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ntial) in regard to General Burnside. Having no intention to enter into any discussions in regard to differences or disputes which have arisen out of the events of the war, I shall very much regret the necessity of bringing my name into any question of difference between yourself and General Burnside. In order that you may have in your possession all the documentary evidence on the subject, I enclose herewith copies of my letter to him of May ninth 1863, and his telegraphic answer of May fourteenth. Whether or not General Burnside ever made the promised answer to your pamphlet, I know not. I have never seen any, and the enlosure is the only correspondence we ever had on the subject. Both Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Stanton assured me at the time that General Burnside had never made to them, or in their presence, the statement alluded to in your pamphlet; out that on the contrary, he had always expressed full confidence in, and warm regard for both the Secretary and myself. Very resp
d be brought; time is all important. I immediately replied as follows: Bovina, May 14, ‘63--I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your communication. I move at can quickly assemble should be brought — time is all important. On Thursday, May fourteenth, the enemy advanced, by the Raymond and Clinton roads, upon Jackson. ps encamped. From this point I sent to General Pemberton the dispatch of May fourteenth, of which the following is a copy: General: The body of troops ment that day I received a letter from General Pemberton, dated Edwards' Depot, May fourteenth (Thursday)--5.40 P. M.: I shall move, as early to-morrow morning as practict reply to the order sent him from Jackson to attack Sherman, dated Bovina, May fourteenth, 9.10 A. M., as follows: I move at once, with my whole available force, froe Twenty-ninth North Carolina regiment. I have introduced my dispatch of May fourteenth into this report, because General Pemberton, after stating that it was not