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re in possession of the Collector at Nashville, were seized by the State authorities. The seizure was conditional, the property to be held in trust until the Government restores the property of the State and its citizens, involved in the seizure of the steamer Hillman by troops of the Federal Government. The steamer Hillman was seized at Cairo, by the Illinois troops, on the 26th of April, because she was laden with munitions and other articles contraband of war.--National Intelligencer, May 7. The Charleston Mercury of to-day contains the following:--To His Excellency Governor Pickens.--Will you oblige the mothers, wives, and sisters of the Carolina troops, and appoint next Thursday as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the late bloodless victory.--one of many. Several companies of the Third and Fourth Regiments of Georgia passed through Augusta for the expected scene of warfare — Virginia. Sixteen well-drilled companies of volunteers and one negro company, from
April 30. The Virginia Convention passed an ordinance to provide against the sacrifice of property, and to suspend proceedings in certain cases. It is to apply only to debts due non-residents, and not to those due the State. The ordinance is to remain in force until repealed or changed by the Convention or the General Assembly; and if not so repealed or changed, is to expire at the end of thirty days after the first day of the General Assembly.--National Intelligencer, May 7. The school-teachers of Boston, Mass., relinquished the following proportion of their salaries during the continuance of the national troubles: Superintendent of Schools and Masters of Latin, English High and Girls' High and Normal Schools--25 per cent. Masters of Grammar Schools and Sub-masters of Latin and English High Schools--15 per cent. Sub-masters of Grammar Schools and Ushers of Latin and English High Schools--12 1/2 per cent. Ushers of the Grammar Schools--10 per cent. The aggre
ce made or proposed. That sort of business ended on the 4th of March. F. W. Seward. --N. Y. Times, May 2. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Wiscasset, Maine, was held, Wilmot Wood, Esq., presiding. Some spirited resolutions were unanimously passed; and it was recommended to the town to raise $5,000 for the support of families of volunteers who, under the command of Edwin M. Smith, Esq., were enrolled in a company for the defence of the Union.--Boston Transcript, May 7. The Baptist State Convention of Georgia, submitted a communication to the Congress of the seceded States at Montgomery, endorsing, approving, and avowing support to, the Confederate Government, and requesting the said Government to proclaim a day of fasting and prayer, that God will deliver us from the power of our enemies, and restore peace to the country. --(Doc. 124.) The governor of Connecticut sent a message to the legislature of that State, containing the following:--Col. Sa
erformance of all those high duties imposed upon us by our obligations to our families, our country, and our God. --Louisville Journal, May 4. President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling into the service of the United States 42,000 volunteers for three years service, and directing the increase of the regular army and navy of the United States.--(Doc. 131.) Four companies of volunteers left Buffalo, N. Y., for the rendezvous at Elmira. They were escorted to the depot by the Home Guard. Major Millard Fillmore, Ex-President, commanding in person. The Home Guard is composed of retired commissioned officers of the State Militia, and is being thoroughly drilled by Major Fillmore. About 150 members are already enrolled.--N. Y. Tribune, May 4. Two associations of ladies of New Orleans were formed for aiding and equipping volunteers, and for making lint and bandages, and nursing the sick and wounded. The meetings were very large and enthusiastic.--Baltimore Sun, May 7th.
c auction; said committee to have power, also, to receive moneys presented in aid of the fund. Messrs. Gray, Lang, Hubbard, Huntington, Stone, and Baker were named the committee, with full power to forward the plan proposed.--N. Y. Evening Post, May 7. The Ithaca (N. Y.) volunteers arrived in New York on their way to the seat of war. They number one hundred and fifteen men, and are commanded by the following officers:--Captain, Jerome Rowe; First Lieutenant, James Tischner; Ensign, Willia of Peace; but in this crisis, my friends, it is my firm conviction that the best and surest way to perpetuate the blessing is promptly to send down, if need be, half a million of men to those seditious brethren of ours, and compel them to keep the peace. We cherish no malice against them--God forbid. But their traitorous hands are now clutching the very life of our body politic, and we must use prompt and vigorous action in defence of our very national existence. --N. Y. Evening Post, May 7.
