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n the camp, who were in no manner responsible for its treasonable character. Disclaiming, as I do, all desire or intention to interfere in any way with the prerogatives of the State of Missouri or with the functions of its executive or other authorities, yet I regard it as my plain path of duty to express to the people in respectful, but at the same time decided language, that, within the field and scope of my command and authority, the supreme law of the land must and shall be maintained, and no subterfuges, whether in the forms of legislative acts or otherwise, can be permitted to harass or oppress the good and law-abiding people of Missouri. I shall exert my authority to protect their persons and property from violations of every kind, and I shall deem it my duty to suppress all unlawful combinations of men, whether formed under pretext of military organizations or otherwise. Wm. S. Harney, Brigadier-General United States Army, Commanding. --St. Louis Republican, May 14.
Doc. 163.-the Confederate fast. In the open session of the Confederate Congress, May 14, several resolutions of interest were offered and adopted. The first of these is a resolution presented by Mr. T. R. R. Cobb, of Georgia, in reference to a general day of Fasting and Prayer. As the sentiments and intent of the resolutions are good, I shall give them to your readers entire, as follows: The dependence of nations, as of individuals, upon an overruling Providence, at all times, we fully recognize; but when perils surround, and national existence is threatened, it peculiarly becomes a people to manifest their submission to the will and guidance of the Omnipotent Ruler of the universe. If the cause be righteous and the quarrel just, we may confidently rely on Him who reigneth alike over the armies of earth and the hosts of heaven. At the same time, we recognize our duty to appeal humbly to Him who hath said: I will be inquired of my people. To the end, therefore, that
d persons entitled to our protection who may misconduct themselves in the premises will do so at their peril and of their own wrong, and that they will in nowise obtain any protection from us against any liability or penal consequences, but will, on the contrary, incur our high displeasure by such misconduct. Given at our Court at the White Lodge, Richmond Park, this 13th day of May, in the year of our Lord 1861, and in the 24th year of our reign. God save the Queen. --London Gazette, May 14. Discussion in the House of Lords. In the House of Lords, on the 16th ult., the Earl of Ellenborough said he wished to put a question to his noble friend the Lord President, on the subject of Her Majesty's recent proclamation. It seemed to him to be of essential importance that the proclamation which instructed Her majesty's subjects how they were to conduct themselves with regard to the unfortunate war which now existed in America, should be so clear and unambiguous, that it should n
king of Potosi, Mo. The Union men of Washington county having been threatened with extermination, and some of them having been driven from Potosi, the county seat, complaint was made to Gen. Lyon, of the St. Louis Arsenal, and that brave and gallant officer determined to give the Union men in that section of the country protection. Accordingly an expedition was planned and put under the command of Capt. Coles, of company A, Fifth Regiment of U. S. Volunteers. At 10 o'clock, P. M., Tuesday, May 14th, Capt. Cole's command, consisting of some 150 men, left the Arsenal on a special train for their destination. They arrived at Potosi at 3 o'clock, A. M., on Wednesday, and immediately threw a chain of sentinels around the entire town. Guards were then stationed around the dwellings of the most prominent secessionists, and, shortly after daylight, some 150 men found themselves prisoners, and were marched off to the Court House. Here the prisoners were formed in line, and by the assis
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 257.-General Lyon's proclamation. (search)
pt the provisions of the bill, and, coupled as it was, on the part of the Legislature and the Governor, with declarations hostile to its authority and in sympathy with those who were arrayed in a condition of actual hostility against it, could leave no doubt of its object to carry out the provisions of this extraordinary bill, having in direct view hostilities to the Federal Government. It was so denounced by Gen. Barney, who characterized it as a secession ordinance in his proclamation of 14th May last, That proclamation, doubtless, gave rise to an interview between Gen. Harney and Gen. Price, that resulted in an agreement which it was hoped would lead to a restoration of tranquillity and good order in your State. That a repudiation of the military bill, and all efforts of the militia of the State under its provisions was the basis of the agreement, was shown as well by this proclamation of Gen. Harney immediately preceding it, as by a paper submitted to Gen. Price, containing the p