Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for April 26th or search for April 26th in all documents.

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They offered every indignity, and efforts were made to take him off the cars. Mr. Johnson was protected by the conductor and others. He denied sending a message asserting that Tennessee should furnish her quota of men.--Commercial Advertiser, April 26. The citizens of Baltimore were fearfully excited on account of a rumored descent upon them by Federal troops from Cockeysville, seventeen miles distant from the city; but at night the excitement subsided on receiving intelligence that the troops had been turned back to Harrisburg, Pa., by order of Gen. Scott.--N. Y. Tribune, April 26. In nearly all the churches in New York — and probably in a majority of churches through-out the country — the sermons of to-day were mainly in reference to the war. Many congregations have made the day an occasion for patriotic contributions for the outfit of volunteers, or for the support of their families. In the Church of the Puritans in Brooklyn, (although Mr. Beecher, the pastor, was abse
I now make on the requisition of the Confederate Government. A number of parishes in Louisiana appropriated ten thousand dollars each for the support of the volunteers, and pledged themselves to pay fifty thousand dollars a year each as long as the war shall last. A meeting of five hundred of the ladies of New Orleans, was held at the St. Charles Hotel, for the purpose of making arrangements for the holding of a fair to raise money for clothing the Louisiana volunteers.--N. Y. Herald, April 26. The Western Pennsylvania Regiment passed through Philadelphia for the seat of war. It consists of the following companies:--State Zouaves, Captain Seagrist; Turner Rifles, Captain Emlen; Seaborn Guards, Captain Winch; Ringgold Rifles, Captain Lawrence; Scott Artillery, Captain Medler; Union Light Infantry, Captain Corley; Columbia Infantry, Captain Brannan; State Guards, Captain McDowell. The whole are under the command of Lieut. Col. P. C. Cress and Major R. B. Petriken.--Philadelph
ate on the authority of a private despatch, received in this city last night, that the report of the battle is incorrect. The Twenty-fifth Regiment of N. Y. State Militia, from Albany, with a party of regulars and one hundred and seventy-five men of the Seventh New York Regiment left New York for the sent of war.--N. Y. Tribune, April 25. A volunteer company was organized at Sag Harbor, and $3,000 subscribed by the citizens for the benefit of the families of the volunteers.--Idem, April 26. Daniel Fish, gunmaker, of the city of New York, was arrested and handed over to the custody of the United States Marshal on a charge of treason, and misprision of treason, in having sent off large quantities of arms for the use of the Southern traitors. The correspondence and bills of lading found in his possession abundantly sustain the charge. A man calling himself Dr. Sabo, was also arrested, and is now in the hands of the United States authorities for recruiting men for the Sout
k and property taken possession of is estimated to be of the value of $300,000.--N. Y. Tribune, April 26. The Steam Transport Empire City, from Texas, arrived at New York, having on board the Thinfantry and the Second Regiment of Cavalry, U. S. A., numbering six hundred men.--N. Y. Herald, April 26. An enthusiastic meeting of the British residents of the city was held at New York. Speec, (the President,) Colonel Shepherd, Rev. H. N. Hudson, C. C. Leigh, and others.--N. Y. Herald, April 26. A deputation of twenty Indians, headed by White Cloud, in behalf of the Sioux and Chippew, the men on the way are all good warriors, ranging from 18 to 40 years of age.--N. Y. Tribune, April 26. George law addressed a letter to the President of the United States, demanding of Governm Times, April 27. Senator Douglas was publicly received by the Illinois Legislature, and made a patriotic speech, urging immediate action in support of the Government.--Chicago Tribune, April 26.
