Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for April 25th or search for April 25th in all documents.

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taps of the bell, to be repeated four times with intervals.--New Orleans Picayune, April 23. It is now learned by the return of the expedition to relieve Sumter, that a plan was perfected to throw in 300 men and supplies by boats at daylight on the 13th. This was frustrated, however, by the Baltic running upon Rattlesnake shoal on the night of the 12th.--World, April 19. Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, were added to the Military Department of Washington.--(Doc. 68.)--Times, April 25. A positive announcement that General Scott had resigned his position in the army of the United States and tendered his sword to his native State--Virginia, was made at Montgomery. At Mobile, one hundred guns were fired in honor of his resignation.--Charleston Mercury, April 22. Immense Union meetings were held last night at Auburn, Hudson, Ogdensburgh, Albion, Binghamton, and other towns and villages in western New York. Past political differences are forgotten, and the people
ar-Spangled Banner has been insulted. The gallant Major Anderson and his wife attended service at Trinity. At Dr. McLane's Presbyterian church, Williamsburg, The Star-Spangled Banner was sung. Dr. T. D. Wells (Old-School Presbyterian) preached from the words: He that hath no sword, let him buy one. Dr. Osgood's text was: Lift up a standard to the people. Many of the churches — of all denominations — are sending some of their most active members to the field as volunteers.--Independent, April 25. The Fifth Regiment of Massachusetts Militia, Col. Lawrence, with the Boston Flying Artillery, Major Cook, left Boston for New York at 7 o'clock this morning. The Third Battalion of Rifles, Major Stevens, left Worcester last night for New York. Massachusetts has within six days responded to the President's proclamation, with five full regiments of infantry, a battalion of rifles, and a splendid corps of flying artillery. The artillery take six brass 6-pounders, with horses fully equ
ung men's Christian associations of Baltimore, had a prolonged interview, but made no impression upon him.--N. Y. Times, April 25. Gov. Hicks presented to the President a communication again urging the withdrawal of troops from Maryland, a cessausand ball cartridges, one hundred Maynard rifles, two hundred cavalry saddles, and five hundred sabres.--Memphis Argus, April 25. A meeting was held in Clarksburg, Harrison county, Virginia. Resolutions were adopted censuring severely the courappen, Col. Burr Wakeman, Samuel Hotaling, Esq., and Judge Edmonds. Upwards of 300 names were enrolled.--N. Y. Tribune, April 25. The Baltimore American of this day contains a recapitulation of the killed and wounded during the riot that occurrttack upon the School-ship Constitution was anticipated in Annapolis, and she was drawn out of the harbor.--N. Y. Times, April 25. Secretary Cameron, in an official letter, conveyed the thanks of the Federal Government to Major Anderson for his
a, from Albany, with a party of regulars and one hundred and seventy-five men of the Seventh New York Regiment left New York for the sent of war.--N. Y. Tribune, April 25. A volunteer company was organized at Sag Harbor, and $3,000 subscribed by the citizens for the benefit of the families of the volunteers.--Idem, April 26. that the intention was to enlist men under a false pretence, and, after getting them to Charleston, impress them into the service of the C. S. A.--N. Y. Tribune, April 25. Messrs. Hotchkiss & sons, of Sharon, Connecticut, offered the Governor of their State a bronze rifled cannon, (16-pounder,) and all of their patent projected from it during the war. Gov. Buckingham has accepted the gift. They also offered to produce additional rifled cannon and projectiles at cost.--N. Y. Tribune, April 25. Beriah Magoffin, Governor of Kentucky, issued a proclamation calling upon the State to place herself in a state of defence; and convening the Legislature o
April 25. Colonel Van Dorn of the State troops of Texas captured four hundred and fifty United States troops at Saluria.--(Doc. 98.) Fort Smith, Arkansas, taken possession of by the State troops. About 12 o'clock at night a volunteer force of nearly three hundred men, under the command of Col. Solon Borland, landed at the wharf, when the post was formally surrendered by Capt. A. Montgomery to Gen. E. Burgvein, Adjutant-General of the State, who placed Col. Borland in charge. About r the ship. The mate stated that the captain of the Cahawba was not on board, and therefore he had nothing to say. Capt. Shivers then ordered his men on board, put a guard fore and aft, and elsewhere, thus taking possession.--New Orleans Delta, April 25. The Cahawba was released soon after her seizure, by order of Gov. Moore, who had received orders from the Confederate Government prohibiting, any obstruction to commerce in Southern ports.--N. Y. Herald, April 27. The second detachment
