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ance of the Rodman guns, and posted also the four twelve-pound Napoleon guns of the Fourth Ohio battery in a position on the hill on the left of the road, some distance to the right and rear of the howitzer section. On the morning of the fourteenth of May, the howitzers of battery F, Second Missouri artillery, fired on a line of rifle-pits in front with shells, nearly enfilading them, and the twelve-pound Napoleon guns of the Fourth Ohio opened on a piece of timber which was occupied by the he battle of Resacca. Your fairness will, I am sure, lead you to correct the mistake. The division was not last, as the correspondent states, but was on the extreme left, and was the first to encounter the enemy on Saturday morning, the fourteenth of May. The column had moved through woods impassable for artillery, and the skirmishing had commenced before any battery had come up. The artillery of General Cox's division cut their own road through the woods, bridged ravines, and were on the
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 19. the siege of Suffolk, Virginia. (search)
is division came by the Weldon railway to Franklin, and marched twenty miles, being engaged, on the third, at Suffolk. Had Longstreet wished to send troops to Chancellorsville (third), why did not this division keep the rail? By coming to Suffolk it lost more than two full days. Longstreet's army did not pass through Richmond until after the tenth of May. The rear guard left the Blackwater on the eleventh, and was met by our exchanged officers, near the city, on the thirteenth or fourteenth of May. General Lee's testimony. Lee, in his report of Chancellorsville transmitted to the rebel Congress by Jefferson Davis, December thirty-first, 1863, says of Longstreet, that he was detached for service south of the James River in February, and did not rejoin the army until after the battle of Chancellorsville. Commander-in-chief's report. The commanding General visited Suffolk during the investment, and in his annual report, says, viz.: The rebel General Hill marched towards
l, drove the enemy from his barricades, and carried the place with very light loss. This was the last of our fighting for the day. We advanced a few miles to the right, entered Sugar Valley, and camped (with the corps in line), for the night. May 14.--Early this morning, our corps moved toward the enemy's position at Resaca, on the right bank of the Oostanaula river, Georgia. At about twelve M., we came upon the enemy in position, about three miles from the river. The face of the country i This fact enabled his army to reach Resaca from Dalton along the comparatively good roads constructed beforehand, partly from the topographical nature of the country, and partly from the foresight of the rebel chief. At all events, on the fourteenth of May, we found the rebel army in a strong position behind Camp creek, occupying the forts of Resaca, and his right on some high chestnut hills to the north of the town. I at once ordered a pontoon bridge to be laid across the Oostanaula at Lay'
he reached on the twenty-seventh of April. Here a serious difficulty arose in getting Admiral Porter's fleet, which accompanied the expedition, over the rapids, the water having fallen so much since they passed up as to prevent their return. At the suggestion of Colonel (now Brigadier-General) Bailey, and under his superintendence, wing-dams were constructed, by which the channel was contracted so that the fleet passed down the rapids in safety. The army evacuted Alexandria on the fourteenth of May, after considerable skirmishing with the enemy's advance, and reached Morganzia and Point Coupee near the end of the month. The disastrous termination of this expedition, and the lateness of the season, rendered impracticable the carrying out of my plan of a movement in force sufficient to ensure the capture of Mobile. On the twenty-third of March, Major-General Steele left Little Rock with the Seventh Army Corps to cooperate with General Banks' expedition on Red river, and reached
Doc. 61. Sheridan's cavalry expedition. headquarters cavalry corps, Haxall's Landing, on James river, May 14--3 P. M. The cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac, under the command of Major-General P. H. Sheridan, have during the past ten days covered themselves with glory, and accomplished the most decisive results of the war. They have fought and defeated Stuart's boasted cavalry for nine successive days, flanked his army, destroyed all his communications with Richmond, captured and destroyed three long trains loaded with commissary stores, together with two first-class engines; recaptured three hundred and seventy-eight Union prisoners, including two colonels, one lieutenant-colonel, and several officers of lower grade; captured three pieces of artillery and about two hundred prisoners, taken the outer line of fortifications on the north side of Richmond, whipped their cavalry and infantry within the sound of the church bells of their capital, and brought the command saf