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A man named Steele hoisted a Secession flag at East Fairhaven, Massachusetts. He was warned day after day, but refused to take it down. A party from Mattapoisett paid him a visit and demanded the flag to be taken down. He refused to comply with the request, and threatened to shoot whoever attempted to take it down. After parleying awhile, he was taken and marched three miles to Mattapoisett, where a coat of tar and feathers was applied to a part of his person, giving him a handsome set of tail feathers, and then he was compelled to give three cheers for the Stars and Stripes, take an oath to support the Constitution, and never again raise other than the American flag.--Boston Transcript, April 29.
ruck a bargain with the captain to load it with provisions and stores for Fort Sumter. Every arrangement was made to carry this plan into effect on Saturday night; and had Major Anderson been able to hold out, he would have got the requisite aid then. But unfortunately he surrendered on Saturday, and the enterprise had to be given up as abortive. Of course, Capt. Bowen did not tell this little incident to the Secessionists, who, after his arrival at Charleston, boarded his ship, and compelled him to make the statement which appeared in the Courier. He kept it to himself, and cleared for Georgetown, for which port he had a freight; but once out at sea, he thought he had seen enough of Southern trade, and made a straight course for home. When on board the Pawnce, the captain voluntarily tendered to the commander of that vessel any aid that he or his schooner could render to the country; and it was in consequence of this offer that the schooner was purchased.--N. Y. Times, April 29.
nal pride Sweeping on through the clime, in a torrent sublime, And bearing all hearts on its tide. Who fears for the issue? Ah, that must be left To the Mightiest Leader of all; While He holds the scale, Truth and Right will prevail, And Error and Treason will fall. A stain on our banner? Oh! shame to the heart Or the lip that could breathe such a thought! Every hue is as clear, every fold is as dear, As when first the bright symbol was bought. With the blood of brave men it was purchased, and we Pledge our own lives to keep it unstained; On the land or the sea, where'er it may be, Its honor shall still be maintained. Heaven's blessings upon it! Its stars never shone With a lustre so pure and so warm; Like a beacon's calm ray, pointing out the safe way, They gleam through this gathering storm. Their heart-cheering light led our fathers aright, Through all the dark perils they knew; The same magic glow shall lead us to the foe, And guide us to victory too! --N. Y. Times, April 29.
nt of the Richmond Whig, writing from Norfolk, gives the following account of affairs at the time of the destruction of the Gosport Navy Yard:-- The truth is, everybody was drunk, from Commodore Macaulay, the commandant, down. The Commodore was so drunk as to be incapable of any duty, and had to be borne to the ship on a litter. Nearly every officer, it was reported, was having a high old time. It seems we have a swilling set opposed to us, even those filling the highest stations. A gentleman arrived here this morning, who, with several others, was arrested while passing through Washington, for being Southerners, and taken into the presence of the august Baboon. He declares that Lincoln was so drunk that he could scarcely maintain his seat in the chair; and it was notorious in Washington that he had been in a state of intoxication for more than thirty-six hours. The man is scared nearly to death, and few people in that city are in any better condition.--N. O. Delta, April 29.
At New York, a matronly lady, accompanied by her son, a fine youth of about nineteen years, entered a gun store on Broadway, and purchased a full outfit for him. Selecting the best weapons and other articles for a soldier's use, that could be found in the store, she paid the bill, remarking, with evident emotion, This, my son, is all that I can do. I have given you up to serve your country, and may God go with you! It is all a mother can do. The incident attracted considerable attention, and tearful eyes followed this patriotic mother and her son, as they departed from the place.--N. Y. Times, April 29.
, marble, and velvet — blended together to the eye in the dim, religious light, that falls from the ceiling: The reporters' gallery afforded a place for the band; the speaker's desk, tapestried with the country's flag, held the Bible and Prayer-Book of the chaplain; and the choir ranged themselves in the clerk's circle below. The Regiment nearly filled the floor and galleries, and the whole scene was impressive. The opening voluntary swelled to the remotest corner of a room better adapted to proper musical effect than any ever entered before. The words of the Collect--Defend us, thy humble servants, in all assaults of our enemies; that we, surely trusting in Thy defence, may not fear the power of any adversaries --had a meaning never felt before. The chaplain selected for his text the 39th verse of the Sermon on the Mount: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. --N. Y. Express, April 29
A Regiment of Smiths.--We understand that it is the intention of Mr. Chas. Smith, connected with Hodge's banking establishment, to organize a regiment to be composed entirely of members of the Smith family, for the purpose.of establishing a right of way through Baltimore. All persons of the name of Smith, (none other need apply,) who are capable of bearing arms, and desire to join such a regiment, are requested to call at No. 558 Broadway.--N. Y. News, April 29.
--Well, you see, the fact of the matther is, Lieut. C., I ain't much of a scholar; I can't argue the question with you, but what would my mother say, if I desarted my colors? Oh, the divil a give — in I'll ever give in, now, and that's the ind of it. I tried to run away once, a few weeks after enlistin, but a man wouldn't be missed thin. It's quite different now, Lieutenant, and I'm going not to disgrace naither IV my countries. Officer — Do you know that you will have to fire on green Irish colors, in the Southern ranks? Pat--And won't you have to fire on them colors, (pointing to the flag at Fort Bliss,) that yerself and five of us licked nineteen rangers under? Sure, it isn't a greater shame for an Irishman to fire on Irish colors, than for an American to fire on American colors. An’ th' oath'll be on my side, you know, Lieutenant. Officer — D — n the man that relies on Paddies, I say. Pat--The same compliments to desarters, your honor.--N. Y. Commercial, April 29
the pangs of starvation, like these mongrel hordes of all nationalities of the operative class of the Northern cities. Our sons of the soil, patriots by birthright, grasp their weapons, leaving their homes of plenty, spring impetuously to arms, ask but one favor — that they may be placed face to face with the foe. Our volunteer soldiery is not the soldiery of necessity-men worth their hundreds of thousands carry the musket in the ranks. Plenty reigns in our dwellings, and is gladly abandoned for the privations of the camp. Such is the materiel with which we meet a mercenary pauper soldiery. Who would doubt the issue when it is man to man? The creatures of one side, sordid and indifferent, fight for so much per diem as the alternative of starvation. The men on the other side fight for rights and liberties, filled with ardor by the noblest impulses. Let these foes meet in pitched battle, and the sons of the South will triumph were the enemy five to one.--N. Y. Express, April 29.
In the Concord Company which is with the Fifth Massachusetts Regiment, are four Buttricks, sons of one man, and he the descendant of Col. Buttrick who gave the word of command at Concord Bridge, on the 19th of April, 1775, Fire! Fellow-soldiers! For God's sake, fire! --Boston Transcript, April 29.