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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Grasse-Tilly, Francois Joseph Paul, Count de 1723-1788 (search)
nch fleet, under his command, appeared on the American coast. He had sailed from France, towards the end of March, with twenty-six Map: Virginia 1788, position of the English and French fleets previous to the action. ships-of-the-line, followed by an immense convoy of about 250 merchantmen. That convoy he put safely into the harbor of Port Royal, having carefully avoided a close engagement with a part of Rodney's fleet, under Admiral Hood. He engaged with British vessels at long range (April 29), and so injured them that they were obliged to go to Antigua for repairs, and, meanwhile, he accomplished the conquest of Tobago in June. He then proceeded with the fleet of merchantmen to Santo Domingo, and soon afterwards sailed with an immense return convoy, bound for France. After seeing it well on its way, he steered for Chesapeake, and, despite the activity of British fleets watching for him, he was safe within the capes of Virginia, and at anchor, with twenty-four ships-of-the-lin
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Heintzelman, Samuel Peter 1805-1880 (search)
ecruits and convalescents, with whom he marched to the city of Mexico. After the war he commanded in the southern district of California, and effectually suppressed Indian hostilities. Soon after the treachery of Gen. David E. Samuel P. Heintzelman. Twiggs he left Texas, and was made inspector-general in Washington, D. C. In May he was commissioned a brigadier-general of volunteers, and commanded a Johanna Maria Heckewelder. division under McDowell in the battle of Bull Run, where he was severely wounded. In the campaign on the Peninsula he commanded an army corps, having been made major-general of volunteers in May. General Heintzelman commanded the right wing of Pope's army in the battle of Manassas, or second battle of Bull Run, and afterwards took command of the defences of Washington. He retired in February, 1869, as colonel, and, by special act of Congress, was promoted to major-general on the retired list, April 29, following. He died in Washington, D. C., May 1, 1880.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Peacock, the (search)
Peacock, the A notable war-vessel of the United States in the War of 1812, mounting eighteen guns. In March, 1814, under command of Captain Warrington, she sailed from New York on a cruise. She Warrington medal. was off the coast of Florida for some time without encountering any conspicuous adventure. On April 29, Warrington discovered three sails to the windward, under convoy of an armed brig of large dimensions. The two war-vessels made for each other, and very soon a close and severe battle ensued. the Peacock was so badly injured in her rigging at the beginning that she was compelled to fight running at large, as the phrase is. She could not manoeuvre much, and the contest became one of gunnery. the Peacock won the game at the end of forty minutes. Her antagonist, which proved to be the Épervier, eighteen guns, Captain Wales, struck her colors. She was badly injured, no less than forty-five round-shot having struck her hull. Twenty-two of her men were killed or woun
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Porter, David 1780- (search)
s. He took from her all the captured Americans, cast her armament overboard, and sent her into Callao, with a letter to the viceroy, in which he denounced the piratical conduct of her commander. Recapturing one of the American vessels, Porter sailed for the Galapagos Islands, the resort of English whalers. There were over twenty of them in that region, most of them armed, and bearing letters-of-marque. Porter cruised among the islands for nearly a fortnight without meeting a vessel. On April 29 he discovered two or three English whaleships. He first captured the Montezuma. He had made a flotilla of small boats, which he placed under the command of Lieutenant Downes. These pushed forward and captured the Georgiana and Policy. From these Porter procured ample supplies of provisions and naval stores. With the guns of the Policy added to those of the Georgiana, the latter, fitted up as a cruiser, became a worthy consort of the Essex. Her armament now consisted of sixteen guns, a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
and the ship Cleopatra, with military supplies for that island, is seized......April 25, 1851 First train on the Erie Railway, New York to Dunkirk......April 28, 29, 1851 Extension of the United States Capitol; corner-stone laid by the President; oration by Daniel Webster......July 4, 1851 [Extension finished, November, 1 occupied by the United States forces under Gen. O. M. Mitchel......April 11, 1862 Bill abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia passes the Senate April 3, 29 to 14, and the House April 11, 92 to 39; approved......April 16, 1862 [The average compensation paid by the government for each slave was $300.] Admiral Farrast in the United States, formally opened......April 24, 1889 Centennial of inauguration of President Washington celebrated in New York City and elsewhere......April 29–May 1, 1889 Body of Dr. Cronin, of Chicago, who had disappeared three weeks previously, found in a sewer......May 22, 1889 Johnstown flood......May 31, 188
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
federates under General Van Dorn, Oct. 3-4; Grenada occupied by General Hovey's expedition, 20,000 strong, Dec. 2; Van Dorn defeats the Federal cavalry in battle of Coffeeville, Dec. 5; Holly Springs surrendered to the Confederates, Dec. 20; unsuccessful attack of Federals on Vicksburg......Dec. 27-29, 1862 Important military operations during 1863: Colonel Grierson with Federal troops makes a raid through the State from Tennessee to Louisiana, April 17–May 5; naval battle of Grand Gulf, April 29; McClernand defeats the Confederates at Port Gibson, May 1; Raymond occupied by Federals under General McPherson, May 12; McPherson occupies Jackson, May 14; Grant defeats Pemberton at Champion Hills, May 16, and at Big Black River, May 17; Vicksburg invested by forces under General Grant, May 18; Vicksburg surrendered, July 4; Jackson evacuated by General Johnston, who had occupied it after the advance of the Federals on Vicksburg, and the city is occupied by General Sherman......July 16,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
86 Office of factory inspector established for the State......May 18, 1886 John Kelly, Democratic politician, dies at New York......June 1, 1886 Total cost of new capitol at Albany, $17,914,875.02 to......Sept. 30, 1887 John T. Hoffman, born 1828, dies in Germany......June 10, 1888 [Elected governor by the Democrats, 1868 and 1870.] David B. Hill re-elected governor......November, 1888 Centennial of the first inauguration of George Washington celebrated in New York......April 29–May 1, 1889 Population of the State, 5,997,853......1890 George William Curtis elected chancellor of the board of regents of the State of New York......Jan. 30, 1890 Schenectady commemorates the 200th anniversary of the massacre by French and Indians......Feb. 9, 1890 John Jacob Astor, born 1822, dies at New York......Feb. 22, 1890 Governor Hill signs the Adirondack State park bill......March 11, 1890 Charles T. Saxton introduced in 1888 the first bill embodying the Austra
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Washington's inauguration, Centennial of (search)
Washington's inauguration, Centennial of On April 29 and 30, 1889, the city of New York celebrated the centennial of the inauguration of George Washington as the first President of the United States. The occasion was also observed quite generally throughout the country, but nowhere in so imposing a manner as in the city in which that inauguration had taken place. The celebration was opened with a naval parade in the harbor on the morning of April 29. President Harrison, following as nearly as possible the same route of travel as President Washington, was conveyed by water from Elizabethport to New York, being escorted by a committee of governors, commissioners of State, and other distinguished personages. Upon his arrival in the East River he was transferred to a barge manned by a crew of ship-masters from the Marine Society of the Port of New York, and by them rowed to the shore. The crew of the barge that rowed President Washington from Elizabethport to the foot of Wall Str