Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for April 29th or search for April 29th in all documents.

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pril 22. The United States branch mint at Charlotte, North Carolina, was seized by the State authorities. No resistance was offered. Colonel Bryce now holds it with a military, force, under orders from Governor Ellis.--N. Y. Evening Post, April 29. Wendell Phillips delivered a discourse in Boston on the present rebellion. Some time ago he made a speech deprecating, in the most emphatic manner, any appeal to arms, as certain to result in the renewed and permanent triumph of slaveryans was held in New York to take measures for the formation of a California Regiment. The meeting was organized by the nomination of J. C. Birdseye as chairman, and speeches were made, and resolutions sustaining the Union and the Government were adopted.--(Doc. 82.) The Liverpool (Eng.) Times publishes a remarkable article on the political troubles in the United States.--(Doc. 83.) The burial of the American flag was publicly celebrated at Memphis, Tennessee.--N. Y. Express, April 29.
or 30,000 volunteers additional to the regular militia, and all the organized corps are under orders to be in readiness at a moment's notice.--Boston Transcript, April 29. Information was received by Gov. Curtin that Lieut. Jennifer, late of the United States Army, stationed at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., had fled from that placee should be pursued in the present emergency. Reports thus far received speak encouragingly of the Union sentiment in Western Virginia.--National Intelligencer, April 29. The Twenty-fifth Regiment of New York Militia arrived at New York from Albany. The regiment numbers over five hundred men, and is commanded by Colonel M. after cheer lustily upon all proper occasions, but never without orders. The old Constitution, by their efforts, aided untiringly by the United States officers having her in charge, is now safely possessed, occupied, and enjoyed by the Government of the United States, and is safe from all her enemies. --N. Y. Tribune, April 29.
southern portion of the Illinois Central Railroad, and cut off communication with the interior of the State. It was my desire that the honor of this service should have been given to the patriotic citizens of the counties in the immediate vicinity. But as these were not at that time organized and armed for patriotic duty, and the necessity for speedy action was imperative, the requisition was filled from companies previously tendered from other portions of the State. --N. Y. Evening Post, April 29. The Gulf City Guards, of Mobile, Ala., Capt. Hartwell, left that place for Virginia. The Register says:--This is a fine and gallant company, of the flower of Mobile. Verily has Mobile contributed 400 of her best and most chivalrous youth in the four companies that have gone North, and yet the demand for marching orders has not abated in the least. Companies are offering their services and others are forming. Mobile has 4,500 fighting men. We have about 1,000 in the field, and the
net, treasurer. The Common Council of Buffalo, N. Y., yesterday appropriated $35,000 to equip the Sixty-fifth and Seventy-fourth Regiments.--N. Y. Times, April 27. The Seventh Regiment of New York took the oath to support the Constitution of the United States, at the War Department, in Washington; not a man flinched; the scene was most impressive. Moses Herrick of the Beverly Company, Eighth Massachusetts Regiment, met with an accident by the discharge of a gun.--N. Y. Tribune, April 29. The Federal Government is taking most energetic measures to carry out the blockade of the ports of the seceded States. All the available war vessels are put into service. Mercantile steamers are also taken up, and such as are not used for purposes of transportation are being fitted out as gunboats, to cruise off the coast and run up shallow waters.--N. Y. Herald, April 27. William Burton, governor of Delaware, issued a proclamation calling out volunteers to defend the Union.--(
is skull fractured. He had spoken but a single word since then, which was in answer to a question whether he had a family, when he said No. --Boston Transcript, April 29. A meeting was held around the Washington Elm, at Cambridge, Mass., to give expression of the sentiments of the citizens of that vicinity upon the present the United States, but he hoped that the government, if the contest was carried to the extreme, would guarantee the total abolition of slavery.--N. Y. Daily News, April 29. President Lincoln decided that the ports of Virginia and North Carolina should be included in the blockade of the Southern harbors and issued a proclamatioRidge-street, who was recently in the employ of Newbeck & Co., No. 4 Dey-street, where 1,000 uniforms intended for the South, were recently seized.--N. Y. Times, April 29. The reinforcement of Fort Pickens, is authoritatively announced to-day. It was accomplished on the night of Friday; April 12th, without the firing of a gu
warping, a squall came up and drove the ship ashore again. At daylight a steam tug from Havre de Grace came in sight, and was taken to tow the ship out. She was then taken in tow by the R. R. Cuyler, and brought to New York.--N. Y. Commercial, April 29. The Fifth Regiment of New York State militia left New York on board the British steam transport Kedar, for Annapolis. This regiment is composed almost entirely of Germans, and is commanded by Colonel Schwartzwaelder. For some days past tYork State militia left New York on board the British steam transport Kedar, for Annapolis. This regiment is composed almost entirely of Germans, and is commanded by Colonel Schwartzwaelder. For some days past they have occupied 162 neat tents, precisely of the pattern furnished to the Hudson's Bay Indians, on the bare grounds of the Battery, where thousands of people visited them, and admired the excellent order and homelike appearance of their quarters.--(Doc. 113.)--N. Y. Tribune, April 29.