d dollars' worth of Tennessee bonds and five thousand dollars in cash, belonging to the United States, which were in possession of the Collector at Nashville, were seized by the State authorities. The seizure was conditional, the property to be held in trust until the Government restores the property of the State and its citizens, involved in the seizure of the steamer Hillman by troops of the Federal Government. The steamer Hillman was seized at Cairo, by the Illinois troops, on the 26th of April, because she was laden with munitions and other articles contraband of war.--National Intelligencer, May 7. The Charleston Mercury of to-day contains the following:--To His Excellency Governor Pickens.--Will you oblige the mothers, wives, and sisters of the Carolina troops, and appoint next Thursday as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the late bloodless victory.--one of many. Several companies of the Third and Fourth Regiments of Georgia passed through Augusta for the
inians long for one of the royal race of England to rule over them.--(Doc. 217.) The Seventh Regiment, N. Y. S. M., left Washington for New York. It made a fine appearance and received on their departure the same warm eulogium that greeted their arrival.--(Doc. 218.) The National Intelligencer of to-day contains the correspondence between the bank presidents of the city of New York and the Governor of the State, relative to the proclamation of Governor Brown of Georgia, of the 26th of April last. The First Regiment of Maine Volunteers left Portland at 8 80 this morning, in a train of eleven cars. They were escorted through the city by the Fifth Regiment, and nearly the whole population. The train left amid the wildest cheering, and a salute from the artillery.--(Doc. 219.) Ex-Governor Pratt, of Maryland, was arrested this evening at Annapolis, by order of the Government, and taken to the Washington Navy-Yard.--Boston Transcript, May 81. At Acquia Creek, 55
p and bear arms, and protects the arms of the militia even from execution for debt. But while I notify you that these agents have no lawful authority to seize your private arms, and you will be protected in preserving the means of self-defence, I must enjoin upon you in this emergency, as an act of the highest patriotism and duty, that you should discover to the proper State authorities all public arms, muskets or rifles, within your knowledge, and of selling to the State all the arms, the property of individuals, which can be spared. The colonels of the several regiments of militia will act as agents for the State, and will notify me whenever any such arms are delivered or offered to them. Their prompt and earnest attention is called to the execution of this order.--Raleigh Standard, April 26. The bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on the Mississippi River below New Orleans, was this day commenced by the National fleet under the command of Flag-Officer Farragut.
g passed the obstructions placed in the river seven miles below the town in safety.--The Potomac flotilla captured seven rebel schooners--one with a valuable cargo of dry goods, medicines, and saltpetre — and also two small steamers.--Baltimore American, April 23. This afternoon the National gunboat Anacostia, on her way down the Potomac River, when near Lowry's Point was fired into by a party of rebel infantry, who were dispersed by a couple of shells from the gunboat.--N. Y. Tribune, April 26. Col. Donnelly, of Gen. Banks's forces, made a reconnoissance this day toward Harrisonburgh, Va. When approaching he was fired on by the rebel cavalry scouts. Two companies of the Ohio cavalry were deployed on the left, toward Gordonsville turnpike, the same number of the Vermont cavalry on the right, and the Michigan cavalry on the centre; Hampton's battery and the Connecticut Fifth formed the reserve. The rebel cavalry, after the first fire, retreated to the town, where they join
promptly answered. The boat then fell back a distance of three miles from Yorktown, when she again opened fire, the shells exploding each time within the enemy's works, but obtaining no response. A few shots were fired during the day along the whole line. to keep the rebels from strengthening their works. No one was injured. The United States Government steamer Eunice was run into last night by the Commodore Perry, off Ashland, Ky., and sunk. No lives were lost.--New York Tribune, April 26. A reconnoitring party, under General A. J. Smith, left Pittsburgh this morning and attacked the rebel pickets, one hundred and fifty strong, who fled in great haste, leaving knapsacks, blankets, and everything else. The party proceeded on foot to Pea Ridge, and there found three or four thousand drawn up in line of battle, who, at the first fire of artillery, also decamped, leaving tents, equipage, private baggage, half-written letters, and other things, indicating a great surprise.
April 26. The United States steamer Flambeau, under the command of Lieut. Commanding Upshur, captured the schooner Arctic, under English colors, about seven miles below Stono, S. C.--N. Y. Tribune, May 6. This afternoon, the pickets of Colonel Donnelly's brigade, stationed eight miles from Harrisonburgh, Va., on the Gordonsville road, were attacked by a large force of Ashby's rear-guard, and driven back. One man, named Isaac Zelly, of the Forty-sixth Pennsylvania regiment, was killed, and three others wounded. The reserve of the Forty-sixth, and a section of Hampton's battery then advanced and repulsed the rebels. They retreated to a wood, where several of the Union shells burst in their very midst, and a wagon was seen gathering up and carrying off their dead and wounded.--New York Times, April 29. The rebel General, Albert Pike, issued a proclamation complimenting the Indian allies for their bravery at the battle at Pea Ridge, Ark. N. Y. Tribune, May 2. Presi