rent the air, and it was then determined to fire one hundred salutes in honor of the event. Accordingly, the guns of the Artillery company were procured, and a large escort accompanied them across to the Amherst side of the river, and up to the top of a mountain, about half a mile distant, and in full view of the city, where the salutes were fired, and a happy time generally ensued. New mail agents have been appointed on the Virginia and Tennessee Road. Two of them have entered on their official duties.--They reached this city on Sunday morning, totally worn out, and very tired of their undertaking. They got the cat in the bag, and are very tired of the office — acknowledge themselves
The Daily Dispatch: April 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], Conflagration in Hickman--twenty-seven houses burned. (search)
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.effect of the news in Caroline county. Bowling Green, April 15th. Great enthusiasm prevailed at this place when the news of the bombardment of Fort Sumter was received, Immediately the proposition was made to raise the flag of the Confederated States over the Court-House, and was seconded enthusiastically by all present. A flag was procured, the Bowling Green Guards turned out, and, upon the raising of the flag, fired a hundred rounds in honor of the event. The people are thoroughly aroused, and upon the reception of the news of the surrender of Fort Sumter, the enthusiasm was unbounded. This morning the flag of the Confederated States waves over the Court-House of Caroline county. Long may it wave. Caroline.