April 29. A meeting of the Bar of Suffolk county was held at Boston, Mass., to consider the present situation of the country, and the measures necessary, when a blow is aimed at the existence of the Government, and the supremacy of law in the country. The meeting was numerously attended. Resolutions sustaining the Federal Government were adopted, and speeches were made by Judge Thomas, B. F. Hallet, J. C. Park, and others.--Boston Transcript, April 30. William C. Rives, Senator Hunter, Judge Brockenbrough, and Messrs. Preston and Camden, have been appointed by the Richmond Convention as delegates to the Montgomery Congress from Virginia.--Montgomery (Ala.) Post, May 1. By order of Governor Harris of Tennessee, seventy-five thousand dollars' worth of Tennessee bonds and five thousand dollars in cash, belonging to the United States, which were in possession of the Collector at Nashville, were seized by the State authorities. The seizure was conditional, the property t
erminated in the reduction and capture of the garrison.--(Doc. 135.) The Forts on Lake Ponchartrain, La., were this day evacuated by the rebel forces, and all their gunboats on the lake were burnt or otherwise destroyed.--Richmond Dispatch, April 29. New-Orleans, La., surrendered to the naval forces of the United States, under the command of Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut.--(Doc. 149.) Major-Gen. C. F. Smith died at Savannah, Tenn., at four o'clock this afternoon, of dysentery. He wal, in Western Virginia, and found guilty of murdering a Union soldier, the two first named were sentenced to be hung, and the third to wear a ball and chain, and perform hard labor during the war. Major-Gen. Fremont, in an order issued this day, confirmed the findings and sentence of the court. The hanging is to take place at Suttonville, on the ninth of May, and the ball and chain individual is ordered to Camp Chase, to satisfy the violated law in that locality.--Cincinnati Gazette, April 29.
., on the Gordonsville road, were attacked by a large force of Ashby's rear-guard, and driven back. One man, named Isaac Zelly, of the Forty-sixth Pennsylvania regiment, was killed, and three others wounded. The reserve of the Forty-sixth, and a section of Hampton's battery then advanced and repulsed the rebels. They retreated to a wood, where several of the Union shells burst in their very midst, and a wagon was seen gathering up and carrying off their dead and wounded.--New York Times, April 29. The rebel General, Albert Pike, issued a proclamation complimenting the Indian allies for their bravery at the battle at Pea Ridge, Ark. N. Y. Tribune, May 2. President Lincoln, at Washington, visited the French frigate Gassendi to-day — it being the first time a President of the United States ever went aboard a foreign man-of-war. He was received with the honors paid to crowned heads, the same as usually shown the Emperor. The yards were manned by the crew, who shouted; Vive l
. 152.) Mansfield Lovell, General late in command of the rebel forces at New Orleans, La., telegraphed to Richmond as follows from Camp Moore, La.:--Forts Jackson and St. Philip are still in good condition, and in our hands. The steamers Louisiana and McRae are safe. The enemy's fleet are at the city, (New Orleans), but they have not forces enough to occupy it. The inhabitants are stanchly loyal. Fort Livingston, La., was this day evacuated by the rebel forces.--National Intelligencer, May 10. Gen. Beauregard, at Memphis, Tennessee, issued the following address to the planters of the South :--The casualties of war have opened the Mississippi to our enemies. The time has therefore come to test the earnestness of all classes, and I call upon all patriotic planters owning cotton in the possible reach of our enemies to apply the torch to it without delay or hesitation. --Missouri Democrat. Purdy, Tennessee, was evacuated by the confederates.--Memphis Argus, April 29.