of Georgia, submitted a communication to the Congress of the seceded States at Montgomery, endorsing, approving, and avowing support to, the Confederate Government, and requesting the said Government to proclaim a day of fasting and prayer, that God will deliver us from the power of our enemies, and restore peace to the country. --(Doc. 124.) The governor of Connecticut sent a message to the legislature of that State, containing the following:--Col. Samuel Colt, of Hartford, on the 25th of April last, offered to the executive his services in promoting the enlistment of a regiment of able-bodied men from the State for the war, and to furnish a sufficient number of his revolving breech rifles for their equipment. To this noble proposition I have replied, expressing my high appreciation of the patriotic offer, and assuring him that the tender of ten companies would at once be accepted, the troops organized into a regiment, the field officers appointed in harmony with the wishes of
ng order: Montgomery, May 10, 1861. To Major-Gen. R. E. Lee: To prevent confusion, you will assume the control of the forces of the Confederate States in Virginia, and assign them to such duties as you may indicate, until further orders; for which this will be your authority. I. P. Walker, Secretary of War. --National Intelligencer, May 15. The Charleston News of this day contains the prayer of the Rev. James Bardwell, at the opening of the Tennessee Legislature on the 25th of April.--(Doc. 149.) In addition to the new Military Departments of Washington, Annapolis, and Pennsylvania, the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois will constitute a fourth, subdivided into several others, to be called the Department of the Ohio. Major-General McClellan, Ohio Volunteers, is assigned to its command; headquarters, Cincinnati. The President, by general orders, directs that all officers of the army, except those who have entered service since 1st April, take and subscrib
alty. The prisoners were defiant in their remarks, saying that they owed allegiance to the United States alone, etc. All three of them are Virginians by birth.--Richmond Dispatch, April 22. Gen. Milroy, at the head of a reconnoitring force, overtook the rear-guard of the rebel cavalry six miles west of the railroad, near Buffalo Gap, Augusta County, Western Virginia. They fled, rapidly pursued by the Nationals. Milroy learned that their main body stopped the previous night six miles beyond Buffalo Gap, but finding they were cut off at Staunton by Gen. Banks, they bore south-west, through both Bath and Alleghany Counties, toward the James River. A company that was sent by General Milroy down the north fork of the Potomac, in Pendleton County, captured eight rebels, including Barnett, a notorious guerrilla.--New York Commercial, April 25. The ship R. C. Files was captured by the National fleet, while attempting to run the blockade of Mobile, Ala.--New York Tribune, May 9.
This day the rebels came out from their riflepits in front of Lee's Mills, Va., killing one of the National pickets. After he was dead about thirty of them fired their pieces into his head, completely riddling it with bullets. The officer then commanding the reserve ordered his men to charge on the rebels, which was willingly responded to, resulting in several of them being killed and one taken prisoner. Two men were killed on the National side and one mortally wounded.--Ohio Statesman, April 25. The rebel Congress at Richmond adjourned, to meet again in August. The Richmond Whig says: For fear of accidents on the railroad, the stampeded Congress left in a number of the strongest and newest canal-boats. These boats are drawn by mules of approved sweetness of temper. To protect the stampeders from the snakes and bull-frogs that abound along the line of the canal, Gen. Winder has detailed a regiment of ladies to march in advance of the mules and clear the tow-path of the pira
April 25. The bombardment of Fort Macon, N. C., by the combined forces of Gen. Burnside and Com. Goldsborough, terminated in the reduction and capture of the garrison.--(Doc. 135.) The Forts on Lake Ponchartrain, La., were this day evacuated by the rebel forces, and all their gunboats on the lake were burnt or otherwise destroyed.--Richmond Dispatch, April 29. New-Orleans, La., surrendered to the naval forces of the United States, under the command of Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut.--(Doc. 149.) Major-Gen. C. F. Smith died at Savannah, Tenn., at four o'clock this afternoon, of dysentery. He was taken sick shortly after the occupation of Savannah by the forces under him. Major Von Steinhaus, Capt. Botticher, and Capt. Camp, of the Sixty-eighth regiment of New York volunteers; Lieut. Lombard, Battalion Adjutant Eighth Illinois cavalry, and Assist. Surg. Williams, First New York artillery, were, by the order of President Lincoln, struck from the roll of the army
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