he other officers are Acting Lieut.-Col. W. R. Brewster; Adjutant, D. A. Bokee; Surgeon, P. B. Rice; Surgeon's Mates, Drs. Rappold and Prentice; Captain of Engineer Corps, Von Kumeke; Quartermaster, F. Steigier; Assistant Quartermaster, C. Menseh; Acting Paymaster, W. Mavelle; Chaplain, Mr. Zapt. They number about six hundred men, divided into ten companies, commanded by Captains Brewer, Baker, Campbell, Brandenberry, Beadle, Seeper, Ruegor, Wills, Kuhl, and Weaver.--National Intelligencer, May 7. Brigadier-General Philip St. George Cooke commanding the Potomac Department of the State of Virginia, in orders issued to-day, says: The capital of the United States has never been threatened, and it is not now threatened. It is beyond and outside the limits of the free and sovereign State of Virginia. If Gen. Cocke means to say that the capital of the United States has never been threatened by him, all credence will be given to his declarations under this head; but if it is
been armed. But up to this time, though the guns have come, the accoutrements are still behind.--Indiana State Journal, May 7. Virginia was admitted into the Southern Confederacy in Secret Session of the Confederate Congress.--N. Y. Times, Ma and was called to the post of Secretary of the Treasury, under James Buchanan, January 11, 1861.--Commercial Advertiser, May 7. The First, Second, and Third regiments of New Jersey State Militia arrived at Washington. They constitute, with thdinance of secession from the Federal Union. The ordinance was unanimously ratified by the State.--New Orleans Picayune, May 7. The correspondence between Mr. Faulkner, late American Minister at Paris, and Secretary Seward, in relation to the ight of the United States Government to occupy or touch the soil of the sovereign State of Missouri.--St. Louis Democrat, May 7. An important interview took place at Camp Defiance, Cairo, Ill., between Colonel Tilghman, commander of the Kentuck
May 7. A serious riot occurred at Knoxville, Tenn., caused by hoisting a Union flag and the delivery of inflammatory speeches. About twenty shots were fired in all. A man named Douglas, a ringleader in the fight, was wounded, having received several shots. An outsider, named Bull, was mortally wounded.--National Intelligencer, May 11. Judge Ogden of the County Court of Oyer and Terminer. of Hudson County, N. J., delivered a charge to the Grand Jury, in which he defined the crime of treason as giving aid, comfort, and information to the enemy. The Massachusetts First Regiment, which has been for several days at Boston waiting marching orders, on learning that the War Department would hereafter accept no troops for a less period than three years, unanimously offered their services to the Governor for the full term. The New Jersey House of Assembly ordered to a third reading the bill to raise a war loan of $1,000,000. Resolutions of thanks to Governor Olden for his a
firm, whether cotton purchased on foreign account would be treated as exempted from the general law which declares that all cotton shall be destroyed when it is about to fall into the hands of the enemy, says: I know no law which prohibits the purchase of cotton on foreign account, but I am not aware of any law or reason of policy which should induce this government to extend to property thus purchased greater protection than is extended to that of our own citizens. It is the settled determination of the government to allow no cotton to fall into the hands of our enemies, as it is perfectly well known that they would seize and appropriate to themselves all cotton they could find, without regard to ownership. If your correspondents buy cotton they must expect to share the same risks as are incurred by our own citizens. --Richmond Dispatch, May 7. The rebel schooner C. C. Pinckney, from Charleston, S. C., for Nassau, N. P., was captured by the United States gunboat Ottawa.
May 7. This afternoon the rebel pickets above Columbiana Bridge, on the east side of the Shenandoah River, Va., were driven back by detachments under Col. Foster, who was subsequently ambuscaded by two rebel regiments. The action lasted an hour, when Foster withdrew in good order. The enemy did not pursue. A company of Vermont cavalry was cut off and surrounded, but escaped by swimming the river. The enemy's loss is not known, except seven prisoners, belonging to the Sixth Virginia an Spanish waters within sight of her, for two months. Thirteen of the Sumter's crew meanwhile deserted to the gunboat. Seeing no other end to such a state of affairs, the Captain of the Sumter discharged his crew and sold his ship.--N. Y. Times, May 7. General Cox's advance, consisting of part of the Twenty-third Ohio, under Major Cauley, occupied Giles's Court-House and the narrows of New River, driving out the rebels, who were taken by surprise. A considerable quantity of commissary st