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est, October 26, 1862. No. 37—(82-87) Report of General Buford of operations around Edwards depot (Baker's creek), May 16, 1863; Captain Isbell, Company G, and Lieut. T. S. Taylor, Company I, killed. No. 38—(613) In Beall's brigade, district of Louisiana. (746) General orders, April 15, 1863, assigning regiment to General Buford's brigade. (782) Ordered to Clinton, Miss., April 24th. (786) Order regarding regiment, April 25th. (793) Order to Colonel Jackson from General Pemberton, April 27th. (805) With General Tilghman at Big Black bridge, April 30th. (937, 1040) Buford's brigade, Loring's division, army of Mississippi, July 30, 1863. Nos. 53 and 56—Assignment as above, Gen. Jos. E. Johnston commanding army. No. 57—(333) Assignment as above, Polk's army, February 20, 1864. (626-662) Colonel Jackson's report of engagement at Moulton, March 21st, 1 killed, 1 wounded badly, several slightly. (662) Mentioned in report of Col. S. S. Ives of skirmish
Mentioned as near Okolona, May 18th. (733) Maj. W. M. Inge's battalion ordered to report to Brigadier-General Chalmers, April 10th. (796) Col. C. R. Barteau, April 27th, says: Ordered from Aberdeen to Buena Vista. (803) Gen. J. C. Pemberton says: Just arrived at Jackson, Miss., April 29th. (835) Gen. S. B. Buckner, May 5th, sn Ruggles' brigade, April. (718) Ordered to be in readiness for marching orders, April 6th, at Buttahatchie bridge. (796) Ordered from Aberdeen to Buena Vista, April 27th. (917) Thirteenth Alabama battalion in the vicinity of Okolona, Miss., May 24th. (973) Mentioned by General Ruggles. United with Colonel Boyles' regiment ands, No. 12, April 14th. (435) General Maxey says: Colonel Brewer's cavalry is destroying bridges at Purdy, April 23d. (456) Mentioned by General Maxey, Bethel, April 27th. (458) Ordered to protect the Mobile & Ohio railroad, by command of General Beauregard, April 28th. (459) Three hundred and forty-two present f
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Battles of the Western army in which Albama troops were engaged. (search)
en. Granger; total loss 320. Alabama troops, 1st, 3d, 4th, 51st Cav., and 1st, 3d, 8th Conf. Cav. Bear Cr., Ala., April 17. Gen. Roddey; loss 6 k, 20 w.—Federal; loss 26 w, 16 m. Alabama troops, Roddey's Cav. Cumberland R., Tenn., April 18. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 1.— Federal, Col. Minty; total loss 40. Alabama troops, parts of 1st and 3d Cav. Tuscumbia, Ala., April 24. Gen. Roddey. Alabama troops, Roddey's Cav. Streight's raid, Tuscumbia, Ala., to Rome, Ga., April 27 to May 3. Gen. Forrest, 500.—Federal, Gen. Streight, 1,700; loss 12 k, 69 w, 1500 m. Alabama troops, 53d Cav.; Julian's Battn. Town Cr., Ala., April 28. Gens. Forrest and Roddey; loss 1 k, 3 w.—Federal, Gen. G. M. Dodge. Alabama troops, Forrest's and Roddey's Cav. Day's Gap, Sand Mt. and Black Warrior Cr., Ala., April 30 to May 1. Gen. Forrest; loss 5 k, 50 w.—Federal, Gen. Straight; total loss 75. Alabama troops, 53d Cav., and Julian's Battn. Port Gibson, Miss.,