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m, he was joined, near Elkin's Ferry, in Washita county, by General Thayer, who had marched from Fort Smith. After several severe skirmishes, in which the enemy was defeated, General Steele reached Camden, which he occupied about the middle of April. On learning the defeat and consequent retreat of General Banks on Red river, and the loss of one of his own trains at Marks' mill, in Dallas county, General Steele determined to fall back to the Arkansas river. He left Camden on the twenty-sixth of April, and reached Little Rock on the second of May. On the thirtieth of April, the enemy attacked him while crossing Saline river at Jenkins' ferry, but was repulsed with considerable loss. Our loss was about six hundred in killed, wounded, and prisoners. Major-General Canby, who had been assigned to the command of the Military division of the West Mississippi, was therefore directed to send the Nineteenth Army Corps to join the armies operating against Richmond, and to limit the rem
of April, with that of General Halleck about Burksville and Petersburg, Virginia, on the twenty-sixth of April, when, according to his telegram to Secretary Stanton, he offered to relieve me of the tthe surrender of arms and paroling of prisoners made by General Johnston's capitulation of April twenty-sixth, and had properly and most opportunely ordered General Gillmore to occupy Orangeburg and Acharacters, the still more offensive and dangerous matter of General Halleck's despatch of April twenty-sixth to the Secretary of War, embodied in his to General Dix of April twenty-seventh. Generaby the command of Major-General Sherman. (See his General Orders No. 1). Four days later, April twenty-sixth, he reports to the Secretary that he has ordered Generals Meade, Sheridan, and Wright, to to civil pursuits by the capitulation made near Durham's station, North Carolina, on the twenty-sixth of April, and that, too, without the loss of a single life to us. On the fifth of May I receiv
ord and Davistown, where the Eighth Iowa rejoined us, burning a large cotton factory, and encamping at Bell's bridge on the Tallapoosa. April twenty-fifth. Marched through Artacoochee and Bowden, and encamped near Carrolton, Georgia. April twenty-sixth. Marched through Carrolton to the Chattahoochee at Moore's and Reese's ferries, and by eight o'clock of the next morning had crossed the river. April twenty-seventh. Marched via Newman to near Flat Shoals. At the Chattahoochee a flag E. Johnston. Official: J. H. Wilson, Brevet Major-General. headquarters cavalry corps, M. D. M., Macon, Ga., May 3, 1865. General--Colonel Woodhall, of General Judah's command, delivered to me yesterday an official copy of your despatch of April 26, in regard to the resumption of hostilities, and the terms of capitulation which I might offer to the commanding General of the rebel forces in Georgia, Alabama, or Mississippi. I also received, yesterday, your despatch of 12 M., April 27, in r